Eine bestimmte Figur zeichnen

Eine bestimmte Figur zeichnen

Ich weiß, das ist zu viel verlangt, aber kann mir bitte jemand helfen, diese Figur zu zeichnen? Koloriert wäre toll! Vielen Dank im Voraus.Bild


 \draw (-3,2) to[out=-20,in=180] coordinate[pos=0.4] (t1) 
    coordinate[pos=0.5] (t1') (0,1.5)
    to[out=0,in=-160] coordinate[pos=0.5] (t2') coordinate[pos=0.6] (t2)   
  (-3,-2) to[out=20,in=180] coordinate[pos=0.4] (b1) node[pos=0.45,below]{0} 
    coordinate[pos=0.5] (b1') (0,-1.5) to[out=0,in=-200] 
    coordinate[pos=0.5] (b2')  node[pos=0.55,below]{1}
    coordinate[pos=0.6] (b2) (3,-2);
 \draw[dashed] (0,1.5) arc(90:270:0.5 and 1.5);
 \draw (0,-1.5) node[below]{$A$} arc(-90:90:0.5 and 1.5) node[above right]{$\gamma$};
 \draw[-{Stealth[bend]}] (0,-1.5) arc(-90:3:0.5 and 1.5);
 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  \clip (-3,2) to[out=-20,in=180] (0,1.5)
      to[out=0,in=-160]  (3,2) -- 
   (3,-2) to[out=160,in=0] (0,-1.5) to[out=0,in=20]  (-3,-2) -- cycle;
  \draw[thick] (-2.8,0) to[out=10,in=175] (1,0.2) to[out=-5,in=170] (2.8,0);
  \draw[thick,-{Stealth[bend]}] (-2.8,0) to[out=10,in=175] (1,0.2)
   node[below right]{$\alpha$};
  \path[left color=blue,right color=blue!60,middle color=blue!20,shading
  angle=180,opacity=0.8] let \p1=($(t1)-(b1)$),\p2=($(t1')-(b1')$) 
  in (b1) arc(-90:90:\y1/6 and \y1/2) -- (t1') arc(90:-90:\y2/6 and \y2/2)
  \path[left color=blue,right color=blue!60,middle color=blue!20,shading
  angle=180,opacity=0.8] let \p1=($(t2)-(b2)$),\p2=($(t2')-(b2')$) 
  in (b2) arc(-90:90:\y1/6 and \y1/2) -- (t2') arc(90:-90:\y2/6 and \y2/2)

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