Bigfoot mit der Option „Absatz“ kann Fußnoten nicht pro Seite zählen

Bigfoot mit der Option „Absatz“ kann Fußnoten nicht pro Seite zählen

Ich setze ein großes und komplexes Dokument mit mehreren zehntausend Fußnoten. Einige dieser Notizen sind umfangreich, viele andere sind jedoch sehr kurz.

Daher muss ich die Fußnotennummerierung „pro Seite“ verwenden, was das perpagePaket problemlos handhabt.

Ich möchte die kurzen Notizen auch in einem einzigen Absatz unterbringen, wenn das praktisch ist, während die längeren Fußnoten einen eigenen Absatz haben. Das bigfootPaket mit \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}macht das gut.

Ich hatte jedoch Schwierigkeiten, die beiden Verhaltensweisen miteinander zu vereinbaren: Bei korrekter Absatzgliederung der Notizen werden die Fußnoten pro Seite nicht gezählt.

Hier ist ein MWE.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 



Die Lösung bestand in einer modifizierten Version von Harishs Vorschlag:



Ich verwende \AtBeginDocumentusw. anstelle des Originals, \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}wie vom Autor des Pakets vorgeschlagenin seinen Kommentaren zum Paket.Für meine Zwecke funktionieren jedoch beide gut.


bigfootEs ist nicht die beste Idee, Dinge, die alleine gut funktionieren, von anderen Paketen erledigen zu lassen : Es besteht immer ein gewisses Risiko, dass sie in Konflikt geraten bigfoot.

footmisckönnte sich heutzutage perpageselbst verwenden, also könnte die akzeptierte Antwort durchaus funktionieren.

Auf jeden Fall scheint Ihr Problem völlig selbstgemacht zu sein: Ihr MWE wird geladen, perpageohne dass tatsächlich etwas damit gemacht wird ( perpagebietet nur die Möglichkeit, Zähler im Allgemeinen zu ändern, berührt aber keine vorhandenen Zähler). Die bigfoot.dtxDatei selbst enthält, glaube ich, einige minimale Beispiele für die perpageordnungsgemäße Verwendung.

BEARBEITEN DURCH LOCKSTEP: Muss im Beispiel des OP \MakePerPage{footnotedefault}hinzugefügt werden.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 


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