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\documentclass[12pt,oneside, brazil]{article}
\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=purple]{hyperref}
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\multirow{2}{*}{}} & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{PRODUCERS AS CONSUMER} & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{FINAL DEMAND} \\ \cline{3-14}
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & Agric. & Mining & Const. & Manuf. & Trade & Transp. & Services & Outher & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\makecell{Personal\\ Consumption\\ Expenditures}} & \makecell{Gross Private\\ Domestic\\ Investiment} &\makecell{ Govt.\\ Purchases of\\ Goods $\&$ \\Services} & \makecell{Net Exports \\of Goods $\&$\\ Services}\\ \hline
\multirow{8}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{PRODUCERS}} & Agriculture & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \cline{2-14}
& Mining & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \cline{2-14}
& Construction & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \cline{2-14}
& Manufacturing & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \cline{2-14}
& Trade & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \cline{2-14}
& Transportation & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \cline{2-14}
& Services & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \cline{2-14}
& Outher Industry & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \hline
\parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{VALUE ADDED}}} & Employees & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Employee compensation} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\multirow{3}{*}{GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT}} \\ \cline{2-10}
& \makecell{Business\\ Owners and\\ Capital }& \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Profit-type income and capital consuption allowances} & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{} \\ \cline{2-10}
& Government & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Indirect business taxes} & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{} \\ \hline
Aber dem Endergebnis kommt man nicht näher. So ist beispielsweise die Schrift sehr klein geworden, ich konnte die Zellengröße nicht anpassen, wenn ich ein Wort drehe, das Wort VALUE ADDED befand sich beispielsweise nicht innerhalb der Zelle und die grauen Zellen haben nicht den Umriss, wie in der Abbildung dargestellt.
Kann mir jemand helfen? Bitte
Hier ist mein Vorschlag, eine Tabelle auf einer Querformatseite zu verwenden \footnotesize
und eine kleinere, \tabcolsep
um sicherzustellen, dass die Tabelle auf die Seite passt, cellspace
für etwas mehr Platz zwischen Text und horizontalen Linien und hhline
für horizontale Linien im grau gefärbten Bereich:
(Im folgenden Screenshot scheinen einige Zeilen zu fehlen. Das liegt am PDF-Viewer. Kompilieren Sie den Code und zoomen Sie weiter hinein, um alle Zeilen zu sehen.)
\documentclass[12pt,oneside, brazil]{article}
\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=purple]{hyperref}
\multicolumn{2}{|Sl|}{\multirow{2}{*}{}} & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{PRODUCERS AS CONSUMER} & \multicolumn{4}{Sc|}{FINAL DEMAND} \\ \cline{3-14}
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & Agric. & Mining & Const. & Manuf. & Trade & Transp. & Services & Outher & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\makecell{Personal\\ Consumption\\ Expenditures}} & \makecell{Gross Private\\ Domestic\\ Investiment} &\makecell{ Govt.\\ Purchases of\\ Goods $\&$ \\Services} & \makecell{Net Exports \\of Goods $\&$\\ Services}\\ \hline
\multirow{13}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{PRODUCERS}} & Agriculture & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \mycline
& Mining & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \mycline
& Construction & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \mycline
& Manufacturing & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \mycline
& Trade & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \mycline
& Transportation & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \mycline
& Services & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \mycline
& Outher Industry & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & \cellcolor{gray!25} & & & & \\ \hline
\parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{VALUE ADDED}}} & Employees & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Employee compensation} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\multirow{7}{*}{GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT}} \\ \cline{2-10}
& \makecell[l]{Business\\ Owners and\\ Capital }& \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Profit-type income and capital consuption allowances} & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{} \\ \cline{2-10}
& Government & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Indirect business taxes} & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{} \\ \hline