Ich könnte etwas Hilfe gebrauchen, um dieser Maschine Pfeile hinzuzufügen

Ich könnte etwas Hilfe gebrauchen, um dieser Maschine Pfeile hinzuzufügen

Ich brauche Pfeile von 4 bis 2, 6 bis 2, 14 bis 11, 16 bis 11. Danke!

\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows}
->, % makes the edges directed
%>=stealth', % makes the arrow heads bold
node distance=3cm, % specifies the minimum distance between two nodes. Change if necessary.
every state/.style={thick, fill=gray!10}, % sets the properties for each 'state' node
initial text=$ $, % sets the text that appears on the start arrow
1.19 a
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2em and 2em]
    \node[state, initial](1) {};
    \node[state, right=of 1](2){};
    \node[state, above right=of 2](3){};
    \node[state, right=of 3](4) {};
    \node[state, below right=of 2](5){};
    \node[state, right=of 5](6){};
    \node[state, below right=of 4](7){};
    \node[state,right=of 7](8){};
    \node[state,right=of 8](9){};
    \node[state,right=of 9](10){};
    \node[state,accepting, below =of 10](11){};
    \node[state, below left=of 11](12){};
    \node[state, above left =of 12](13){};
    \node[state, below left=of 12](15){};
    \node[state,accepting,left =of 13](14){};
    \node[state,accepting, left =of 15](16){};
    (1) edge[above] node{$\epsilon$} (2)
    (1) to[out=50,in=90,looseness=1.2, above]node{$\epsilon$} (7)
    (2) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(3)
    (2) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(5)
    (3) edge[below]node{$0$}(4)
    (5) edge[above]node{$1$}(6)
    (4) edge[below]node{$\epsilon$}(7)
    (6) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(7)
    (7) edge[above]node{$0$}(8)
    (8) edge[above]node{$0$}(9)
    (9) edge[above]node{$0$}(10)
    (10) edge[left]node{$\epsilon$}(11)
    (11) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(12)
    (12) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(13)
    (13) edge[above]node{$0$}(14)
    (12) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(15)
    (15) edge[above]node{$1$}(16);
\path (current bounding box.north) ++ (0,1cm);
\caption{$(0\cup 1)^*000(0\cup 1)^*$}


Mit bend left, bend rightund inund können outSie die Pfeile so biegen, dass sie Kollisionen vermeiden. Manchmal vergrößern diese gebogenen Kurven den Begrenzungsrahmen zu sehr, dann können Sie overlaysie mit von der Begrenzungsrahmenbestimmung ausschließen.

\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows}
->, % makes the edges directed
%>=stealth', % makes the arrow heads bold
node distance=3cm, % specifies the minimum distance between two nodes. Change if necessary.
every state/.style={thick, fill=gray!10}, % sets the properties for each 'state' node
initial text=$ $, % sets the text that appears on the start arrow
1.19 a
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2em and 2em]
    \node[state, initial](1) {};
    \node[state, right=of 1](2){};
    \node[state, above right=of 2](3){};
    \node[state, right=of 3](4) {};
    \node[state, below right=of 2](5){};
    \node[state, right=of 5](6){};
    \node[state, below right=of 4](7){};
    \node[state,right=of 7](8){};
    \node[state,right=of 8](9){};
    \node[state,right=of 9](10){};
    \node[state,accepting, below =of 10](11){};
    \node[state, below left=of 11](12){};
    \node[state, above left =of 12](13){};
    \node[state, below left=of 12](15){};
    \node[state,accepting,left =of 13](14){};
    \node[state,accepting, left =of 15](16){};
    (1) edge[above] node{$\epsilon$} (2)
    (1) to[out=50,in=90,looseness=1.2, above]node{$\epsilon$} (7)
    (2) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(3)
    (2) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(5)
    (3) edge[below]node{$0$}(4)
    (5) edge[above]node{$1$}(6)
    (4) edge[below]node{$\epsilon$}(7)
    (6) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(7)
    (7) edge[above]node{$0$}(8)
    (8) edge[above]node{$0$}(9)
    (9) edge[above]node{$0$}(10)
    (10) edge[left]node{$\epsilon$}(11)
    (11) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(12)
    (12) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(13)
    (13) edge[above]node{$0$}(14)
    (12) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(15)
    (15) edge[above]node{$1$}(16)
    (4) edge[bend left=15] (2)
    (6) edge[bend right=15] (2)
    (14) edge[bend left=30] (11)
    (16) edge[out=-40,in=-90,overlay] (11)
\path (current bounding box.north) ++ (0,1cm);
\caption{$(0\cup 1)^*000(0\cup 1)^*$}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Oder mit gebogenen Pfeilen und den aktualisierten Knoten. Jetzt habe ich auch die loosenessggf. geändert.

\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows.meta,bending}
->, % makes the edges directed
>={Stealth[bend]}, % makes the arrow heads bold
node distance=3cm, % specifies the minimum distance between two nodes. Change if necessary.
every state/.style={thick, fill=gray!10}, % sets the properties for each 'state' node
initial text=$ $, % sets the text that appears on the start arrow
1.19 a
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2em and 2em]
    \node[state, initial](1) {};
    \node[state, right=of 1](2){};
    \node[state, above right=of 2](3){};
    \node[state, right=of 3](4) {};
    \node[state, below right=of 2](5){};
    \node[state, right=of 5](6){};
    \node[state, below right=of 4](7){};
    \node[state,right=of 7](8){};
    \node[state,right=of 8](9){};
    \node[state,right=of 9](10){};
    \node[state,accepting, below =of 10](11){};
    \node[state, below left=of 11](12){};
    \node[state, above left =of 12](13){};
    \node[state, below left=of 12](15){};
    \node[state,accepting,left =of 13](14){};
    \node[state,accepting, left =of 15](16){};
    (1) edge[above] node{$\epsilon$} (2)
    (1) to[out=50,in=90,looseness=1.2, above]node{$\epsilon$} (7)
    (2) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(3)
    (2) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(5)
    (3) edge[below]node{$0$}(4)
    (5) edge[above]node{$1$}(6)
    (4) edge[below]node{$\epsilon$}(7)
    (6) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(7)
    (7) edge[above]node{$0$}(8)
    (8) edge[above]node{$0$}(9)
    (9) edge[above]node{$0$}(10)
    (10) edge[left]node{$\epsilon$}(11)
    (11) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(12)
    (12) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(13)
    (13) edge[above]node{$0$}(14)
    (12) edge[above]node{$\epsilon$}(15)
    (15) edge[above]node{$1$}(16)
    (4) edge[bend left=15] (2)
    (6) edge[bend right=15] (2)
    (14) edge[out=45,in=90,looseness=1.5] (12)
    (16) edge[out=-45,in=-90,looseness=1.5,overlay] (12)
\path (current bounding box.north) ++ (0,1cm)
(current bounding box.south) ++ (0,-0.3cm);
\caption{$(0\cup 1)^*000(0\cup 1)^*$}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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