So drucken Sie Textzeilen, ohne das Wort innerhalb der Textbreite zu unterbrechen

So drucken Sie Textzeilen, ohne das Wort innerhalb der Textbreite zu unterbrechen

Wie drucke ich das Wort VOLUNTEER in einer einzigen Zeile ohne Umbruch,

Hier ist mein MWE

 \documentclass[16pt,a4paper]{scrartcl}              %class
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 \usepackage{setspace} % for spacing between lines
 \usepackage{graphicx}         %for including images
 \usepackage{eso-pic}     %package for including background image
 \usepackage{catechis} % Package for scripture




 \hfill \parbox[t]{2.8in}{\shortstack{\vrule width 2.8in height 0.4pt\\\small#2}}}
 \def\sigskip{\vskip0.4in plus 0.1in}
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 \input Elzevier.fd

 \newfontfamily{\lucida}{Lucida Calligraphy}
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 \newfontfamily{\maiandra}{Maiandra GD}

 \newcommand\mybox[2][]{\tikz[overlay]\node[fill=blue!20,inner sep=8pt, anchor=text, rectangle, rounded corners=1mm,#1] {#2};\phantom{#2}}
 % \pagecolor{blue!10}




 \newroman\fontsize{30}{30}\selectfont\bfseries\color{white} ~~~~$\textbf{44}^{\textbf{\textrm{th}}}$ National Workshop on ABCD/DBCE \& FGDAER\\ 








 \end{minipage} \hfill~~~
 \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
 \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt] at ($(current page.east)+(-5.0cm,5.6cm)$){\includegraphics[width=1.75\linewidth]{example-image-b}};  %here include right side image



 \lucida\noindent{This is to certify that~Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof. {{\textit{\color{red}\large\textbf{Biki Teron}}}}~~ has worked as \MakeUppercase{volunteer}~ in the ~\textbf{$\textit{34}^{\textrm{\textit{th}}}$ National Workshop on ABCD/EFGH \& Gahbsdfraew Devices} during 29 - 30 July, 2018 held at Abcdsa for Abcdtechnology, Dfghdj Institute of Technology Aghsdfar, Aaadk, Ppsdp.




Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Um die Silbentrennung eines bestimmten Wortes zu verhindern, schließen Sie es in ein \mbox{}: ein.



    This is to certify that~Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof. Biki Teron has worked as \mbox{\MakeUppercase{volunteer}} in the \textbf{$\textit{34}^{\textrm{\textit{th}}}$ National Workshop on ABCD/EFGH \& Gahbsdfraew Devices} during 29 - 30 July, 2018 held at Abcdsa for Abcdtechnology, Dfghdj Institute of Technology Aghsdfar, Aaadk, Ppsdp.


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