Wie speichere ich Daten aus einer Textdatei in einer Tikz-Variable?

Wie speichere ich Daten aus einer Textdatei in einer Tikz-Variable?

Ich versuche, Werte von Variablen, die ich in meinem Tikz-Diagramm verwende, mithilfe der Textdatei zu übergeben. Ich bin nicht sicher, wie ich Daten von Zeichenfolgen in Zeichen umwandeln soll. Hier werden automaton.txtin jeder Zeile einige Array-Werte (1 x 4) als Zeichenfolgen gespeichert, auf deren Grundlage ich die Daten neu schreiben möchte \statedef. Die Anzahl der Zeilen der Textdatei variiert bei jedem Import und \defakzeptiert nur Zeichen. Außerdem habe ich mich gefragt, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, eine Textdatei mit Overleaf zu synchronisieren, damit ich die in meiner Abbildung in Overleaf widergespiegelten Änderungen sehen kann.

\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows.meta,calc,cd}
->, % makes the edges directed
>=stealth, % makes the arrow heads bold
node distance=3cm, % specifies the minimum distance between two nodes. Change if necessary.
every state/.style={thick, fill=gray!10}, % sets the properties for each ’state’ node
initial text=$ $, % sets the text that appears on the start arrow
    % inits/clears the lists (which might be populated from previous
    % axes):
    % draws the legend:

% makes \addlegendimage available (typically only available within an
% axis environment):
    twocolorfill/.style n args={2}{path picture={
            \fill[#1] (path picture bounding box.south)--(path picture bounding box.north)--(path picture bounding box.north east)--(path picture bounding box.south east)--cycle;
            \fill[#2] (path picture bounding box.south)--(path picture bounding box.north)--(path picture bounding box.north west)--(path picture bounding box.south west)--cycle;
    threecolorfill/.style n args={3}{path picture={
            \fill[#1] (path picture bounding box.east)--(path picture bounding box.north east)--(path picture bounding box.north west)--(path picture bounding box.west)--cycle;
            \fill[#2] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=-90, radius=1] -- cycle;
            \fill[#3] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=90, radius=1] -- cycle;
    fourcolorfill/.style n args={4}{path picture={
            \fill[#1] (path picture bounding box.east)--(path picture bounding box.north east)--(path picture bounding box.north)--(path picture bounding box.center)--cycle;
            \fill[#2] (path picture bounding box.center)--(path picture bounding box.north)--(path picture bounding box.north west)--(path picture bounding box.west)--cycle;
            \fill[#3] (path picture bounding box.center)--(path picture bounding box.south)--(path picture bounding box.south west) -- (path picture bounding box.west) -- cycle;
            \fill[#4] (path picture bounding box.center)--(path picture bounding box.south)--(path picture bounding box.south east) -- (path picture bounding box.east) -- cycle;
            \tikzset{pattern=north west lines, pattern color=black}
            colorfill/.code n args={9}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2cm, on grid,>={Stealth[inset=0pt,length=6pt,angle'=28,round]}

    \begin{customlegend}[legend style={at={(10,-8)},anchor=south},legend columns=-1,legend style={column sep=1ex},legend entries={Proposed Method,PCM PTA-MPC,CB PTA-MPC,PTA-MPC,Failed State}]
    \addlegendimage{black,only marks, mark=*, cyanfill,style={scale=4}}
    \addlegendimage{black,only marks, mark=*, bluefill,style={scale=4}}
    \addlegendimage{black,only marks, mark=*, greenfill,style={scale=4}}
    \addlegendimage{black,only marks, mark=*, redfill,style={scale=4}}
    \addlegendimage{black,only marks, mark=*, pattern=north west lines, pattern color=black,style={scale=4}}


    %% DO NOT put extra space below!!!
    %% {first state xcoor,first state ycoor,first state superscript, last state superscript}
    %% State Definition
    %% {first state superscript, last state superscript}
    %% Straight Edge Definition
    %% Color Definiton

\foreach \e in \statedef
\node [state, colorfill/.expanded={\myfirstind}{\gstates}{\rstates}{\bstates}{\cstates}{\hashedstates}{\quadcolorstates}{\tricolorstates}{\bicolorstates}] at (\myx,\myy) (q\myfirstind){$q^{\myfirstind}$};
\foreach \a[evaluate=\a as \b using int(\a-1)] in {\mystartind,...,\mylastind}{
\node[state, right of=q\b, colorfill/.expanded={\a}{\gstates}{\rstates}{\bstates}{\cstates}{\hashedstates}{\quadcolorstates}{\tricolorstates}{\bicolorstates}] (q\a){$q^{\a}$};

\foreach \r in \straightsolidedge
\foreach \d[evaluate=\d as \e using int(\d+1)] in {\mystartstate,...,\myendstate}{
\draw (q\d) edge (q\e);

\foreach \t in \bendrightsolidedge
\draw (q\f) edge[bend right] (q\g);

\foreach \u in \bendleftsolidedge
\draw (q\h) edge[bend left] (q\i);

\draw (q4) edge[bend left] node [below left]{} (q11);

Unten finden Sie außerdem den Inhalt von automaton.txt.



Verwenden von lualatex. Ich gebe zu, dass mein Ansatz nicht sehr elegant ist :P.





    function read_file(file,macro)
        f = io.open(file, "r")
        concat_string = ""
        i = 1
        for line in io.lines(file) do
            concat_string = concat_string .. "{" .. line .. "},"
            i = i + 1
        -- remove trailing ","
        concat_string = concat_string:sub(1,-2)
        tex.sprint("\\def" .. "\\" .. macro .. "{" .. concat_string .. "}")
\directlua{read_file("data.txt", "statedef")}
\foreach \s [count=\i from 1] in \statedef{%
    State \i{} entries:
    \foreach \se in \s {%

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Wahrscheinlich ist eine verschachtelte Schleife zum Durchlaufen der Zeilen und Spalten des Arrays für Sie von Nutzen. Ich habe mich für die Verwendung der expl3-Syntax für das folgende MWE entschieden, da expl3 eine Routine mitbringt, \cs_to_str:Ndie zuverlässig den Namen eines Kontrollsequenz-Tokens liefert:




\cs_new:Npn \TwoDArrayToMacro #1#2 {
  \Mostafa_TwoDArrayToMacroLoop:nnnnnnnn {#1}{#2}{1}{1}{}{}{}{}
\cs_new:Npn \Mostafa_TwoDArrayToMacroLoop:nnnnnnnn #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8 {
   %  #1 array 
   %  #2 macro
   %  #3 row number
   %  #4 column number
   %  #5 row separator
   %  #6 column separator
   %  #7 rows gathered
   %  #8 colum in construction
   \int_compare:nNnTF {#3}>{\use:c{\cs_to_str:N #1ROWS}}
   {\group_end: \cs_set:Npn #2{#7}}{
     \int_compare:nNnTF {#4}>{\use:c{\cs_to_str:N #1COLS}}
         \exp_after:wN \use_ii_i:nn \exp_after:wN {
           \exp_after:wN {
         \exp_after:wN \use_ii_i:nn \exp_after:wN {\exp_after:wN { 
           \exp:w \Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:nNn{4} \use_ii_i:nn {#1[#3,#4]}{\exp_end: #8#6}
           \exp_after:wN \use_ii_i:nn \exp_after:wN {
             \exp_after:wN {
\cs_new:Npn \Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:nNn #1#2#3 {
  \exp_after:wN \__Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:nn\exp_after:wN {\exp_after:wN}
  \tex_romannumeral:D \int_eval:n {(#1)*1000}~d #3}}{#2}
\cs_new:Npn \__Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:nn #1#2 {
  \__Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:n {#2}{#1\exp_end:}{\__Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:nn{#1#1\exp_after:wN}}
\cs_new:Npn \__Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:n #1 {
  \__Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:wnw #1{\use_i:nn}d{\use_ii:nn}dd
\cs_new:Npn \__Mostafa_exp_args_otimes:wnw #1d#2#3dd{#2}



\ttfamily\selectfont \frenchspacing



Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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