pgfplotstable: Problem mit „create on use“, getprevrow (Tabelle ähnlich „Horners Schema“)

pgfplotstable: Problem mit „create on use“, getprevrow (Tabelle ähnlich „Horners Schema“)

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\usepackage{xcolor, colortbl}

\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
fixed, 1000 sep={\,},

% Text commands

\section{My modulo}

\colorbox{pink}{Example (!): $10^{\Exponent} \bmod \Divisor = \,?$} \par
Binary representation of the exponent:  $%~\big\vert
% ,~~\dim(\BinExponent_{(2)}) = \DimOfBinExponent
$ (we can find these numbers again in the column "Occupation".)

\section{pgfplotstable try}
\pgfplotstableset{create on use/Binarydigit/.style={
create col/set list={\Binarydigits,...,0}},
columns/my new col/.style={string type}}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/Occupation/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\Binarydigit}}}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/MultiplierShow/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\pgfmathsetmacro{\multiplier}{\occupier==1 ? "$\cdot \Base$" : "\SignForEmptyMultiplierShow"}%
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\multiplier}}}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/MultiplierIs/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\pgfmathsetmacro{\multiplier}{\occupier==1 ? \Base : 1}%
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\multiplier}}}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/Results/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\pgfmathsetmacro{\results}{\BinarydigitNo==\Binarydigits ? \occupier*\Base : 1}%
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\results}}}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/ModI/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ModI}{\BinarydigitNo==\Binarydigits ? mod(\results,\Divisor) : 1}%
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\ModI}}}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/Square/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Square}{\BinarydigitNo==\Binarydigits ? \modI*\modI : 1}%
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\Square}}}

\pgfplotstableset{create on use/ModII/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ModI}{\BinarydigitNo==\Binarydigits ? mod(\square,\Divisor) : 1}%
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\ModI}}}

\pgfplotstablenew[columns={Binarydigit, Occupation, MultiplierShow, MultiplierIs, Results, ModI, Square, ModII}]{\DimOfBinExponent}\modulotable

\noindent\pgfplotstabletypeset[%string type, 
columns={Binarydigit, Occupation, MultiplierShow, MultiplierIs, Results, ModI, Square, ModII},
1000 sep={\,}, 
columns/Binarydigit/.style={column name=Binarydigit},
columns/Occupation/.style={column name=Occupation},
columns/MultiplierShow/.style={string type, column name=MultiplierShow},
columns/ModI/.style={column name=$\bmod\, \Divisor$},
columns/Square/.style={column name=Square},
columns/ModII/.style={column name=$\bmod\, \Divisor$},

\section{This is what it should be}
\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c c }
Binarydigit & Occupation & Multiplier & Results & mod 857 & Square & mod 857  \\  
4 & 1 & $\cdot$10 & 10         & 10        & 100       & \g 100  \\
3 & 0 & /               &  \G 100 &  \G 100 & 10000    & \g 573  \\
2 & 1 & $\cdot$10 &   5730   &   588     & 345744  & \g 373  \\
1 & 0 & /               & \G  373 & \G  373 &  139129  &   295  \\
0 & 0 & /               & \R 295  & \R 295  & \R 87025 & \R 468  \\
%1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7  \\
\colorbox{pink}{$\Rightarrow 10^{20} \bmod{857} = 295$}

\item The dark green cells does not need to be shown, so let them empty - same content in green cells!  {\color{red} How to get these previous cells for the "Square"-column  with pgfplots?}

\item The red part has to be completely  empty - a bigger modulo (468) than the previous (295) {\color{red}[I think\dots]}.

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