Ich versuche gerade mit europecv einen Lebenslauf zu erstellen. Leider funktioniert das nicht mehr wie erwartet. Ich habe es zuletzt Ende 2019 probiert und es funktioniert einwandfrei. Anhand dieses Beispiels...
\documentclass[utf8, a4paper, 10pt, helvetica, narrow, flagWB, booktabs, totpages, german]{europecv}
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required to draw the flag
\usepackage[a4paper, left=3cm, right=2cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
% Commands europecv
\ecvLogoWidth{12mm} % Size logo europass
%\ecvLeftColumnWidth{4cm} % Size of column and vertical line (different from standard)
%\ecvfootnote{footnote} % Foot notes
\ecvname{\textsc{Surname}, First Name}
% Personal picture
\ecvpicture[height=1in]{namefile_pic} % File picture without extension
\ecvafterpicture{\ecvspace{-2.5cm} }
% Address
\ecvaddress{Address first line\\& Address second line\\& City, State}
% Telephone
\ecvtelephone{+44 (0) 123 4567}
%\ecvfax{+39 01234567}
% Other personal info
% Begin europecv environment
\ecvpersonalinfo % Print personal info in preamble
\ecvitem{}{} % 1 free line - \ecvitem{}{} adds elements to a section
%\ecvsection{} % \ecvsection{} adds sections
\ecvitem{\large\textbf{Desired employment / Occupational field} }{\Large\textbf{Dream job} } % desired job
% Sections
% School
\ecvsection{Education and training}
\ecvitem{Dates}{From September 1900 to August 1905}\\
\ecvitem{Title of qualification awarded}{Name of the\\& degree}\\
\ecvitem{Principal subjects/occupational skills covered}{Learned skills}\\
\ecvitem{Name and type of organisation providing education and training}{My University\\&
City\\& Nation\\&
Post code\\&
Tel. +44 (0) 123 45678 23}\\
\ecvitem{Level in national or international classification}{Level of degree}\\
% Single course
\ecvitem{Dates}{August 2013}
\ecvitem{Title of qualification awarded}{Name of certification}
\ecvitem{Principal subjects/occupational skills covered}{Skills of certification}
\ecvitem{Name and type of organisation providing education and training}{Institution}\\
% Last working experience
\ecvsection{Work Experience}
\ecvitem{Dates}{From June 1957 to February 1987}\\
\ecvitem{Occupation or position held}{Name of the job}\\
\ecvitem{Main activities and responsibilities}{Activities during \\& this job}
\ecvitem{Name and address of employer}{Name of employer\\&
Employer address\\&
Second line\\& City\\& Nation\\&
Tel. +39 (0) 1234 5678}\\
\ecvitem{Type of business or sector}{Business}\\
% Volunteer experiences
\ecvsection{Volunteer Experience}
\ecvitem{Dates}{From August 2000 to present}\\
\ecvitem{Occupation or position held}{First Aider}\\
\ecvitem{Main activities and responsibilities}{Activities}
\ecvitem{Name and address of employer}{Name\\&
City\\& Post code\\&
Tel. +44 (0) 1234 7654}\\
\ecvitem{Type of business or sector}{Business}\\
% Personal competences
\ecvsection{Personal skills and competences}
% Languages
% Mothertongue
\ecvmothertongue[10pt]{Italian}\\ % 10pt leave a one-char line space before the text
% Table for common language evaluation
\ecvlanguage{English}{\ecvCOne}{\ecvCOne}{\ecvCOne}{\ecvCOne}{\ecvCOne} % second language and levels
% Language levels A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1 - C2 from basic to advanced.
% in this package are \ecv + A, B or C and the sub-level in letters (One or Two)
\ecvlanguage{French}{\ecvBTwo}{\ecvBTwo}{\ecvBTwo}{\ecvBTwo}{\ecvBTwo} % third
\ecvlastlanguage{Russian}{\ecvAOne}{\ecvATwo}{\ecvBOne}{\ecvCTwo}{\ecvBTwo} % last language
% Social skills
\ecvitem{Social skills and competences}{- First social skill;\\& - Second social skill}\\
% Technical skills
\ecvitem{Technical skills and competences}{- First technical skill;\\& - Second technical skill}\\
% Computer skills
\ecvitem{Computer skills and competences}{- First skill;\\& - Second}\\
% Other skills
\ecvitem{Other skills and competences}{- First otherskill}\\
% Driving Licence
\ecvitem{Driving licence(s)}{Category and Type}\\
% Annexes
\ecvitem{}{On request:}
\ecvitem{}{Birth certificate}
\ecvitem{}{Driving licence}
\ecvitem{}{Criminal record certificate}
\ecvitem{}{University study plan}
% Disclaimer
\ecvitem{}{This informations may be used for all purposes permitted by law and under the Data Protection Act 1998.\\&
Autorizzo l'utilizzo dei dati personali contenuti nel presente curriculum ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 e s.m.i. (Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali)}
... Ich erhalte die folgende Fehlermeldung (bei Verwendung von TexLive 2019):
Line 112: No declaration for shape OT1/phv/mc/sl. \ecvlanguageheader{(*)}
Line 119: No declaration for shape OT1/phv/mc/sl. \ecvlanguagefooter{(*)}
Dies ist ein Demo-Lebenslauf aus dem Internet, der denselben Fehler ausgibt. In meinem echten Lebenslauf verwende ich die deutsche Sprache. Es scheint, als würden bestimmte Zeichen fehlen.
Die Protokolldatei zeigt den folgenden Fehler:
! No declaration for shape T1/phv/mc/sl.
sub@sfcnt ...e forspace shapespace mandatory@arg }
error@fontshape else #1{Fo...
l.38 \ecvlanguageheader{(*)}
(That was another \errmessage.)
**Missing character: There is no ä in font cmr10!**
LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <7> on input line 38.
LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <5> on input line 38.
LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <8> on input line 40.
LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <6> on input line 40.
! No declaration for shape T1/phv/mc/sl.
sub@sfcnt ...e forspace shapespace mandatory@arg }
error@fontshape else #1{Fo...
Hat jemand eine Idee, was hier schief läuft/wie ich das lösen kann??
Das Hauptproblem ist das Helvet-Paket. Dessen fd-Dateien sollten an die Änderungen in Latex angepasst werden, aber das ist bisher nicht geschehen. Siehehttps://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/299 Als Workaround: Verwenden Sie nicht die Option „enge“. Und fügen Sie Ihrer Präambel Folgendes hinzu:
\documentclass[utf8, a4paper, 10pt,helvetica,flagWB, booktabs, totpages, german]{europecv}
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{c}{it}{<->ssub * phv/c/sl}{} %error without this
Wenn Sie die T1-Kodierung verwenden, ändern Sie ot1/OT1 in t1/T1.