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Sed ut perspiciatis \parencite{wilk1968}.



Meine .bibDatei ( test.bib), die sich im selben Verzeichnis befindet wie die .texunten angezeigte Datei:

  langid = {english},
  title = {Probability {{Plotting Methods}} for the {{Analysis}} of {{Data}}},
  volume = {55},
  issn = {00063444},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.2307/2334448},
  abstract = {This paper describes and discusses graphical techniques, based on the primitive empirical cumulative distribution function and on quantile (Q-Q) plots, percent (P-P) plots and hybrids of these, which are useful in assessing a one-dimensional sample, either from original data or resulting from analysis. Areas of application include: the comparison of samples; the comparison of distributions; the presentation of results on sensitivities of statistical methods; the analysis of collections of contrasts and of collections of sample variances; the assessment of multivariate contrasts;\_ and the structuring of analysis of variance mean squares. Many of the objectives and techniques are illustrated by examples.},
  number = {1},
  journaltitle = {Biometrika},
  urldate = {2018-06-01},
  date = {1968-03},
  pages = {1},
  author = {Wilk, M. B. and Gnanadesikan, R.},
  file = {}

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