Wie verbinde ich zwei Knoten wie in der Abbildung dargestellt?

Wie verbinde ich zwei Knoten wie in der Abbildung dargestellt?

Ich möchte zwei Knoten (n4 und n10) wie in der Abbildung gezeigt verbindenBildbeschreibung hier eingeben,

wie kann ich das machen?

        \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily,boxed/.style={minimum width=1.7cm,minimum height=1cm,draw,thick,text width=2.5cm,text centered},node distance=.4cm] 
         \begin{scope}[local bounding box=upper]
          \begin{scope}[start chain=1 going below,every join/.style={-latex,thick},frm/.style={boxed,on chain=1,join}]
           \node[on chain=1](n0) {\scriptsize Training Sequence};
           \node[frm](n3) {\scriptsize Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality};
           \node[frm](n4) {\scriptsize feature Construction with respect to each set };

           \node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n3] (n10) {\scriptsize Train and construct GAN Model with GEI pairs}; 
           \node at (n0-|n10) (n9) {\scriptsize Test Sequence};
           \node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n4] (n11) {\scriptsize  feature Construction after fusing };

          \begin{scope}[every edge/.style={draw,-latex,thick}]  
           (n9) edge (n10)
           (n10) edge (n11)
           (n4.east) edge (n10.west);
    \caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}


So was?

        \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily\scriptsize,boxed/.style={minimum width=1.7cm,minimum height=1cm,draw,thick,text width=2.5cm,text centered},node distance=.4cm] 
         \begin{scope}[local bounding box=upper]
          \begin{scope}[start chain=1 going below,every join/.style={-latex,thick},frm/.style={boxed,on chain=1,join}]
           \node[on chain=1](n0) {Training Sequence};
           \node[frm](n3) {Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality};
           \node[frm](n4) {feature Construction with respect to each set };

           \node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n3] (n10) {Train and construct GAN Model with GEI pairs}; 
           \node at (n0-|n10) (n9) {Test Sequence};
           \node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n4] (n11) { feature Construction after fusing };

           \path (n4.east) -- coordinate (aux) (n10.west);
           (n9) edge (n10)
           (n10) edge (n11)
           (n4.east) -| (aux) |- (n10.west);
    \caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Ich bin jedoch der Meinung, dass der Code mit einem prägnanter ist matrix.

    boxed/.style={minimum width=1.7cm,minimum height=1cm,
    draw,thick,text width=2.5cm,text centered,anchor=center}] 
   \matrix[matrix of nodes,row 2/.style={nodes=boxed},
    row 3/.style={nodes=boxed},
    column sep=0.7cm,row sep=0.4cm] (mat){
     Training Sequence & Test Sequence \\
     Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality & Train and construct GAN Model with GEI
     feature Construction with respect to each set & 
     feature Construction after fusing\\
     foreach \X in {1,2} {
     foreach \Y in {1,2} {(mat-\X-\Y) edge (mat-\the\numexpr\X+1\relax-\Y)}}  
    (mat-3-1.east) -| (mat.center) |- (mat-2-2.west);
\caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Eine kleine Variation der ersten Antwort von @Schrödingers Katze. Unter Verwendung eines chainsBibliotheksmakros join:


\tikzset{suspend join/.code={\def\tikz@after@path{}}}

node distance = 4mm and 8mm, 
  start chain = going below,
  base/.style = {font=\sffamily\scriptsize, text width=2.5cm, align= center,
                 on chain, join=by ->},
   box/.style = {base, draw, thick ,minimum height=1cm},
\node (n11) [base]  {Training Sequence};
\node (n12) [box]   {Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality};
\node (n13) [box]   {feature Construction with respect to each set };
\node (n21) [base, suspend join, 
             right=of n11]    {Test Sequence};
\node (n22) [box]   {Train and construct GAN Model with GEI pairs};
\node (n23) [box]   {Feature Construction after fusing };

\draw[->]   (n13.east) -- ++ (0.4,0) |- (n22);
\caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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