Tabellen mit viel Text

Tabellen mit viel Text

Meine LaTeX-Kenntnisse sind sehr begrenzt. Ich versuche, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, die so aussieht, weiß aber nicht, wie das geht:

So sieht die Tabelle in Word aus

Ich versuche, Booktabs für horizontale Linien und Tabu für die Spaltenbreite zu verwenden (ich muss in meiner Dissertation noch ein paar Tabellen erstellen).

    \caption{Interpretive and critical research paradigms for design research (adopted from \citealt{crouch2012doing})
    \begin{tabu} to 1.0\linewidth { | X[l] | X[l] | X[l] | }
Research Paradigm       & Interpretive                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              & Critical                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \\
Epistemology / Ontology & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality.\\ Researcher is a subjective observer.\\ The world is open to interpretation.\end{tabular}                                                                                         & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised.\\ Ideology is all-pervasive.\\ Knowledge implies action.\end{tabular}                                               \\
Researcher’s role       & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Engage with other people’s lives\\ Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard\end{tabular}                                                                                                                                                      & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Critically observe design practices\\ Engage with other people’s lives\\ Initiate or facilitate change\end{tabular}                                                                                             \\
Research purpose        & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field\\ To interpret design practices, objects and systems\\ To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design\\ To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems\\ To change design practices, objects and systems\end{tabular} \\
Underlying values       & Plurality 

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Eine Möglichkeit mit Tabellen- und pSpaltentyp:

\author{Konstantinos Leledakis}
\date{March 2019}


    \caption{Interpretive and critical research paradigms for design research (adopted from \ldots%\citealt{crouch2012doing}
    \begin{tabular}{  l  p{3.4cm}  p{3.4cm} }
\textbf{Research Paradigm}      
& \textbf{Interpretive}   
& \textbf{Critical} \\\midrule
Epistemology / Ontology 
& It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.        
& The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
Researcher’s role       
& Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard                         
& Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change  \\\hline
Research purpose        
& To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems 
& To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices, \\\hline
objects and systems &
Underlying values       
& Plurality \\


PS: pDer Spaltentyp wurde für solche Fälle erstellt und sorgt für automatische „Zeilenumbrüche“ im Zellinhalt der Spalte. Sie können manstelle von verwenden p, um die Zellen jeder Zeile vertikal zu zentrieren.

PS2: Ich zeige nur einen Weg … aber um ehrlich zu sein würde ich mehr Verbesserungen an der Tabelle vornehmen, um eine schöne Tabelle zu erhalten. Aber ich denke, das ist es, wonach Sie im Moment suchen, um zu lernen, „wie“.

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Hier ist ein Code für eine Tabelle, die sich über mehrere Seiten erstreckt (ich habe ihre Länge reduziert). Er verwendet die Pakete caption, tabularx, longtableund tabu(dadurch können sich die Kopfzeile der Tabelle auf der ersten Seite und die Fußzeile auf der letzten Seite von allen anderen Kopf-/Fußzeilen unterscheiden, z. B. „Fortsetzung von vorheriger Seite“ und „Fortsetzung auf nächster Seite“). (einige andere tabellenbezogene Pakete

%    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
    \usepackage{longtable, tabu}
    \usepackage{booktabs, caption, apacite}
    \usepackage{hhline, blindtext}

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{1.7cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{4cm} | X}
\caption{Literature on Industrial Diversification (Overview) \label{overview_industrial}}\\
\hline \hline
Study       &Sample, Data   & Specifications        &Results \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead%
%\caption{Literature on Industrial Diversification (Overview, continued from previous page) }\\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{Continued from previous page}\\
\hline \hline
Study       &Sample, Data Source    & Specifications        &Results \\ \hline \hline \endhead%
\multicolumn{4}{r}{Continued on next page}\\
  \textbf{Research Paradigm}      
    & \textbf{Interpretive}   
    & \textbf{Critical} \\ \hline \hline
    Epistemology / Ontology 
    & It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.        
    & The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
    Researcher’s role       
    & Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard                         
    & Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change  \\ \hline
    Research purpose        
    & To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems 
    & To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices, \\ \hline
  \textbf{Research Paradigm}      
    & \textbf{Interpretive}   
    & \textbf{Critical} \\ \hline \hline
    Epistemology / Ontology 
    & It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.        
    & The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
    Researcher’s role       
    & Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard                         
    & Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change  \\ \hline
    Research purpose        
    & To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems 
    & To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices, \\ \hline
  \textbf{Research Paradigm}      
    & \textbf{Interpretive}   
    & \textbf{Critical} \\ \hline \hline
    Epistemology / Ontology 
    & It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.        
    & The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
    Researcher’s role       
    & Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard                         
    & Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change  \\ \hline
    Research purpose        
    & To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems 
    & To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices,
                \\ \hline
something   &something something
                    &sample text
                    &\begin{minipage}[t][]{\linewidth}\begin{itemize} \item first element in list
        \item second one
        \item and so on
                \\  \hline \hline


ich würde verwenden tabularx(wie seiner Antwort +1) statt tabuPaket, Regeln aus dem booktabsPaket (wie Verwendung@koleygrin seiner Antwort +1), ragged2ePaket zum besseren Ausfüllen des verfügbaren Platzes in Zellen und das makecellPaket für Spaltenüberschriften und zusätzlichen vertikalen Platz in Zellen.

Da Sie keine Informationen darüber angeben, welche Dokumentklasse Sie verwenden und wie das Seitenlayout in Ihren Dokumenten aussieht, wähle articleund definiere ich das Seitenlayout mit geometrydem Paket.


\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}
\captionsetup[table]{position=above, skip=0.5ex}

\author{Konstantinos Leledakis}
\date{March 2019}

%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!

\caption{Interpretive and critical research paradigms for design research (adopted from \ldots%\citealt{crouch2012doing}
%    \small
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} P{21mm} L L @{}}
\thead[lb]{Research\\ Paradigm}
    &   \thead[b]{Interpretive}
        &   \thead{Critical}                                                \\
Epistemology/ Ontology
    &   It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.
        &   The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action.     \\
Researcher’s role
    &   Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard
        &   Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change                                                   \\
Research purpose
    &   To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems
        &   To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices,
objects and systems
    &   Underlying values
        &   Plurality                                                       \\

Das Ergebnis ist:

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Sie können beispielsweise auch eine kleinere Schriftgröße verwenden \small. In diesem Fall werden die Zellen besser gefüllt und es können weniger Textzeilen vorhanden sein.

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