wie erstelle ich Symbole in Latex?

wie erstelle ich Symbole in Latex?

Ich versuche, Symbole für meine Abschlussarbeit zu erstellen. Warum sind sie in der Mitte und wie kann ich sie auf der linken Seite platzieren?

%\usepackage[left=4cm, right=2.5cm, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[subfigure]{tocloft} % no number for Vita in ToC
\title{Outer approximations of core points for integer programming}
\author{Naghmeh Shahverdizadeh Shargh}
\predegree{Master of Science, University of Shahid Beheshti, Iran, 2013}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\gau{Mathematics and Statistics}
\supervisor{David Bremner, Ph.D, Computer Science\\ & Barry Monson, Ph.D,
\examboard{Branimir Ćaćić, Ph.D, Mathematics
Chair\\  & Nicholas Touikan,  Ph.D, Mathematics}
\externalexam{name, degree,
department/field, institution}
\date{Month, 2020}
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} \setcounter{tocdepth}{3}
\pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{1}
%%-----------Table of Contents------------------
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Table of Contents}
%%------------List of Tables----------------------
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
%%------------List of Figures----------------------

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
%%-------------change single space to double space--------
\doublespacing \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1}


\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={all-ones vector}]{v}{\ensuremath{ \mathbf{1}}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={Euclidean inner product in \ensuremath{ \R^{n}}}]{g}{\ensuremath{ \langle ., . \rangle}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={convex hull of the integer point \ensuremath{z} under the group  \ensuremath{G} }]{4}{\ensuremath{\conv(G_{z})}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={convex hull of the set $S$}]{3}{\ensuremath{\conv(S)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={$G$-orbit representatives of the core set of a group $ G $}]{4}{\ensuremath{ \core/(G)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={set of all core points of a group $ G $}]{5}{\ensuremath{ \core(G)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={set of core points of a group $  G$ that are contained in a set $ S$}]{3}{\ensuremath{ \core(G,S)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={cyclic group of order $ n$}]{6}{\ensuremath{ C_{n} }}




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Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Die Klasse unbthesisist im Wesentlichen die gleiche wie die reportKlasse.


% Only needed for example

\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={all-ones vector}]{v}{\ensuremath{ \mathbf{1}}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={Euclidean inner product in \ensuremath{ \R^{n}}}]{g}{\ensuremath{ \langle ., . \rangle}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={convex hull of the integer point \ensuremath{z} under the group  \ensuremath{G} }]{G}{\ensuremath{\conv(G_{z})}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={convex hull of the set $S$}]{convS}{\ensuremath{\conv(S)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={$G$-orbit representatives of the core set of a group $ G $}]{core/G}{\ensuremath{ \core/(G)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={set of all core points of a group $ G $}]{coreG}{\ensuremath{ \core(G)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={set of core points of a group $  G$ that are contained in a set $ S$}]{coreGS}{\ensuremath{ \core(G,S)}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={cyclic group of order $ n$}]{Cn}{\ensuremath{ C_{n} }}


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