Zeilennummern kollidieren mit Randnotizen auf geraden Seiten in einem Buch

Zeilennummern kollidieren mit Randnotizen auf geraden Seiten in einem Buch

Ich habe ein kleines Problem damit, dass Randnotizen mit Zeilennummern auf den geraden Seiten eines Buches kollidieren. Ich möchte die Ränder anpassen, damit die Notizen dort bleiben können, wo sie sind. Ich denke, das bedeutet, dass ich den äußeren Rand und den MarginParsep auf geraden Seiten vergrößern muss.

Unten finden Sie ein minimales funktionierendes Beispiel:




Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



Mich interessiert vor allem, wie man die Geometrie auf den Seiten mit geraden Seiten beeinflussen kann. Danke,


Hier gibt es 2 Probleme:

  1. Die marginparBreite ist kleiner als nötig, um die Randnotizen unterzubringen. Dies kann behoben werden, indem die Breite mit eingestellt wird geometry.
  2. Die Zeilennummern und die Noten konkurrieren um dasselbe Territorium.

Es gibt zwei offensichtliche Lösungen. Eine besteht darin, die Seitenzahlen umzudrehen, sodass sie den Randnotizen gegenüberliegen:




    Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.

    Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



umgedrehte Zahlen

Dies hat den Vorteil der Symmetrie.

Alternativ können Sie die Ausrichtung der Randnotizen ändern und die Größe weiter vergrößern, marginparum bei Bedarf Platz für die Zeilennummern und Notizen zu schaffen:


neu ausgerichtete Randnotizen

Ich würde auch empfehlen, den Text in den Notizen nicht zu blockieren, da dies bei einer so geringen Breite nicht gut funktioniert. Die Verwendung von ragged2ekönnte ebenfalls hilfreich sein.


Sie können das Paket mithilfe marginparsepvon geometry:

\usepackage[marginparsep=7mm]{geometry}   %% adjust 7mm at will





Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Möglicherweise möchten Sie \raggedrightes hineinlegen und es für Ihren Komfort auch \parboxanpassen .marginparwidth




Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{\raggedright Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{\raggedright Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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