Problem beim Angeben der Punkte unter Absatz

Problem beim Angeben der Punkte unter Absatz

Das ist, was ich versuche zu tun

We discuss here SW coding with the help of a toy example. In this example, we assume   that 
X and Y are each of 3 bits. Moreover, X and Y differs at most in one bit. 
Following is the sequence how the SW coding works:

1.Make cosets of X's with Hamming distance 3:(000,111),(001,110),(010,101),(011,100)

2. Send index of set (requires 2 bits)

3. Send Y (requires 3 bits)

4. Decode X by using the element in the set which is closest 
to Y

5. Declare error if no element with d_H \leq 1

Die Ausgabe, die ich sehe, sieht so aus


Ich möchte, dass die neu erstellte Linie so ausgerichtet wird, wie im obigen Beispiel mit der roten Linie markiert.


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  Hello, my name is John Doe. I study applied mathematics and I enjoy the following subjects:
  calculus, differential equations, number theory, set theory, computer science, etc.

  Hello, my name is Jane Doe. I really enjoy writing poetry, even though I don't know anything
  about rhymes.


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\begin{enumerate}[label={\arabic*)}, labelsep=2em]
  Hello, my name is John Doe. I study applied mathematics and I enjoy the following subjects:
  calculus, differential equations, number theory, set theory, computer science, etc.

  Hello, my name is Jane Doe. I really enjoy writing poetry, even though I don't know anything
  about rhymes.


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