Entwurf einer mechanischen Achse

Entwurf einer mechanischen Achse

Gibt es eine praktischere Möglichkeit, diese Zeichnung mithilfe der Längen und Breiten zu erstellen, sodass ich nicht alle Eckpunkte neu festlegen muss, wie ich es getan habe?

\coordinate (A1) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A2) at (35,0);
\coordinate (A3) at (35,17);
\coordinate (A4) at (0,17);

\draw[thick] (A1) -- (A2);
\draw[thick] (A1) -- (A4);
\draw[thick] (A3) -- (A4);

\coordinate (A5) at (35,-2);
\coordinate (A6) at (70,-2);
\coordinate (A7) at (70,19);
\coordinate (A8) at (35,19);

\draw[thick] (A5) -- (A6);
\draw[thick] (A6) -- (A7);
\draw[thick] (A7) -- (A8);
\draw[thick] (A8) -- (A5);

\coordinate (A9) at (70,0);
\coordinate (A10) at (125,0);
\coordinate (A11) at (125,17);
\coordinate (A12) at (70,17);

\draw[thick] (A9) -- (A10);
\draw[thick] (A10) -- (A11);
\draw[thick] (A11) -- (A12);


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coordinateSie können und besser nutzen calc. Hier habe ich keine absoluten Koordinaten zum Zeichnen der Achse:

  \coordinate (ALL); %% Lower left of 1st axle
  \coordinate (BLL) at ($(ALL) + (35,-2)$); %% Lower left of 2nd axle
  \coordinate (CLL) at ($(ALL) + (70,0)$); %% Lower left of 3rd axle
  \draw[thick] (ALL) rectangle +(35,17) coordinate (AUR); %% Upper right corner of 1st axle
  \draw[thick] (BLL) rectangle +(35,21) coordinate (BUR); %% Upper right corner of 2nd axle
  \draw[thick] (CLL) rectangle +(55,17) coordinate (CUR); %% Upper right corner of 2nd axle

Dieselben Koordinaten können zum Zeichnen der Maße verwendet werden. Es wird etwas komplizierter, aber mit der Verwendung von zum horizontalen und vertikalen (Coor1 -| Coor2)Abrufen der Koordinaten ist es machbar.Coor1Coor2

  \coordinate (ALL); %% Lower left of 1st axle
  \coordinate (BLL) at ($(ALL) + (35,-2)$); %% Lower left of 2nd axle
  \coordinate (CLL) at ($(ALL) + (70,0)$); %% Lower left of 3rd axle
  \draw[thick] (ALL) rectangle +(35,17) coordinate (AUR); %% Upper right corner of 1st axle
  \draw[thick] (BLL) rectangle +(35,21) coordinate (BUR); %% Upper right corner of 2nd axle
  \draw[thick] (CLL) rectangle +(55,17) coordinate (CUR); %% Upper right corner of 2nd axle
  %% Measures
  \coordinate (Mx1) at ($(BLL) + (-35-15,0)$);
  \coordinate (Mx2) at ($(BLL) + (-35-10,0)$);
  \coordinate (Mx3) at ($(BLL) + (35+55+10,0)$);
  \coordinate (My1) at ($(BLL) + (0,-10)$);
  %% 21
  \draw ($(BLL)+(-1,0)$) -- ($(Mx1)+(-1,0)$);
  \draw ($(BLL)+(-1,21)$) -- ($(Mx1)+(-1,21)$);
  \draw[<->] (Mx1) -- ($(Mx1)+(0,21)$) node[pos=0.5,anchor=south,rotate=90]{21};
  %% 2
  \draw ($(ALL)+(-1,0)$) -- ($(Mx2 |- ALL) + (-1,0)$);
  \draw[<-] (Mx2 |- BLL) -- +(0,-5) node[pos=0.5,anchor=south,rotate=90]{2};
  \draw[<-] (Mx2 |- ALL) -- +(0,5);
  %% 35 35 55
  \draw ($(ALL)+(0,-1)$) -- ($(My1 -| ALL)+(0,-1)$);
  \draw ($(BLL)+(0,-1)$) -- ($(My1 -| BLL)+(0,-1)$);
  \draw ($(BUR |- BLL)+(0,-1)$) -- ($(My1 -| BUR)+(0,-1)$);
  \draw ($(CUR |- CLL)+(0,-1)$) -- ($(My1 -| CUR)+(0,-1)$);
  \draw[<->] (My1 -| ALL) -- (My1 -| BLL) node[anchor=south,pos=0.5]{35};
  \draw[<->] (My1 -| BLL) -- (My1 -| CLL) node[anchor=south,pos=0.5]{35};
  \draw[<->] (My1 -| CLL) -- (My1 -| CUR) node[anchor=south,pos=0.5]{55};
  %% 17
  \draw ($(CUR) + (1,0)$) -- ($(CUR -| Mx3)+(1,0)$);
  \draw ($(CUR |- CLL) + (1,0)$) -- ($(CLL -| Mx3)+(1,0)$);
  \draw[<->] (Mx3 |- CLL) -- (Mx3 |- CUR) node [pos=0.5,anchor=south,rotate=90]{17};

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