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Das Bild wird nicht an der richtigen Position angezeigt

Ich füge mit dem Befehl \includegraphic ein Bild hinzu, aber es erscheint oben auf der Seite an der falschen Position.

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\newcommand{\problemtitle}[1]{\gdef\@problemtitle{#1}}% Store problem title
\newcommand{\probleminput}[1]{\gdef\@probleminput{#1}}% Store problem input
\newcommand{\problemquestion}[1]{\gdef\@problemquestion{#1}}% Store problem question
  \problemtitle{}\probleminput{}\problemquestion{}% Default input is empty
  \BODY% Parse input
  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{\hspace{\parindent}} l X c}
    \multicolumn{2}{@{\hspace{\parindent}}l}{\@problemtitle} \\% Title
    \textbf{Input:} & \@probleminput \\% Input
    \textbf{Question:} & \@problemquestion% Question


     \smash{\vrule height\dimexpr\ht0+1pt\relax depth\dimexpr\dp0+1pt\relax}%

\title{Computing Prime Set in \mathcal{O}(n) Running Time}
\author{Sh \\~\\ IIT[![enter image description here][1]][1] Ga}


\section{Computing Primes beween 2 and $k-1$}

  \problemtitle{$$\textsc{Prime Set}}
  \probleminput{ An array $N$ is given such that $N[i] = i,2\le  i \le k-1$ .}
  \problemquestion{ Compute set $Q_{k-1}$ which contains primes between 2 and $k-1$} 

 We want to compute the primes beween 2 and $k-1$. A simple algorithm is to start with 2 and mark the elements that are multiple of two and in the second iteration mark the multiples of 3 and so on. Let $N$ be an array containing numbers from 2 to $k-1$ such that $N[i] = i$.

\item For $i =2$ to $k$
\item Mark the multiples of $i$ in array $N$. 
\item End For

It is easy to see that above algorithm takes $\mathcal{O}(k \log k)$ .  

 We want to improve the running time of the above algorithm from time  $O(k \log \log k)$ to $O(k)$ time.  The problem with the above algorithm is that there will be many elements in $N$ which get marked multiple times like 6, 12 etc.  To avoid that an element get marked multiple times, we will use a doubly linked list with pointers to array $N$.  See the image below for more detail.


From the above diagram it is clear that we are maintaing a one pointer from node $i$ of the list $L$ to index $i$ of array $N$ and one pointer from index $i$ of $N$ to $i$th node of list $L$. Now algorithm to compute the prime set$Q_{k-1}$ is given below:

\item Pick the smallest unmarked element $i \ge 2$ in $N$ and add $i$ to $Q_{k-1}$.
\item Starting from the first node, walk up the list $L$ in increasing order until we find the smallest number $r$ in it such that $r.i \ge k-1$. 
\item Walk down the list $L$ ( crucially, in decreasing order ) from the node $r$, and for each $l$ in $L$, seen, mark the element $N[i.l]$ and delete the node containing $i.l$ from $L$ ( this node in $L$ is accessed through the pointer from the $(i.l)$th location in $N$ ).
\item If $N$ has any unmarked element $\ge 2$, go back to first step

In the first round all the multiple of 2 will get marked. It is easy to verify that each element in the array will get marked just once.  The overall running time of above algorithm is $O(k)$ ( verify this ). 


Frage: Wie kann ich dies ändern, damit der Name des Autors und das Bild an der richtigen Position stehen (wo ich das Bild hinzugefügt habe)?

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bearbeiten: aus Ihren Kommentaren geht hervor, dass Sie auch Probleme haben, Titel und Autor am Anfang des Dokuments hinzuzufügen. Dies lässt sich ganz einfach erreichen mit:

\author{my name}
\title{Computing Prime Set in $\mathcal{O}(n)$ Running Time}% <--- added math environment

\maketitle% <--- added 

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\author{my name}
\title{Computing Prime Set in $\mathcal{O}(n)$ Running Time}

\maketitle % <---

\begin{figure}[ht]% <---
    node distance = 21mm and 7mm,
    box/.style = {draw, minimum size=6mm, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, anchor=center},
      pin edge = {Straight Barb-, shorten <=1mm,semithick}
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,
             column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
             inner sep=0pt,
  1 & 2 & 3 &  \quad$\dotsm$\quad\vphantom{4}  & k     \\
\node (h2) [box,below=of m-1-2] {2};
\node (h1) [box, left=of h2,
            pin=240:head]       {1};
\node (h3) [box,right=of h2]    {3};
\node (hk) [box,below right=of m-1-5] {$k$};
\draw[dashed,-Straight Barb, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm]
    (m-1-1.south) edge [bend right]   (h1.north)
    (h1.north)    edge [bend right]   (m-1-1.south)
    (m-1-2.south) edge [bend right]   (h2.north)
    (h2.north)    edge [bend right]   (m-1-2.south)
    (m-1-3.south) edge [bend right]   (h3.north)
    (h3.north)    edge [bend right]   (m-1-3.south)
    (m-1-5.south) edge [bend right]   (hk.north)
    (hk.north)     to  [bend right]   (m-1-5.south);
\draw[-Straight Barb, transform canvas={yshift= 1mm}]
    (h1) edge   (h2)    (h2) edge   (h3);
\draw[Straight Barb-, transform canvas={yshift=-1mm}]
    (h1) edge   (h2)    (h2) edge   (h3);
\draw[loosely dotted, ultra thick, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=3mm]
    (h3) -- (hk);
\caption{Computing primes between $2$ and $k-1$}

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