Ich werde die Frage einfach in einen Beispiel-Codeblock .Rnw einfügen. Das Problem ist am einfachsten zu erkennen, wenn dies in eine PDF-Datei kompiliert wird. Ich verwende pdfLaTeX und knitr, um die Datei aus RStudio heraus zu kompilieren. Beachten Sie, dass es wichtig ist, dass die Codeblöcke auch in R ausgeführt werden, da sie beispielsweise R anweisen können, Diagramme zu zeichnen, die Teil des Dokuments sein werden.
\section*{Question Part 1.}
I am writing this document inside RStudio, using Sweave. I want everything
in the document to be doublespaced with the exception of R code chunks,
which I want to be singlespaced for the sake of tidiness and saving space.
It is important that the code chunks also run in R, since they may be doing
things like telling R to draw plots which will be part of the document.
\section*{Question Part 2.}
The problem that I seem to be having is that when I put in a command to
begin singlespacing and a command to end single spacing around an R code
chunk, text that is not inside the begin and end singlespacing command, for
some reason, ends up being singlespaced as well, even though as far as I can
tell it should be doublespaced, as can be seen with the text in this very
paragraph (if you've compiled it into a .pdf).
pwr.df=data.frame(row.names = 1:n)
Strangely, the problem doesn't occur for text which follows the "end" of the
singlespacing commmand, but text which comes before the 'begin'
singlespacing command is affected, as can be seen here.
Ich bin nicht sicher, was die Ursache des Problems ist, aber wenn Sie den Code in ein Element einfügen, minipage
funktioniert es wie gewünscht:
\section*{Question Part 1.}
I am writing this document inside RStudio, using Sweave. I want everything
in the document to be doublespaced with the exception of R code chunks,
which I want to be singlespaced for the sake of tidiness and saving space.
It is important that the code chunks also run in R, since they may be doing
things like telling R to draw plots which will be part of the document.
\section*{Question Part 2.}
The problem that I seem to be having is that when I put in a command to
begin singlespacing and a command to end single spacing around an R code
chunk, text that is not inside the begin and end singlespacing command, for
some reason, ends up being singlespaced as well, even though as far as I can
tell it should be doublespaced, as can be seen with the text in this very
paragraph (if you've compiled it into a .pdf).
pwr.df=data.frame(row.names = 1:n)
Strangely, the problem doesn't occur for text which follows the "end" of the
singlespacing commmand, but text which comes before the 'begin'
singlespacing command is affected, as can be seen here.