Wie zeichnet man einen gestrichelten Kreisbogen hinter einer Pyramide?

Wie zeichnet man einen gestrichelten Kreisbogen hinter einer Pyramide?

Ich versuche, so zu zeichnen wie dieses BildBildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Ich habe es versucht

\documentclass[border=2 mm,12pt]{standalone}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,line join = round, line cap = round]
        \coordinate (A) at (0,0,0);
        \coordinate (S) at (7/2,{-7*sqrt(3)/6},14/3);
        \coordinate (C) at (7,0,0);
        \coordinate (B) at  ({65/14},{15*sqrt(3)/14},0);
        \coordinate (I) at  (7/2,{-7*sqrt(3)/6},0) ;

        \draw[very thick] (A) -- (B) (B) -- (C)  (S) --  (A) (S) --(B) (S) -- (C) ;

        \draw[dashed ] (C) -- (A) (I) -- (A) (I) -- (B) (I) --(C) (S) --(I) ;
        \draw[very thick] (I) circle ({7/sqrt(3)});
        \foreach \point/\position in {A/below,B/below,C/below,
            \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
            \node[\position=3pt] at (\point) {$\point$};

und bekam

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Wie zeichnet man einen gestrichelten Kreisbogen hinter einer Pyramide?


Eine Sache, die immer funktioniert, ist diereverseclipTrick.

\documentclass[border=2 mm,12pt]{standalone}
% based on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/12033/121799
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current bounding box.south west)rectangle 
  (current bounding box.north east)} }}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,line join = round, line cap = round]
        \coordinate (A) at (0,0,0);
        \coordinate (S) at (7/2,{-7*sqrt(3)/6},14/3);
        \coordinate (C) at (7,0,0);
        \coordinate (B) at  ({65/14},{15*sqrt(3)/14},0);
        \coordinate (I) at  (7/2,{-7*sqrt(3)/6},0) ;

        \draw[very thick] (A) -- (B) (B) -- (C)  (S) --  (A) (S) --(B) (S) -- (C) ;

        \draw[dashed ] (C) -- (A) (I) -- (A) (I) -- (B) (I) --(C) (S) --(I) ;
        \path (I) circle ({1.01*7/sqrt(3)});
         \clip (S) -- (C) -- (B) -- (A) -- cycle [reverseclip];
         \draw[very thick] (I) circle ({7/sqrt(3)});
         \clip (S) -- (C) -- (B) -- (A);
         \draw[dashed] (I) circle ({7/sqrt(3)});
        \foreach \point/\position in {A/below,B/below,C/below,
            \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
            \node[\position=3pt] at (\point) {$\point$};

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Mit der intersectionsBibliothek würde der Code folgendermaßen aussehen (ich habe die erforderliche Zeile rot hervorgehoben):

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

\documentclass[border=2 mm,12pt]{standalone}

    overdraw/.style={preaction={draw,bgcolor,line width=#1}},

    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,line join = round, line cap = round]
        \coordinate (A) at (0,0,0);
        \coordinate (S) at (7/2,{-7*sqrt(3)/6},14/3);
        \coordinate (C) at (7,0,0);
        \coordinate (B) at  ({65/14},{15*sqrt(3)/14},0);
        \coordinate (I) at  (7/2,{-7*sqrt(3)/6},0) ;

        \draw[very thick] (A) -- (B) (B) -- (C) (S) --(B);
        \draw[very thick,name path=SC] (S) -- (C);
        \draw[very thick,name path=SA] (S) --  (A);

        \draw[very thick,name path=CIR] (I) circle ({7/sqrt(3)});

        \path [name intersections={of=SC and CIR, by={C,C'}}];
        \path [name intersections={of=SA and CIR, by={D,D'}}];
        \draw[red,dashed,overdraw] (C') to [bend right=-10] (D'); %to draw the curved path
        \draw[dashed] (C) -- (A) (I) -- (A) (I) -- (B) (I) --(C) (S) --(I) ;
        \foreach \point/\position in {A/below,B/below,C/below,
            \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
            \node[\position=3pt] at (\point) {$\point$};

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