\usepackage{xcolor} %% THIS ONE IS USED FOR THE COLOUR MIX E.G. BlUE + BLACK
\definecolor{payne\'sgrey}{rgb}{0.25, 0.25, 0.28} %% OR define color == full list == http://latexcolor.com/
\definecolor{sapphire}{rgb}{0.03, 0.15, 0.4}
\definecolor{platinum}{rgb}{0.9, 0.89, 0.89}
\usepackage[top=0cm, bottom=2cm, outer=0cm, inner=0cm]{geometry}
\headheight 20.5pt %% put this outside This blue rectangle the font be in the top
\headsep 10pt %% put this outside
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{25cm}{0.11cm} \\ %% TOP RECTANGLE
\textbf{Company name} %% COMPANY NAME
\textbf {Week X, xx-xx-201x – xx-xx-201x}\\
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{6cm}{0.11cm} %% WEEK+RECTANGLE
\put(40,00){\includegraphics[width=50mm]{box.png}} %% OVERVIEW
\put(50,10) {1. OVERVIEW}
\centering % Centers the table on the page, comment out to left-justify
\begin{tabular}{l c | c | c l c l}
% The final bracket specifies the number of columns in the table along with left and right borders which are specified using vertical bars (|); each column can be left, right or center-justified using l, r or c. To specify a precise width, use p{width}, e.g. p{5cm}
\toprule % Top horizontal line
\textbf{System STAT} & Weekly (Qty.) & Weekly Growth \% & Total (Qty.) \\ % Column names row
\bottomrule % In-table horizontal line \\
produced systems \\
active systems& x & x & x \\
registered systems & x & x & x \\ %
deactivated systems & x+y & x+y & x+y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of deactivated systems & y & y & y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of previously active systems & x & x & x \\
\textbf{Organization STAT} \\
\# organization & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{User STAT} \\
\# users & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{Other STAT} \\
\# avg. days from production to a system becomes active & x & x & x \\
\% of active systems out of potential active systems \\
(\#systems that should be active based on avg. time) \\
\# avg. days from a system becomes active to registration & x & x & x \\ % Summary/total row
\bottomrule % Bottom horizontal line
Die normale Verwendung von booktabs
ist nicht mit vertikalen Linien kompatibel, da diese die horizontalen Linien von Booktabs nicht schneiden können. Sehen Sie im folgenden Code, wie hässlich die inneren vertikalen Linien aussehen. Für die äußeren Linien besteht eine Umgehung in der Verwendung \fbox
mit geeigneten Parametern:
\usepackage{xcolor} %% THIS ONE IS USED FOR THE COLOUR MIX E.G. BlUE + BLACK
\definecolor{payne\'sgrey}{rgb}{0.25, 0.25, 0.28} %% OR define color == full list == http://latexcolor.com/
\definecolor{sapphire}{rgb}{0.03, 0.15, 0.4}
\definecolor{platinum}{rgb}{0.9, 0.89, 0.89}
\usepackage{eso-pic, graphicx}
\usepackage[margin=0cm, headheight=20.5pt, headsep=10pt]{geometry}
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{25cm}{0.11cm} \\ %% TOP RECTANGLE
\textbf{Company name} %% COMPANY NAME
\textbf {Week X, xx-xx-201x – xx-xx-201x}\\
\crule[sapphire!50!sapphire!100]{6cm}{0.11cm} %% WEEK+RECTANGLE
%\put(40,00){\includegraphics[width=50mm]{box.png}} %% OVERVIEW
\put(50,10) {1. OVERVIEW}
\centering % Centers the table on the page, comment out to left-justify
\fbox{\begin{tabular}{l c | c | c l c l}
% The final bracket specifies the number of columns in the table along with left and right borders which are specified using vertical bars (|); each column can be left, right or center-justified using l, r or c. To specify a precise width, use p{width}, e.g. p{5cm}
\toprule % Top horizontal line
\textbf{System STAT} & Weekly (Qty.) & Weekly Growth \% & Total (Qty.) \\ % Column names row
\midrule[\heavyrulewidth] % In-table horizontal line \\
produced systems \\
active systems& x & x & x \\
registered systems & x & x & x \\ %
deactivated systems & x+y & x+y & x+y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of deactivated systems & y & y & y \\
\hspace{0.3cm} no. of previously active systems & x & x & x \\
\textbf{Organization STAT} \\
\# organization & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{User STAT} \\
\# users & x & x & x \\
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\midrule % In-table horizontal line
\textbf{Other STAT} \\
\# avg. days from production to a system becomes active & x & x & x \\
\% of active systems out of potential active systems \\
(\#systems that should be active based on avg. time) \\
\# avg. days from a system becomes active to registration & x & x & x \\ % Summary/total row
\bottomrule % Bottom horizontal line