Complicated tikz vector diagram (Approximate Miss Distance Produced by Turns)

Complicated tikz vector diagram (Approximate Miss Distance Produced by Turns)

Ich reproduziere gerne das folgende Bild aus einemLuftfahrtbericht 1957in tikz pgfplots. Es ist ziemlich kompliziert und ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie ich es angehen soll. Knoten und Positionierung sind zu umständlich/erfordern Feinabstimmung und ich sehe nicht, wo ich Ketten verwenden kann.

Also Gedanken und Versuche?

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Ein Ansatzpunkt ist die NutzungKoordinaten und Winkel tikzlibrary. However the above figure has a lot of points and that just I don't think setting absolute coordinates is a good approach.

    (3,-1) coordinate (a) node[right] {a}
    -- (0,0) coordinate (b) node[left] {b}
    -- (2,2) coordinate (c) node[above right] {c}
    pic["$\alpha$", draw=orange, <->, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]


Illustrating the "multiple arrows" requirement by exploiting the show path construction decoration and the calc library:

\documentclass[tikz, border=5]{standalone}
  multi arrows/.style args={#1 with #2 sep}{
    decoration={show path construction, 
      lineto code={
        \foreach \i [count=\j from 0] in {1,...,#1}
          \draw let \p1=(\tikzinputsegmentfirst),\p2=(\tikzinputsegmentlast),
            \n3={\n2+#2} in [every multi arrow/.try] 
            ($(\tikzinputsegmentfirst)!\n3*\j!(\tikzinputsegmentlast)$) --
  every multi arrow/.style={
     thick, draw, ->


  (0:0)   coordinate (O)  node [anchor=225] {$O$}
  (135:3) coordinate (A1) node [anchor=-45] {$A_1$}
  (240:5) coordinate (A2) node [anchor=80]  {$A_2$}
  (280:3) coordinate (o)
 +(150:4) coordinate (a)  
 +( 60:6) coordinate (c)  
  ($(o)!0.9!(a)$) coordinate (p1) node [anchor=0] {$p_1$}
 +(250:2)         coordinate (v1) 
  ($(o)!0.3!(c)$) coordinate (p2) 
 +( 20:2)         coordinate (v2)
  ($(o)!0.9!(c)$) coordinate (-v1);

\draw [dashed] (a) -- (o) -- (c);
\path pic ["$90^\circ$", draw, <->, angle eccentricity=1.25, angle radius=0.75cm]

\draw [multi arrows=3 with 5pt sep] (A1) -- (O);
\draw [multi arrows=5 with 5pt sep] (A2) -- (O);
\draw [multi arrows=1 with 0pt sep] 
  (O) -- (p1) node [marking] {$p_1$}
      -- (v1) node [marking] {$v_1$};
\draw [multi arrows=1 with 0pt sep] 
  (O) -- (p2)  node [marking] {$p_2$} 
      -- (v2)  node [marking] {$v_2$}
      -- (-v1) node [marking] {$-v_1$};


Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


This is one possible solution.

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


    \tikzset{>=triangle 45}
       (-3,3) coordinate (a) node[right] {a}
    -- coordinate[pos=0.2,left](p1) (0,0) coordinate (b) node [left] {}
    -- coordinate[pos=0.3,right](p2)
 (5,5) coordinate (c) node [above right] {c}
    pic["$90^\circ$", draw=orange, <->, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]

\coordinate (O) at (-0.5,3);
\draw[->] (O)node[above right](){O} --node[fill=white,pos=0.5](){$p_1$}(p1) node[left](){$p_1$} ;
\draw[->] (p1)--node[fill=white,pos=0.5](){$v_1$}(-4,0);
\draw[->] (O) --node[fill=white,pos=0.5](){$p_2$}(p2);
\draw[->] (p2)--node[fill=white,pos=0.5](){$v_2$} ++(2,1)coordinate (a);
\draw[->] (a) --node[fill=white,pos=0.3](){$-v_1$} (4.7,4.7);

% Approaching routes
\node at (-3,6)(a1){$A_1$}; % change the coordinates for different incoming direction
\path[->] (a1)--node[pos=0.3](a2){} node[pos=0.6](a3){} node[pos=0.9](a4){}(O);
\draw[->] (a1)--(a2);
\draw[->] (a2)--(a3);
\draw[->] (a3)--(O);

\node at (-2,-4) (b1){$A_2$}; % change the coordinates for different incoming direction
\path[->](b1)--node[pos=0.1](b2){} node[pos=0.3](b3){} node[pos=0.5](b4){} node[pos=0.7](b5){} node[pos=0.9](b6){}(O);
\foreach \i/\j in {1/2,2/3,3/4,4/5,5/6}{
\draw[->] (b\i) --(b\j);
\draw[->] (b6) -- (O);


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