Im folgenden TikZ
Diagramm habe ich einen expandierenden Graphen dargestellt – eine Folge einfacher Graphen. Eine Inkonsistenz in diesem Diagramm sind die Abstände zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Schritten in der Expansion. Für die ersten vier Schritte habe ich einfach die y
-Koordinate 3
jedes der Knoten verringert. Ein mehrzeiliger Knoten unter einem Knoten des vierten Graphen hat dies verhindert. Ich habe einfach den letzten Graphen 6 cm
unter den vierten Graphen gelegt. Das ist unpassend.
Wie definiere ich eine Länge zwischen (label_for_Vertex_b.south)
und (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b.north)
und verwende diese Distanz, um den Bruch (2n+1)/2
im letzten Diagramm zu positionieren und von diesem Knoten aus die letzte horizontale Linie zu zeichnen?
\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1}]
%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\draw (-4,-3) -- (-2,-3);
\draw[fill] (-4,-3) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-3) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-3) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,-3) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,-3) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-3) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
%An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
\draw (-4,-6) -- (-2,-6) -- (0,-6);
\draw[fill] (-4,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
\draw (-4,-9) -- (-2,-9) -- (0,-9) (2,-9) -- (5,-9);
\draw[fill] (-4,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,-9){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
\draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm] ($(3.5,-9) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,-9);
\path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future vertex")}]
at ($(3.5,-9) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-9.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,-9) -- (label_for_Edge);
\node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (actual_label_for_Edge) at (label_for_Edge)
{$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
&\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt] (label_for_Edge.south) -- ($(label_for_Edge.south) +(0,-4)$);
%Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
\draw (-4,-15) -- (-2,-15) -- (0,-15) (2,-15) -- (5,-15);
\draw[fill] (-4,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,-15){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},-15) -- ({(2+5)/2},-16);
\node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-16){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
\node[anchor=south] (Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram) at ($({(2+5)/2},-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};
%Extra code to display distances I want between graphs.
\draw[|<->|, green] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) -- (label_for_Vertex_b);
\node[green, anchor=west] at ($($(label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b)!0.5!(label_for_Vertex_b)$) +(0.1,0)$){\textit{D}};
\draw[|<->|, green] ($(actual_label_for_Edge.south) +(0.5,0)$) -- ($(Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram.north) +(0.5,0)$);
\node[green, anchor=west] at ($($(actual_label_for_Edge.south) +(0.6,0)$)!0.5!($(Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram.north) +(0.6,0)$)$){\textbf{Want this to be \textit{D}}};
Um ganze Blöcke zu verschieben, können Sie diese in scope
s setzen,
Dadurch können Sie den letzten Block 3 cm unter den Südanker der Randbeschriftung verschieben.
\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1}]
%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
%An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
\draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm] ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,0);
\path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future vertex")}]
at ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-0.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,0) -- (label_for_Edge);
\node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (edge label) at (label_for_Edge)
{$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
&\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\path ($(0,0|-edge label.south)+(0,-3)$) coordinate(auxp);
%Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},0)
-- ({(2+5)/2},-1);
\node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-1){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
\node[anchor=south] (f2n) at ($({(2+5)/2},0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt]
(label_for_Edge.south) -- (f2n.north);
Wie erwähntHier, würden Sie möglicherweise stark davon profitieren, positioning
die Blöcke relativ zueinander zu positionieren. Diese Antwort basiert auf der Annahme, dass es einige Gründe gibt, warum Sie nicht verwenden möchten positioning
Hier ist ein weiterer Versuch, Sie glücklich zu machen. Der Trick besteht darin, diese Ebenen in pic
s zu setzen und die („falschen“) Bilder in eine Matrix zu setzen.
Der vertikale Abstand zwischen diesen Ebenen/Bildern wird vollständig durch festgelegt
column sep
Wenn Sie Anmerkungen hinzufügen möchten, die die Größe dieser Bilder nicht verändern sollen, verwenden Sie entweder overlay
oder fügen Sie sie außerhalb der Matrix hinzu. Beispiele für beides finden Sie im MWE
\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1},
%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.
\matrix[row sep=4.5em]{%<- this defines the difference between pics
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) coordinate(lcompare);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (bcompare) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
\draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm,overlay] ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,0);
\path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future
at ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-0.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,0) -- (label_for_Edge);
\node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (edge label) at (label_for_Edge)
{$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
&\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]
%Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},0)
-- ({(2+5)/2},-1);
\node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-1){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
\node[anchor=south] (f2n) at ($({(2+5)/2},0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};
%An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt]
(label_for_Edge.south) -- (f2n.north);