Overleaf Arxiv-Vorlage erlaubt keine DOI-Links

Overleaf Arxiv-Vorlage erlaubt keine DOI-Links

Ich verwende ein OverleafarXiv/bio-arXiv-Vorlageum meine Arbeit zu schreiben. Ich kann es nicht schaffen, die DOI im Abschnitt Bibliographie auszudrucken. Mein MWE ist

\usepackage{hyperref}       % hyperlinks
\usepackage{url}            % simple URL typesetting

\title{Predict future sale}
\author{Author name}

Data mining is a good way to find the relationship between raw data and predict the target we want which is also widely used in different field nowadays. In this project, we implement a lots of technology and method in data mining to predict the sale of an item based on its previous sale. We create a strong model to predict the sales. After evaluating this model, we conclude that this model can be used in normal life for future sale’s prediction. 

Our project is a competition on Kaggle (Predict Future Sales). We are provided with daily historical sales data (including each products’ sale date, block ,shop price and amount) \cite{kour2014real}.



und meine Bibtex-Datei enthält

  title={Real-time segmentation of on-line handwritten arabic script},
  author={Kour, George and Saabne, Raid},
  booktitle={Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), 2014 14th International Conference on},

Es liegen keine Paketinkompatibilitäten oder Fehlermeldungen vor, daher bin ich nicht sicher, wie ich weiter vorgehen soll.


Dies scheint stark von Ihrem abzuhängen bibliographystyle, siehe zBdiese Antwort. Sie möchten vielleicht zu einem neueren Stil wechseln, z. B.unsrtnat

  title={Real-time segmentation of on-line handwritten arabic script},
  author={Kour, George and Saabne, Raid},
  booktitle={Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), 2014 14th International Conference on},

\usepackage{hyperref}       % hyperlinks
\usepackage{url}            % simple URL typesetting

\title{Predict future sale}
\author{Author name}

Data mining is a good way to find the relationship between raw data and predict the target we want which is also widely used in different field nowadays. In this project, we implement a lots of technology and method in data mining to predict the sale of an item based on its previous sale. We create a strong model to predict the sales. After evaluating this model, we conclude that this model can be used in normal life for future sale’s prediction. 

Our project is a competition on Kaggle (Predict Future Sales). We are provided with daily historical sales data (including each products’ sale date, block, shop price and amount) \cite{kour2014real}.




Nachdem ich Ihren Kommentar gelesen habe, möchte ich vorschlagen, ihn biblatexzusammen mit numericdem Stil zu verwenden: Ergebnis bei Verwendung von biblatex

  title={Real-time segmentation of on-line handwritten arabic script},
  author={Kour, George and Saabne, Raid},
  booktitle={Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), 2014 14th International Conference on},


Our project is a competition on Kaggle (Predict Future Sales). We are provided with daily historical sales data (including each products’ sale date, block, shop price and amount) \cite{kour2014real}.

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