Ich habe eine Datei mit Wörtern. Ich habe die Umgebung verwendet longtable
. Ich möchte einigen Wörtern Seitenzahlen anderer Wörter hinzufügen.
Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das automatisch machen soll, denn ich kann das Seitenformat ändern oder neue Wörter hinzufügen und dann die Position der Wörter ändern – und ich werde die Seitenzahlen ändern. Die folgende Tabelle ist das, was ich meine.
| word_a | pronunciation | meaning, (the page number of the word word_g) |
| ... | ... | ... |
| page 8 |
| ... | ... | ... |
| page 9 |
| word_g | pronunciation | meaning, (the page number of the word word_a),|
| | | (the page number of the word word_g) |
| ... | ... | ... |
| page 10 |
| ... | ... | ... |
\usepackage[a5paper, top=15mm, left=10mm, right=10mm, bottom=10mm,foot=5mm,marginparsep=0mm]{geometry}
\usepackage{ wasysym}
\usepackage{ amssymb }
\newcommand*{\podm}{\textit{\small [noun]} }
\newcommand*{\pridm}{\textit{\small [adj]} }
\newcommand*{\zamen}{\textit{\small [pronoun]} }
\newcommand*{\pris}{\textit{\small [adverb]} }
\newcommand*{\cislo}{\textit{\small [number]} }
\newcommand*{\slo}{\textit{\small [verb]} }
\newcommand*{\pred}{\textit{\small [preposition]} }
\newcommand*{\spoj}{\textit{\small [conjunction]} }
\newcommand*{\cit}{\textit{\small [exclamation]} }
\newcommand*{\jedc}{\textit{\small [singular]} }
\newcommand*{\mnoc}{\textit{\small [plural]} }
\newcommand*{\poc}{\textit{\small [C]} }
\newcommand*{\nep}{\textit{\small [U]} }
\newcommand*{\CU}{\textit{\small [C, U]} }
\newcommand*{\jed}{\textit{\small [S]} }
\newcommand*{\slot}{\textit{\small [T]} }
\newcommand*{\sloi}{\textit{\small [I]} }
\newcommand*{\ubn}{\textit{\small [usually before noun]} }
\newcommand*{\us}{\textit{\small [usually singular]} }
\newcommand*{\up}{\textit{\small [usually plural]} }
\newcommand*{\nbn}{\textit{\small [not before noun]} }
\newcommand*{\obn}{\textit{\small [only before noun]} }
\newcommand*{\bn}{\textit{\small [before noun]} }
\newcommand*{\nubn}{\textit{\small [not usually before noun]} }
\newcommand*{\UK}{{\small (UK) }}
\newcommand*{\US}{{\small (US) }}
\newcommand*{\SR}{{\small (SR) }}
\newcommand*{\fone}{\fontfamily{qag}\selectfont} % Eng word
\newcommand*{\ftwo}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont} % pronunciation
\newcommand*{\fthree}{\fontfamily{ccr}\selectfont} %
\newcommand*{\ffour}{\fontfamily{pag}\selectfont} %
\newcommand*{\tm}{\small \fontfamily{ccr}\selectfont} % komentar
\newcommand*{\frm}{\textit{\small (formal)} }
\newcommand*{\ifrm}{\textit{\small (informal)} }
\newcommand*{\app}{\textit{\small (approving)} }
\newcommand*{\pc}{\textit{\small (computing)} }
\newcommand*{\osh}{\textit{\small (old-fashioned)} }
\newcommand*{\slg}{\textit{\small (slang)} }
\newcommand*{\mat}{\textit{\small (mathematics)} }
\newcommand*{\chem}{\textit{\small (chemistry)} }
\newcommand*{\lit}{\textit{\small (literary)} }
\newcommand*{\mus}{\textit{\small (music)} }
\newcommand*{\fin}{\textit{\small (finance)} }
\newcommand*{\gem}{\textit{\small (geometry)} }
\newcommand*{\gmm}{\textit{\small (grammar)} }
\newcommand*{\bus}{\textit{\small (business)} }
\newcommand*{\law}{\textit{\small (law)} }
\newcommand*{\phs}{\textit{\small (physics)} }
\newcommand*{\frrm}{\textit{\small (rather formal)} }
\newcommand*{\irrm}{\textit{\small (rather informal)} }
\newcommand*{\sth}{\textit{\small sth }}
\newcommand*{\stb}{\textit{\small sb }}
\newcommand*{\tboo}{\textit{\small (taboo)} }
\newcommand*{\sla}{\textit{\small (slang)} }
\newcommand*{\odi}{\textit{\small (often disapproving)} }
\newcommand*{\bis}{\textit{\small (business)} }
\newcommand*{\diss}{\textit{\small (disapproving)} }
\newcommand*{\ling}{\textit{\small (linguistics)} }
{\fone lime } & {\ftwo [\textipa{laIm }] } & \podm \nep vápno $\square$ \CU limetka $\square$ \poc {\fone lime tree, linden tree } {\ftwo [\textipa{\textprimstress lIn.d@n }] } lipa \\
{\fone avenue } & {\ftwo [\textipa{\textprimstress \ae [email protected]: }] } & \podm \poc avenue, alej, bulvár \textit{\tm (Ave., Av.)} \\
{\fone lane } & {\ftwo [\textipa{leIn }] } & \podm \poc poľná cesta $\square$ \poc jazdný pruh, dopravný pás \\
{\fone grove } & {\ftwo [\textipa{gr@Uv }] } & \podm \poc háj, lesík \\
{\fone ancient } & {\ftwo [\textipa{\textprimstress eIn.S\super @nt }] } & \pridm staroveký $\square$ starý, starobylý, starodávny $\square$ \mnoc {\fone the ancients } staroveké národy \\
{\fone navigation } & {\ftwo [\textipa{\textsecstress n\ae v. I\textprimstress geI.S\super @n }] } & \podm \nep navigácia $\square$ riadenie lode, let \\
{\fone sailor } & {\ftwo [\textipa{\textprimstress seI.l@\super r }] } & \podm \poc námorník, lodník $\square$ \\
{\fone compass } & {\ftwo [\textipa{\textprimstress k2m.p@s }] } & \podm \poc kompas \\
{\fone approximate } & {\ftwo [\textipa{@\textprimstress pr6k.sI.m@t }] } & \pridm približný \\
{\fone exact$^{1000}$} & {\ftwo [\textipa{Ig\textprimstress z\ae kt }] } & \pridm presný, bezchybný, exaktný \\
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und verwenden pageref
, wobei die zweite die Seitenzahl der ersten anzeigt.
word a & meaning a (see also page \pageref{wordb})\\\hline
word b\label{wordb} & meaning b\\\hline