Zweispaltig mit Multicol und Minipage in der rechten Spalte: Warum werden die Bilder so verzerrt dargestellt?

Zweispaltig mit Multicol und Minipage in der rechten Spalte: Warum werden die Bilder so verzerrt dargestellt?

Ich habe folgendes Problem.

Ich habe ein mehrspaltiges{2} Dokument (ein Poster) und möchte in der rechten Spalte zwei Tikzbilder zeichnen, die dann nebeneinander liegen.

Leider werden die Bilder sehr klein und nicht vollständig angezeigt: So sehen sie in den rechten Spalten meines multicol{2}-Dokuments aus:

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

und so sehen sie aus und sollen aussehen, wenn ich sie in einem normalen Dokument ohne zwei Spalten zeichne:

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Dies ist der Code, den ich verwende:


\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} 



% Shorthands

% Theorem



    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $f_r(x)$,
samples = 300,
domain = 0.9:1.4,
%ymin= -10,
ymax = 40,
legend style = {anchor = north west, at = {(5.05,1)}}
node[above,sloped,pos=0.85] {$r=1$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.5] {$r=10$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.3] {$r=15$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.06] {$r=20$};


\draw[loosely dotted] (0,0) -- (1.4,0);
\draw[dotted] (1,0) -- (1,40);


    \subcaption{$f_r(x), x\in [0.9,1.4]$, for increasing $r$}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
      xlabel = $x$
    \addplot[thick,black,samples=100,domain=0:2] {x^2 - x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.5] {$x^2 - x$}
    \addplot[thick,red,samples=100,domain=1:2]  {1/x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.4] {$r=1$}
    \addplot[thick,blue,samples=100,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^10}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.3] {$r=10$}
    \addplot[thick,teal,samples=200,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^50}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.52] {$r=50$}
    \addplot[thick,brown,samples=300,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^200}
    \node[brown,rotate=270] at (axis cs:.96,.2) {$r=200$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.46557,0.682325) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_1$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.17295,0.202862) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{10}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.05757,0.060884) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{50}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.03,0.035) circle (3pt) node[below] {$I_{200}$};
    \subcaption{Intersection points $I_r=(\rho_r,g_1(\rho_r))$ of $g_1(x):=x^2-x$ and $g_2(x):=x^{-r}$ for increasing $r$}
  \caption{$\rho_r\to 1$ as $r\to\infty$}


Was muss ich ändern?

modifiziertes Beispiel:

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben






% Shorthands

% Theorem



    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $f_r(x)$,
samples = 300,
domain = 0.9:1.4,
%ymin= -10,
ymax = 40,
legend style = {anchor = north west, at = {(5.05,1)}}
node[above,sloped,pos=0.85] {$r=1$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.5] {$r=10$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.3] {$r=15$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.06] {$r=20$};


\draw[loosely dotted] (0,0) -- (1.4,0);
\draw[dotted] (1,0) -- (1,40);


    \caption{$f_r(x), x\in [0.9,1.4]$, for increasing $r$}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
      xlabel = $x$
    \addplot[thick,black,samples=100,domain=0:2] {x^2 - x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.5] {$x^2 - x$}
    \addplot[thick,red,samples=100,domain=1:2]  {1/x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.4] {$r=1$}
    \addplot[thick,blue,samples=100,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^10}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.3] {$r=10$}
    \addplot[thick,teal,samples=200,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^50}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.52] {$r=50$}
    \addplot[thick,brown,samples=300,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^200}
    \node[brown,rotate=270] at (axis cs:.96,.2) {$r=200$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.46557,0.682325) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_1$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.17295,0.202862) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{10}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.05757,0.060884) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{50}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.03,0.035) circle (3pt) node[below] {$I_{200}$};
    \caption{Intersection points $I_r=(\rho_r,g_1(\rho_r))$ of $g_1(x):=x^2-x$ and $g_2(x):=x^{-r}$ for increasing $r$}
  \caption{$\rho_r\to 1$ as $r\to\infty$}



    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $f_r(x)$,
samples = 300,
domain = 0.9:1.4,
%ymin= -10,
ymax = 40,
legend style = {anchor = north west, at = {(5.05,1)}}
node[above,sloped,pos=0.85] {$r=1$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.5] {$r=10$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.3] {$r=15$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.06] {$r=20$};


\draw[loosely dotted] (0,0) -- (1.4,0);
\draw[dotted] (1,0) -- (1,40);

\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
      xlabel = $x$
    \addplot[thick,black,samples=100,domain=0:2] {x^2 - x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.5] {$x^2 - x$}
    \addplot[thick,red,samples=100,domain=1:2]  {1/x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.4] {$r=1$}
    \addplot[thick,blue,samples=100,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^10}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.3] {$r=10$}
    \addplot[thick,teal,samples=200,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^50}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.52] {$r=50$}
    \addplot[thick,brown,samples=300,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^200}
    \node[brown,rotate=270] at (axis cs:.96,.2) {$r=200$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.46557,0.682325) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_1$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.17295,0.202862) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{10}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.05757,0.060884) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{50}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.03,0.035) circle (3pt) node[below] {$I_{200}$};


Hier ist der Code, für den es funktioniert:





    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $f_r(x)$,
samples = 300,
domain = 0.9:1.4,
%ymin= -10,
ymax = 40,
legend style = {anchor = north west, at = {(1.05,1)}}
node[above,sloped,pos=0.85] {$r=1$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.5] {$r=10$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.3] {$r=15$};

node[above,sloped,pos=0.06] {$r=20$};


\draw[loosely dotted] (0,0) -- (1.4,0);
\draw[dotted] (1,0) -- (1,40);


    \subcaption{$f_r(x), x\in [0.9,1.4]$, for increasing $r$}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current axis.south)]
      xlabel = $x$
    \addplot[thick,black,samples=100,domain=0:2] {x^2 - x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.5] {$x^2 - x$}
    \addplot[thick,red,samples=100,domain=1:2]  {1/x}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.4] {$r=1$}
    \addplot[thick,blue,samples=100,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^10}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.3] {$r=10$}
    \addplot[thick,teal,samples=200,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^50}
    node[above,sloped,pos=.52] {$r=50$}
    \addplot[thick,brown,samples=300,domain=.99:2]  {1/x^200}
    \node[brown,rotate=270] at (axis cs:.96,.2) {$r=200$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.46557,0.682325) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_1$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.17295,0.202862) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{10}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.05757,0.060884) circle (3pt) node[right] {$I_{50}$};
    \draw [black, fill=white]  (1.03,0.035) circle (3pt) node[below] {$I_{200}$};
    \subcaption{Intersection points $I_r=(\rho_r,g_1(\rho_r))$ of $g_1(x):=x^2-x$ and $g_2(x):=x^{-r}$ for increasing $r$}
  \caption{$\rho_r\to 1$ as $r\to\infty$}


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zu bekommen

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Dies hat nichts mit multicoloder zu tun minipage.

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