Ich habe ein Problem, bei dem die Matrix, die ich einfüge, extrem große Lücken zwischen den Zeilen aufweist. Aus irgendeinem Grund beträgt die Lücke zwischen jeder Zeile etwa 10,5 cm, und ich kann nicht herausfinden, warum. Der folgende Code erstellt dieses Bild, wobei die Oberseite der Matrixbox über die Seite hinausragt. Wie man sehen kann, besteht zwischen den Aufgabenknoten „Legende“ und „Moderator“ eine beträchtliche Lücke.
%Packages included
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows, chains, positioning}
\begin{figure} [H]
>=triangle 60,
start chain=going below,
node distance=0.6cm and 6cm,
every join/.style={norm},
base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex, text=black},
box/.style={base, rectangle, text width=10em},
corner/.style={box, rounded corners},
norm/.style={->, draw},
test/.style={base, diamond, aspect=2, text width=5em},
fac/.style={box, dotted},
coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=0.6cm and 2cm}
\node [corner] (start) {Start of process};
\node [fac, join] {Assemble expert panel};
\node [box, join] (stp) {Panel review's indicators};
\node [box, join] {Panel provides anonymous feedback};
\node [fac, join] {Feedback reviewed by facilitator};
\node [test, join] (cons) {Consensus reached?};
\node [box] (fin) {Final indicator set compiled};
\node [box, join] {Indicators added to protocol, updated minimum data set added to protocol};
\node [corner, join] {Process finished};
\node [fac, right =of cons] (upd) {Indicators updated in line with feedback};
\node [fac, left=of stp] (ind) {Indicators sourced from literature, best practice guidelines, etc.};
\node [coord, right=of cons] (c1) {};
\path (cons.south) to node [near start, xshift=0.5em] {$y$} (fin);
\draw [*->] (cons.south) -- (fin);
\path (cons.east) to node [near start, yshift=0.5em] {$n$} (c1);
\draw [*->] (cons.east) -- (upd);
\draw [->] (upd.north) |- (stp);
\draw [->] (start.west) -| (ind);
\draw [->] (ind.east) -- (stp);'
\matrix [draw, above left] at (current bounding box.south east) {
\node [box, text width=1em, color=white, label=right:\emph{Legend}] {};\\
\node [fac, text width=1em, label=right:Facilitator Task] {}; \\
\caption{Formal process for CQIs}
Ich bin derzeit neu bei Latex und lerne aus einer Reihe unterschiedlicher Quellen und Tutorials, daher ist mein Code möglicherweise nicht sinnvoll.
Willkommen! Die Knoten in der Matrix haben die Schlüssel on chain
und on grid
, die sie von erben base
. Sie müssen diese Schlüssel löschen.
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows, chains, positioning}
\begin{figure} [htb]
\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=going below,
>=triangle 60,
node distance=0.6cm and 6cm,
every join/.style={norm},
mbase/.style={draw, align=center, minimum height=4ex, text=black},
base/.style={mbase,on chain,on grid},
mbox/.style={mbase, rectangle, text width=10em},
box/.style={base, rectangle, text width=10em},
corner/.style={box, rounded corners},
norm/.style={->, draw},
test/.style={base, diamond, aspect=2, text width=5em},
fac/.style={box, dotted},
mfac/.style={mbox, dotted},
coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=0.6cm and 2cm}
\node [corner] (start) {Start of process};
\node [fac, join] {Assemble expert panel};
\node [box, join] (stp) {Panel review's indicators};
\node [box, join] {Panel provides anonymous feedback};
\node [fac, join] {Feedback reviewed by facilitator};
\node [test, join] (cons) {Consensus reached?};
\node [box] (fin) {Final indicator set compiled};
\node [box, join] {Indicators added to protocol, updated minimum data set added to protocol};
\node [corner, join] {Process finished};
\node [fac, right =of cons] (upd) {Indicators updated in line with feedback};
\node [fac, left=of stp] (ind) {Indicators sourced from literature, best practice guidelines, etc.};
\node [coord, right=of cons] (c1) {};
\path (cons.south) to node [near start, xshift=0.5em] {$y$} (fin);
\draw [*->] (cons.south) -- (fin);
\path (cons.east) to node [near start, yshift=0.5em] {$n$} (c1);
\draw [*->] (cons.east) -- (upd);
\draw [->] (upd.north) |- (stp);
\draw [->] (start.west) -| (ind);
\draw [->] (ind.east) -- (stp);'
\matrix [draw, above left] at (current bounding box.south east) {
\node [mbox, text width=1em, color=white, label=right:\emph{Legend}] {};\\
\node [mfac, text width=1em, label=right:Facilitator Task] {}; \\
\caption{Formal process for CQIs}