Verstehe immer noch nicht die Längen von Gummis

Verstehe immer noch nicht die Längen von Gummis

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\newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section] % Comment out [section] to remove section number dependence


\textit{Displacement} is a vector measure (it has both magnitude and direction) of the interval between two locations measured along the shortest path connecting them.
\textit{Distance,} or distance traveled, is a scalar measure (an absolute value) of the interval between two locations measured along the actual path connecting them.

\textit{Instant velocity,} or velocity, of an object is the rate of change of its displacement \textit{with respect to} time:
\bm{v} = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\bm{r}(t+\Delta t) - \bm{r}(t)}{\Delta t}=\lim_{\Delta t \to 0}\frac{\Delta \bm{r}}{\Delta t}=\frac{\dif\bm{r}}{\dif t}=\dot{\bm{r}}

\textit{Instant speed,} or speed, is the rate of change of distance with respect to time:
\[\envert{\bm{v}} = v = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t} = \frac{\dif s}{\dif t} = \dot{s}\]

\textit{Instant acceleration,} or acceleration, is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time:


Trotz ähnlicher Fragen verstehe ich immer noch nicht ganz, wie diese Abstände insgesamt (in Kombination) funktionieren. Der obige Code erzeugt: Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Wie genau führt die LaTeX-Engine die Berechnungen hinsichtlich der Abstandswerte in definitionstyleund der mathematisch bedingten Abstände ( abovedisplayskipusw.) durch? Wenn ich also beispielsweise möchte, dass alle vertikalen Abstände (farbige Kästchen) im Bild gleich sind, wie führe ich dann die Berechnungen durch, um den gewünschten Effekt zu erzielen?


Gummilängen haben damit nichts zu tun, da die Seite weder gedehnt noch gestaucht wird.

Versuchen wir, die equationUmgebung dort zu platzieren definition, wo sie hingehört.


\usepackage{commath} % don't use it, it's full of bugs


 \abovedisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
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\newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section] % Comment out [section] to remove section number dependence


\textit{Displacement} is a vector measure (it has both magnitude and direction) of the interval between two locations measured along the shortest path connecting them.
\textit{Distance,} or distance traveled, is a scalar measure (an absolute value) of the interval between two locations measured along the actual path connecting them.

\textit{Instant velocity,} or velocity, of an object is the rate of change of its displacement \textit{with respect to} time:
\bm{v} = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\bm{r}(t+\Delta t) - \bm{r}(t)}{\Delta t}=\lim_{\Delta t \to 0}\frac{\Delta \bm{r}}{\Delta t}=\frac{\dif\bm{r}}{\dif t}=\dot{\bm{r}}

\textit{Instant speed,} or speed, is the rate of change of distance with respect to time:
\[\envert{\bm{v}} = v = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t} = \frac{\dif s}{\dif t} = \dot{s}\]

\textit{Instant acceleration,} or acceleration, is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time:


Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Wenn ich auch die verschiedenen Abstände ändere, die Sie festlegen, wie unten




 \abovedisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
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        {}                      % <theorem head spec (can be left empty, meaning "normal")>

\newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section] % Comment out [section] to remove section number dependence


\textit{Displacement} is a vector measure (it has both magnitude and direction) 
of the interval between two locations measured along the shortest path connecting them.
\textit{Distance,} or distance traveled, is a scalar measure (an absolute value) 
of the interval between two locations measured along the actual path connecting them.

\textit{Instant velocity,} or velocity, of an object is the rate of change of its 
displacement \textit{with respect to} time:
\bm{v} = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\bm{r}(t+\Delta t) - 
\bm{r}(t)}{\Delta t}=\lim_{\Delta t \to 0}\frac{\Delta \bm{r}}{\Delta t}=
\frac{\dif\bm{r}}{\dif t}=\dot{\bm{r}}

\textit{Instant speed,} or speed, is the rate of change of distance with respect to time:
\lvert\bm{v}\rvert = v = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t} = 
\frac{\dif s}{\dif t} = \dot{s}

\textit{Instant acceleration,} or acceleration, is the rate of change of velocity 
with respect to time:


Ich bekomme

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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