Das Argument von \@sect hat ein zusätzliches }. \protect funktioniert nicht

Das Argument von \@sect hat ein zusätzliches }. \protect funktioniert nicht

Ich habe ein Problem bei der Verwendung des Befehls „\greek“ im Abschnitt.

Hier ist ein Beispiel für die Verwendung des Befehls \greek in normalem Text, das problemlos funktioniert.

\documentclass[polutonikogreek, oneside,11pt]{CUEDthesisPSnPDF}

    Protagoras (\greek{Πρωταγόρας}) says that 
    ``Man is the measure of all things'' (\greek{Ἄνθρωπος μέτρον}), 
    meaning that there is no objective truth. 
    One opinion can be better than another, 
    but it cannot be \emph{truer}.

Wenn ich jedoch versuche, den Befehl \greek in Abschnitten zu verwenden, werden Fehler angezeigt. Die Meldung lautet: „Das Argument von \@sect hat ein zusätzliches }. \section{\protect\greek{Πρωταγόρας}}“.

Entfernen Sie beispielsweise das Kommentarzeichen aus der Zeile "%\section{\protect\greek{Πρωταγόρας}}". Ich habe versucht, \protect zu verwenden, aber das hat nicht geholfen.

Irgendeine Idee, bitte?

Unten ist der Quellcode der Klassendatei „CUEDthesisPSnPDF“ (ich denke, es könnte etwas damit zu tun haben).

% CUEDthesis v1.0
% By Harish Bhanderi <[email protected]
% Version 1.0 released 15/07/2002
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% Nomenclature
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        \item[\textbf{Superscripts}]}{%              Z- Superscripts
           \item[\textbf{Subscripts}]}{%             S - Subscripts
         \item[\textbf{Other Symbols}]}{%    X - Other Symbols
         \item[\textbf{Terminology}]}{%    T - Terminology
         \item[\textbf{Abbreviations and Acronyms}]}%              A - Acronyms

%--> Google.com search "hyperref options"
%--> http://www.ai.mit.edu/lab/sysadmin/latex/documentation/latex/hyperref/manual.pdf
%--> http://www.chemie.unibas.ch/~vogtp/LaTeX2PDFLaTeX.pdf
%--> http://www.uni-giessen.de/partosch/eurotex99/ oberdiek/print/sli4a4col.pdf
%--> http://me.in-berlin.de/~miwie/tex-refs/html/latex-packages.html
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%A4 settings



\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\thechapter. #1 }}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}

\newcommand{\submittedtext}{{Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University}}
% These macros are used to declare arguments needed for the
% construction of the title page and other preamble.

% The year and term the degree will be officially conferred
% The full (unabbreviated) name of the degree
% The name of your college or department(eg. Trinity, Pembroke, Maths, Physics)
% The name of your University
% Defining the crest
% Defining the Promotor

% These macros define an environment for front matter that is always
% single column even in a double-column document.


%define title page layout
%  \null\vfill
    { \Large {\bfseries {\@title}} \par}
{\large \vspace*{20mm} {{\@crest} \par} \vspace*{20mm}}
    {{\Large \@author} \par}
{\large \vspace*{1ex}
    {{\@collegeordept} \par}

    {{\@university} \par}

    {{\@promotor} \par}

    {{\submittedtext} \par}
    {\it {\@degree} \par}

% declaration
% The declaration environment makes sure the declaration gets its
% own page and is set out in verse format.

{\Large \bfseries Declaration}

{\Large \bfseries{ECSA Exit Level Outcomes Reference}}

% The acknowledgements environment puts a large, bold, centered
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgements
% themselves appear in a quote environment, i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and
% on its own page.

{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}

% The acknowledgementslong environment puts a large, bold, centered
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgement itself
% does not appears in a quote environment so you can get more in.

{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}

%The abstract environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself appears in a quote environment,
%i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and on its own page.

\newenvironment{abstracts} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{plain}
%  \begin{center}
  {\Large \bfseries  Abstract}
%  \end{center}

\newenvironment{opsomming} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{plain}
%  \begin{center}
  {\Large \bfseries  Opsomming}
%  \end{center}

%The abstractlong environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself does not appears in a quote
%environment so you can get more in.

\newenvironment{abstractslong} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{plain}
  {\Large \bfseries  Abstract}
  \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{quote}}

%The abstractseparate environment is for running of a page with the abstract
%on including title and author etc as required to be handed in separately

\newenvironment{abstractseparate} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
    { \Large {\bfseries {\@title}} \par}
    {{\large \vspace*{1ex} \@author} \par}
    {{\@promotor} \par}
{\large \vspace*{1ex}
    {{\@collegeordept} \par}
    {{\@university} \par}
    {{\it \submittedtext} \par}
    {\it {\@degree} \par}

% The romanpages environment set the page numbering to lowercase roman one
% for the contents and figures lists. It also resets
% page-numbering for the remainder of the dissertation (arabic, starting at 1).




Dies sollte mit einer relativ neuen TeX-Distribution funktionieren:





Protagoras (\greek{Πρωταγόρας}) says that
`Man is the measure of all things'' (\greek{Ἄνθρωπος μέτρον}),
 meaning that there is no objective truth.
One opinion can be better than another,
but it cannot be \emph{truer}.


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