Wie zeichnet man diese Art von Blockdiagramm?

Wie zeichnet man diese Art von Blockdiagramm?

Ich versuche, ein Blockdiagramm wie in der Abbildung zu zeichnen. Ich habe es versucht und weiß nicht, wie ich Pfeile hinzufügen und die von mir verwendete Bigbox beschriften kann. Kann mir jemand helfen, ein solches Blockdiagramm zu zeichnen, entweder indem ich den vorhandenen Code ergänze oder auf eine neue Weise?Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Ich habe versucht, mit folgendem Code zu zeichnen:

\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
\tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
\tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
\tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
\tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
%\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
\node[block] (A) {};
\node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
\node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
\node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
\node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
\node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
\node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of C] {};
\node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
\node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
\node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
\node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
\node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

\node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
\node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
\node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
\node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
\node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
\node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
\node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of U] {};
\node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
\node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
\node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
     \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

    \node[bigbox] (O) [fit = (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (N)] {};
    \node[bigbox] (Ad) [fit = (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (Aa) (Ac) (Z)] {};
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}


Obwohl jakunbereits eine Lösung bereitgestellt wurde, handelt es sich hierbei um eine Alternative.

Sourceund Destinationkönnen als Beschriftungen der größten Knoten hinzugefügt werden fit:

  \node[bigbox, label=source] (O) [fit = (A) (F) (N)] {};

(Ich habe fitdie Parameter vereinfacht, um nur signifikante Knoten einzuschließen und nicht alle)

Und als Alternative jakun's transform canvas(was ich nicht wusste) könnten Sie verwenden:

\draw[<-] ([yshift=8mm]O.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|Ad.west);

oder mit calctikzlibrary:

\draw[->] ($(O.north east)!.2!(O.south east)$) -- ($(Ad.north west)!.2!(Ad.south west)$);

Der vollständige Code könnte lauten:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, backgrounds, fit}


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45, font=\sffamily]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
\tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
\tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
\tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
\tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
%\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
\node[block] (A) {};
\node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
\node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
\node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
\node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
\node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
\node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of C] {};
\node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
\node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
\node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
\node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
\node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

\node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
\node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
\node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
\node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
\node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
\node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
\node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of U] {};
\node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
\node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
\node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
\node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};     
  \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

  \node[bigbox, label=source] (O) [fit = (A) (F) (N)] {};
  \node[bigbox, label=destination] (Ad) [fit = (Z) (Ac) (V)] {};
\path (M.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (N.south);
\path (V.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (W.south);

\draw[->] ([yshift=-8mm]O.north east) coordinate (aux) -- (aux-|Ad.west);
\draw[<-] ([yshift=8mm]O.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|Ad.west);
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Aktualisieren:Der Code könnte mit Hilfe einiger matrixKnoten vereinfacht werden:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, fit, matrix}


    shorten >=1pt,
    shorten <=1pt,
    block/.style = {rectangle, black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em},
    packet/.style={draw, thick, matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={block, draw}},
    bigbox/.style={rectangle, draw, thick}

\matrix (A1) [packet, draw=none, row sep=2mm]{ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ };
\matrix (B1) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=3mm of A1]{ & & \\};
\matrix (C1) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=1mm of B1]{ & & \\};
\node[bigbox, label=Source] (D1) [fit = (A1) (C1)] {};

\matrix (C2) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=2cm of C1]{ & & \\};
\matrix (B2) [packet, column sep=2mm, right=1mm of C2]{ & & \\};
\matrix (A2) [packet, draw=none, row sep=2mm, right=3mm of B2]{ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ };
\node[bigbox, label=Destination] (D2) [fit = (A2) (C2)] {};

\path (B1.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (C1.south);
\path (B2.south) -- node[below] {Packets} (C2.south);

\draw[->, thick] ([yshift=-8mm]D1.north east) coordinate (aux) -- (aux-|D2.west);
\draw[<-, thick] ([yshift=8mm]D1.south east) coordinate (aux) -- node[below] {Ack} (aux-|D2.west);
\caption{Proposed Framework} \label{fig1}


Fügen Sie Ihrem Code Folgendes hinzu:

% arrows
\draw[->, transform canvas={yshift=-1cm}] (O.north east) -- (Ad.north west);
\draw[<-, transform canvas={yshift=1cm}] (O.south east) -- node[below]{ACK} (Ad.south west);
% invisible coordinates to position the labels
\node (channel-y-position) [below=0pt of O] {\strut};
\path (O) -- coordinate (channel-x-position) (Ad);
% labels
\node[above=0pt of O] {Source};
\node[above=0pt of Ad] {Destination};
\node at (channel-x-position |- channel-y-position) {Channel};

Ich würde Schleifen verwenden:

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit, calc}

\begin{tikzpicture}%[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
    \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
    \tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
    \tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
    \tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
    \tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
    \tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
    \tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
    %\tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}


    % ------ source ------
    % vertical
    \node[block] (source-ver-1) {};
    \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numVer} {
        \node[block] (source-ver-\i) [below=0.2cm of source-ver-\last] {}; 

    % horizontal
    \coordinate[right=.1cm of source-ver-3] (source-hor-group-0);
    \foreach \group [remember=\group as \lastGroup (initially 0)] in {1,...,\numHorGroups} {
        \node[block] (source-hor-\group-1) [right=0.3cm of source-hor-group-\lastGroup] {};
        \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numHor} {
            \node[block] (source-hor-\group-\i) [right=.1cm of source-hor-\group-\last] {}; 
        \node[bigbox] (source-hor-group-\group) [fit = (source-hor-\group-1) (source-hor-\group-\numHor), label=below:Packet~\group] {};

    % frame
    \node[bigbox, label=above:Source] (source) [fit = (source-ver-1) (source-ver-\numVer) (source-hor-group-\numHorGroups)] {};

    % ------ destination ------
    % horizontal
    \coordinate[right=2cm of source-hor-\numHorGroups-\numHor] (dest-hor-group-0);
    \foreach \group [remember=\group as \lastGroup (initially 0)] in {1,...,\numHorGroups} {
        \node[block] (dest-hor-\group-1) [right=0.3cm of dest-hor-group-\lastGroup] {};
        \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numHor} {
            \node[block] (dest-hor-\group-\i) [right=.1cm of dest-hor-\group-\last] {}; 
        \node[bigbox] (dest-hor-group-\group) [fit = (dest-hor-\group-1) (dest-hor-\group-\numHor), label=below:Packet~\group] {};

    % vertical
    \coordinate[right=.3cm of dest-hor-group-\numHorGroups] (dest-ver-west);
    \node[block] (dest-ver-1) at (dest-ver-west |- source-ver-1) [anchor=west] {};
    \foreach \i [remember=\i as \last (initially 1)] in {2,...,\numVer} {
        \node[block] (dest-ver-\i) [below=0.2cm of dest-ver-\last] {}; 

    % frame
    \node[bigbox, label=above:Destination] (dest) [fit = (dest-ver-1) (dest-ver-\numVer) (dest-hor-group-1)] {};

    % ------ arrows ------
    % arrows
    \draw[->, transform canvas={yshift=-1cm}] (source.north east) -- (dest.north west);
    \draw[<-, transform canvas={yshift=1cm}] (source.south east) -- node[below]{ACK} (dest.south west);
    % invisible coordinates to position the labels
    \node (channel-y-position) [below=0pt of source] {\strut};
    \coordinate (channel-x-position) at ($(source.east)!.5!(dest.west)$);
    % labels
    \node at (channel-x-position |- channel-y-position) {Channel};



Ich habe einige Teile Ihres Codes geändert, z. B. um mehr quadratische Knoten zu erhalten und den Ausgabe- und Eingabepuffer in der Mitte der Paketliste auszurichten. Durch Verwendung calcder Bibliothek sowie -|können Sie die Koordinaten beliebig manipulieren. Um die Schriftarten habe ich mich nicht groß gekümmert.


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3.7cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45]
  % \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=0.5em, text centered, minimum height=1em]
  \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=black, thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum width=1em, minimum height=1em]
  % \tikzstyle{block1}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=2em, text centered,minimum height=3em]
  % \tikzstyle{block2}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=4em, text centered,minimum height=2em]
  % \tikzstyle{block3}=[rectangle, draw=black, thick, text width=8em, text centered,minimum height=5em]
  \tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=black,thick, rectangle]
  % \tikzstyle{triple}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3]
  % \tikzstyle{double}=[draw, anchor=text, thick, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2]
  % \tikzstyle{textbox} = {draw, fill=white, thick,text=black}
  \node[block] (A) {};
  \node[block] (B) [below=0.2cm of A] {}; 
  \node[block] (C) [below=0.2cm of B] {}; 
  \node[block] (D) [below=0.2cm of C] {}; 
  \node[block] (E) [below=0.2cm of D] {}; 
  \node[block] (F) [below=0.2cm of E] {}; 
  \node[block] (G) [right=0.4cm of {$(C.south east)!0.5!(D.north east)$}] {};
  \node[block] (H) [right=0.1cm of G] {};
  \node[block] (I) [right=0.1cm of H] {};
  \node[block] (J) [right=0.3cm of I] {};
  \node[block] (K) [right=0.1cm of J] {};
  \node[block] (L) [right=0.1cm of K] {};

  \node[block] (P) [right=2cm of L] {};
  \node[block] (Q) [right=0.1cm of P] {};
  \node[block] (R) [right=0.1cm of Q] {};
  \node[block] (S) [right=0.3cm of R] {};
  \node[block] (T) [right=0.1cm of S] {};
  \node[block] (U) [right=0.1cm of T] {};
  \node[block] (X) [right=0.3cm of {U.east |- C}] {};
  \node[block] (Y) [above=0.2cm of X] {};
  \node[block] (Z) [above=0.2cm of Y] {};
  \node[block] (Aa) [below=0.2cm of X] {};
  \node[block] (Ab) [below=0.2cm of Aa] {};
  \node[block] (Ac) [below=0.2cm of Ab] {};

  % \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
  \node[bigbox] (M) [fit = (G) (H) (I)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (N) [fit = (J) (K) (L)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (V) [fit = (P) (Q) (R)] {};
  \node[bigbox] (W) [fit = (S) (T) (U)] {};

  \node[bigbox,label=above:Source] (O) [fit = (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (N)] {};
  \node[bigbox,label=above:Destination] (Ad) [fit = (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (Aa) (Ac) (Z)] {};
  % \end{pgfonlayer}
  \draw[->](O.30)--(Ad.180 |- O.30);
  \draw[<-](O.-30)--(Ad.180 |- O.-30)node[pos=0.5,below]{ACK};
  \node[below=1em] at ($(O.south east)!0.5!(Ad.south west)$){CHANNEL};
  \node[below] at ($(M.south)!0.5!(N.south)$){Packets};
  \node[below] at ($(V.south)!0.5!(W.south)$){Packets};


Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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