tcolorbox hinterlässt verblasste Zahlen auf Folien im Beamer

tcolorbox hinterlässt verblasste Zahlen auf Folien im Beamer

Es ist meine erste Woche hier beamerund tcolorbox. Ich habe vor kurzem eine Präsentation mit der beamerKlasse vorbereitet und tcolorbox. Das Programm funktioniert einwandfrei, aber ich habe ein kleines Problem: tcolorboxEs hinterlässt eine ausgeblendete Nummerierung am Ende jeder Folie. Wie könnte ich das Ihrer Meinung nach verhindern? Hier ist ein minimales funktionierendes Beispiel:


%Define usepackages
\usepackage{graphicx}                                   % for pdf, bitmapped graphics files
\usepackage{times}                                       % assumes new font selection scheme installed
\usepackage{amsmath}                                    %assumes amsmath package installed
\usepackage{amsfonts}                                    % assumes amsmath package installed





%Define colors

% %preamble and title page
    \setbeamersize{text margin left = 0.2mm}
    \setbeamersize{text margin right = 0.2mm}
    \setbeamersize{sidebar width left= 0.3mm}
    \setbeamersize{sidebar width right= 0.3mm}

    \setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[triangle]
    \setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}[triangle]

%\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


% Color Box layers
    every box/.style={enhanced,watermark text=\thetcblayer,
    every box on layer 2/.style={reset,every box,colback=yellow!10!white,
        drop fuzzy shadow}}

% Newt Color Box

%My green box
    enlarge top by=3pt,enlarge bottom by=3pt,
    enlarge left by=3pt,enlarge right by=3pt,
    title={#2},frame hidden,boxrule=0pt,top=1mm,bottom=1mm,
    colframe=green!30!black, colbacktitle=green!50!yellow,
    coltitle=black, colback=green!25!white,


\long\def\/*#1*/{}                              % Define block comment
    % This starts Page 3
    \begin{frame}{\color{cyan}\small Non-Lipschitzian Dynamics of a Continuous FTS Feedback Controller}

        \begin{tcolorbox}[title = \small Overview of Problem]
            \item\tiny\color{blue}  The design of FTS continuous time-invariant feedback controllers involve non-Lipschitzian closed-loop dynamics
            \item Such controllers will exhibit non-unique solutions in backward time, i.e.,  better robustness and good disturbance rejection
            \item Such non-unique (revert time) solutions would violate uniqueness conditions for Lipschitz differential equations

        \begin{pabox}{\small Statement of Problem}
                \item\tiny\color{blue}  Consider a rigid body rotating under the action of a mechanical torque about a fixed axis
                \item Its equations of motion resemble those of a double integrator. States differ by $2n\pi$ (where $n = 0, 1, 2, \hdots$) in angular modes which correspond to the same physical configuration of the body.
                \item State space for this system is $S^1 \times \mathbb{R}$ rather than $ \mathbb{R}^2$ \cite{Andronov}
                \item Developing stabilizing controls for the double integrator on $ \mathbb{R}^2$ (translational double integrator) will lead to unwinding since the configuration space is actually $ \mathbb{R}$
                \item  This makes an interesting problem when designing feedback controllers for the rotational double integrator with anti-wind-up compensation
                \item Discontinuous feedback controllers are practically infeasible due to the chattering they introduce because of plant uncertainties
                \item They could also excite high-frequency dynamics when used in controlling lightly damped structures \cite{Baruh et. al.}



Und hier ist die Ausgabe mit den unerwünschten Hintergrundzahlen:Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


DerbeleidigendCode ist

    every box/.style={enhanced,%watermark text=\thetcblayer,
    every box on layer 2/.style={reset,every box,colback=yellow!10!white,
        drop fuzzy shadow}}

also das watermark text=\thetcblayer, was bedeutet, dass sich im Hintergrund Wasserzeichen befinden, in diesem Fall die tcolorbox-Ebenennummer. Wenn dies nicht erwünscht ist, sollte es entfernt werden.


%Define usepackages
\usepackage{graphicx}                                   % for pdf, bitmapped graphics files
\usepackage{times}                                       % assumes new font selection scheme installed
\usepackage{amsmath}                                    %assumes amsmath package installed
\usepackage{amsfonts}                                    % assumes amsmath package installed





%Define colors

% %preamble and title page
\setbeamersize{text margin left = 0.2mm}
\setbeamersize{text margin right = 0.2mm}
\setbeamersize{sidebar width left= 0.3mm}
\setbeamersize{sidebar width right= 0.3mm}

\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[triangle]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}[triangle]

%\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


% Color Box layers
    every box/.style={enhanced,%watermark text=\thetcblayer,
    every box on layer 2/.style={reset,every box,colback=yellow!10!white,
        drop fuzzy shadow}}

% Newt Color Box

%My green box
    enlarge top by=3pt,enlarge bottom by=3pt,
    enlarge left by=3pt,enlarge right by=3pt,
    title={#2},frame hidden,boxrule=0pt,top=1mm,bottom=1mm,
    colframe=green!30!black, colbacktitle=green!50!yellow,
    coltitle=black, colback=green!25!white,


\long\def\/*#1*/{}                              % Define block comment
    % This starts Page 3
    \begin{frame}{\textcolor{cyan}{\small Non-Lipschitzian Dynamics of a Continuous FTS Feedback Controller}}

        \begin{tcolorbox}[title = \small Overview of Problem]
            \item\tiny\color{blue}  The design of FTS continuous time-invariant feedback controllers involve non-Lipschitzian closed-loop dynamics
            \item Such controllers will exhibit non-unique solutions in backward time, i.e.,  better robustness and good disturbance rejection
            \item Such non-unique (revert time) solutions would violate uniqueness conditions for Lipschitz differential equations

        \begin{pabox}{\small Statement of Problem}
                \item\tiny\color{blue}  Consider a rigid body rotating under the action of a mechanical torque about a fixed axis
                \item Its equations of motion resemble those of a double integrator. States differ by $2n\pi$ (where $n = 0, 1, 2, \hdots$) in angular modes which correspond to the same physical configuration of the body.
                \item State space for this system is $S^1 \times \mathbb{R}$ rather than $ \mathbb{R}^2$ \cite{Andronov}
                \item Developing stabilizing controls for the double integrator on $ \mathbb{R}^2$ (translational double integrator) will lead to unwinding since the configuration space is actually $ \mathbb{R}$
                \item  This makes an interesting problem when designing feedback controllers for the rotational double integrator with anti-wind-up compensation
                \item Discontinuous feedback controllers are practically infeasible due to the chattering they introduce because of plant uncertainties
                \item They could also excite high-frequency dynamics when used in controlling lightly damped structures \cite{Baruh et. al.}




Ich habe einige unnötige Codes/Anweisungen entfernt, z. B. \usepackage{xcolor}weil es bereits von tcolorboxund geladen wurde \definecolor{blue}, da bluees sich bereits um eine bekannte Farbe handelt.

Die \color{cyan}Aussage wurde geändert in\textcolor{cyan}{...}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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