Generieren eines \tableofcontents in der Artikelklasse ohne Verwendung von Standard-\section s

Generieren eines \tableofcontents in der Artikelklasse ohne Verwendung von Standard-\section s

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, ein \tableofcontentsin der Artikelklasse zu generieren, ohne Standard \section-s zu verwenden, aber ein anderes " \section"-Nummerierungsschema wurde verwendet? Siehe insbesondere den zweiten Teil der Antwort von David Carlisle aufWie gehe ich am besten vor, um ein Dokument mit vielen Unterabschnitten zu erstellen?. Der Standard \tableofcontentsscheint nicht zu funktionieren. Ich bin neu bei LaTeX, aber das hat mich überrascht, da es einwandfrei funktioniert hat \label.\ref

Bearbeiten: Ich möchte ein Inhaltsverzeichnis erstellen können, das beispielsweise die erste oder die erste und zweite Ebene von Überschriften enthält (so wie \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} zu funktionieren scheint). Unten ist der oben referenzierte Code:


\newcounter{pii} [pi]  \renewcommand\thepii{\thepi.\arabic{pii}}
\newcounter{piii}[pii] \renewcommand\thepiii{\thepii.\arabic{piii}}
\newcounter{piv} [piii]\renewcommand\thepiv{\thepiii.\arabic{piv}}
\newcounter{pv}  [piv] \renewcommand\thepv{\thepiv.\arabic{pv}}


  \vspace{\csname pspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hspace{\csname phspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hangindent=\csname pindent\roman{depth}\endcsname
  \indent\refstepcounter{p\roman{depth}}\llap{\csname thep\roman{depth}\endcsname\ }%
  {\csname pstyle\roman{depth}\endcsname#2\par}}







\sentence{This is a sentence.}

\sentence{This is another sentence. Just like any other sentence one would think but perhaps not.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer. This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{Hey there how is it going my good friend. Hey there how is it going my good friend.}

\sentence[-2]{This is a sentence hey.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[-1]{This is a sentence.}



Dies kann mit einer Zuordnung der TOC-Ebenen zu den Zählerwerten ToCerfolgen .\addcontentslinedepth

Der Code


definiert das \tocstyleMakro abhängig vom Wert von depth, wobei 1bedeutet sectionusw.

Die Zeile \addcontentsline{toc}{\toclevel}{\protect\numberline{}#2}fügt die Zeile zum Inhaltsverzeichnis hinzu und generiert hyperlinksbei Bedarf bei der Verwendung hyperref.

tocdepthWenn Sie den Wert auf „0“ setzen 2, werden wie bei normalen Abschnittsebenen nur die ersten beiden Ebenen zugelassen.


\newcounter{pii} [pi]  \renewcommand\thepii{\thepi.\arabic{pii}}
\newcounter{piii}[pii] \renewcommand\thepiii{\thepii.\arabic{piii}}
\newcounter{piv} [piii]\renewcommand\thepiv{\thepiii.\arabic{piv}}
\newcounter{pv}  [piv] \renewcommand\thepv{\thepiv.\arabic{pv}}



  \vspace{\csname pspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hspace{\csname phspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hangindent=\csname pindent\roman{depth}\endcsname
  \indent\refstepcounter{p\roman{depth}}\llap{\csname thep\roman{depth}\endcsname\ }%
  {\csname pstyle\roman{depth}\endcsname#2\addcontentsline{toc}{\tocstyle}{\protect\numberline{\csname thep\roman{depth}\endcsname}#2}\par}} 






\sentence{This is a sentence.}

\sentence{This is another sentence. Just like any other sentence one would think but perhaps not.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer. This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{Hey there how is it going my good friend. Hey there how is it going my good friend.}

\sentence[-2]{This is a sentence hey.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[-1]{This is a sentence.}


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