
Können Sie mir helfen, die gleiche Ausgabe wie in der folgenden Abbildung zu erhalten?
% both figures
\foreach[count=\ii]\i in {A,B}
\node at (-0.2,3.8) {\bfseries \i.};
\draw[latex-latex] (0,3) node[above] {$y$-tokens} |- (3,0) node[right] {\strut$x$-tokens};
\draw[blue] plot [domain=1/2.75:2.75,samples=101] (\x,1/\x) node[black,right] {$k$};
\draw[densely dotted] (0,1) node[left] {$y$} -| (1,0) node[below] {\strut$x$};
\fill (1,1) circle (0.3mm);
% A figure
\draw[densely dotted] (0,0.5) node[left] {$y+\Delta y$} -| (2,0) node[below] {\strut$x+\Delta x$};
\fill (2,0.5) circle (0.3mm);
% B figure
\draw[blue,shift={(0.75,0.75)}] plot [domain=1/2:2,samples=101] (\x,1/\x) node[black,right] {$k_\Delta$};
\draw[densely dotted] (0,1.75) node[left] {$y+\Delta y$} -| (1.75,0) node[below] {\strut$x+\Delta x$};
\draw[dashed,->] (0,0) -- (2.5,2.5);
\fill (1.75,1.75) circle (0.3mm);
Ich habe versucht, es so ähnlich wie möglich zum Basisbild zu machen. Einige Dinge sind nicht so geworden, wie ich es mir gewünscht hätte, aber insgesamt ist es gut (denke ich).
every node/.style={scale=0.5},
% Drawing the main axis:
\draw[<->] (0,1/0.25) node[above]{$y$} --
(0,0) node[below left]{0} --
(4.5,0) node[right]{$x$};
% Drawing the main function:
\draw[thick] plot[domain=0.28:4.4, samples=200](\x,{1/\x}) node[right]{$k^{0}$};
% Drawing the dotted lines:
\draw[densely dotted, thick] (1,0) node[below]{$x^{0}$} |-
(0,1) node[left]{$y^{0}$};
% Drawing the dashed lines:
\foreach \x in {0.55,1,1.3,2}{
\draw[densely dashed] (0,0) -- (\x,1/\x);
% Drawing the points:
\foreach \p in {0.45, 0.55, 1, 1.3, 2, 2.6}{
\draw[fill=black] (\p,1/\p) circle (1pt);
% Labeling the points:
\node[above right] (M'') at (0.45,1/0.45){$M''$};
\node[above right] (A) at (0.55,1/0.55){$A$};
\node[above right] at (1,1){$P$};
\node[above right] at (1.3,1/1.3){$M$};
\node[above right] (B) at (2,1/2){$B$};
\node[above right] (M') at (2.6,1/2.6){$M'$};
% Drawing the arrows:
\draw[->] (A) -- (M'');
\draw[->] (B) -- (M');
\draw[->] (0.4,3.2) -- (0.55,3.2);
\draw[->] (3.5,0.45) -- (3.65,0.45);
% Drawing the dashed function:
\draw[ thick,
xshift = 0.3cm,
yshift = 0.3cm,
dash pattern = on 10.85pt off 3pt
] plot[domain=0.28:4.4, samples=200](\x,{1/\x}) node[right]{$k^{1}$};
Als Ausgangspunkt:
arr/.style = {-{Triangle[scale=0.8]}, shorten <=2mm, shorten >=2mm},
dot/.style = {circle, fill, inner sep=1pt,
label=above right:#1,
node contents={}},
% axis
\draw[latex-latex] (0,3) node[above] {$y$} |- (3,0) node[right] {$x$};
% curve k0
\draw[blue, thick]
plot [domain=1/2.75:2.75] (\x,1/\x) node[black,right] {$k^0$};
% curve k1
\draw[blue,thick, dashed,
transform canvas = {shift={(0.75,0.75)}}]
plot [domain=1/2.25:2.25] (\x,1/\x) node[black,right] {$k^1$};
% coordinate x^0, y^0
\draw[densely dotted] (0,1) node[left] {$y^0$} -| (1,0) node[below] {$x^0$};
\fill (1,1) circle (0.3mm);
% rays
\draw[densely dashed] (0,0) node[below left] {$O$}
-- (0.75,1/0.75) node (a) [dot=$A$]
(0,0) -- (1.00,1/1.00) node (p) [dot=$P$]
(0,0) -- (1.25,1/1.25) node (m) [dot=$M$]
(0,0) -- (1.75,1/1.75) node (b) [dot=$B$];
\path (0.5,1/0.5) node (m'') [dot=$M''$]
(2.5,1/2.5) node (m') [dot=$M'$];
\draw[arr, transform canvas = {shift={(0.1,0.1)}}] (a) -- (m'');
\draw[arr, transform canvas = {shift={(0.1,0.1)}}] (b) -- (m');
Nur zum Vergleich, hier ist die Version gezeichnet mitMetapost.
path xx, yy, ff, k[];
xx = 20 left -- 300 right;
yy = xx rotated 90;
ff = (1, 1) {dir -45} for x = 2 upto 5: .. (x, 1/x) endfor;
ff := reverse ff reflectedabout(origin, (1,1)) & ff;
k0 = ff scaled 280/5;
k1 = subpath (2, 6) of ff scaled 280/3;
pair A, B, P, M, M', M'';
A = point 3 of k0;
P = point 4 of k0;
M = point 4.5 of k0;
B = point 5.2 of k0;
M' = point 6 of k0;
M'' = point 2.1 of k0;
draw (xpart P, 0) -- P -- (0, ypart P) dashed withdots scaled 1/4;
drawarrow xx;
drawarrow yy;
draw k0 withcolor 2/3 red;
draw k1 withcolor 2/3 red dashed evenly scaled 2;
vardef path_alongside(expr P, t, r, s) =
subpath (t-r, t+r) of P shifted (s * unitvector(direction t of P rotated 90))
ahangle := 30;
drawarrow path_alongside(k0, 5.67, 0.2, 6) withcolor 1/2 blue;
drawarrow path_alongside(k0, 2.5, -0.3, 6) withcolor 1/2 blue;
for t = 1, 7:
drawarrow point t of k0 -- point 1/2 t of k1
cutbefore fullcircle scaled 12 shifted point t of k0
cutafter fullcircle scaled 12 shifted point 1/2 t of k1
withcolor 1/2 red;
forsuffixes $ = A, B, P, M:
draw origin -- $ dashed evenly withpen pencircle scaled 1/4;
forsuffixes $ = A, B, P, M, M', M'':
dotlabel.urt("$" & str $ & "$", $);
label.lft("$y^0$", (0, ypart P));
label.bot("$x^0$", (xpart P, 0));
dotlabel.llft("$0$", origin);
label.rt("$k^0$", point 8 of k0);
label.rt("$k^1$", point 8 of k1);
label.rt("$x$", point 1 of xx);
label.top("$y$", point 1 of yy);
Das ist eingepacktluamplib
, also müssen Sie es mit kompilieren lualatex