Tabelle zu lang für eine Seite und Spalteninhalt nicht vertikal ausgerichtet

Tabelle zu lang für eine Seite und Spalteninhalt nicht vertikal ausgerichtet

Zuerst habe ich versucht, eine Tabelle nach normalen Maßstäben zu erstellen:

        \textit{Query} & Grupo \\
        SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonthnum = 199401 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 4 AND 6 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35; & 1 \\
        SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_year = 1993 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 1 AND 3 AND lo\_quantity < 25; & 1 \\
        SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_weeknuminyear = 6 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND d\_year = 1994 AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 5 AND 7 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35; & 1 \\
        SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_category = 'MFGR\#12' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; & 1 \\
        SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand BETWEEN 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND 'MFGR\#2228' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; & 1 \\
        SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand = 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'EUROPE' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; & 1 \\
        SELECT c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'ASIA' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
        SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE c\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
        SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_year >= 1992 AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
        SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonth = 'Dec1997' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
        SELECT d\_year, c\_nation, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey  AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey  AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey  AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey  AND c\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND s\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, c\_nation ORDER BY d\_year, c\_nation; & 1 \\
        SELECT d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category ORDER BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category; & 1 \\
        SELECT d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND p\_category = 'MFGR\#14' GROUP BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand; & 1 \\
    \caption{Classificação das \textit{queries} do \gls{ssb}}


Der obige Code bereitet mir zwei Probleme: Er passt nicht auf eine oder mehrere Seiten und der Inhalt der zweiten Spalte ist nicht vertikal ausgerichtet. Also habe ich versucht, longtablestattdessen Folgendes zu verwenden table:

    \textit{Query} & Group \\
    \textit{Query} & Group \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{Continue\ldots} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{End} \\
    SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonthnum = 199401 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 4 AND 6 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35; & 1 \\
    SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_year = 1993 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 1 AND 3 AND lo\_quantity < 25; & 1 \\
    SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_weeknuminyear = 6 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND d\_year = 1994 AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 5 AND 7 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35; & 1 \\
    SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_category = 'MFGR\#12' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; & 1 \\
    SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand BETWEEN 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND 'MFGR\#2228' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; & 1 \\
    SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand = 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'EUROPE' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; & 1 \\
    SELECT c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'ASIA' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
    SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE c\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
    SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_year >= 1992 AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
    SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonth = 'Dec1997' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC; & 1 \\
    SELECT d\_year, c\_nation, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey  AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey  AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey  AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey  AND c\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND s\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, c\_nation ORDER BY d\_year, c\_nation; & 1 \\
    SELECT d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category ORDER BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category; & 1 \\
    SELECT d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND p\_category = 'MFGR\#14' GROUP BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand; & 1 \\
    \caption{Classificação das \textit{queries} do \gls{ssb}} \\



Der zweite Code platziert die lange Tabelle über mehrere Seiten, aber die Überschrift der Tabelle befindet sich im Fußteil. Wie kann ich die zweite Spalte vertikal zentrieren, die Überschrift unten platzieren und die Tabelle auf eine oder mehrere Seiten bringen? Ist es außerdem möglich, Abstände zwischen den Zeilen hinzuzufügen?


Die von mir verwendete Vorlage finden SieHier.


longtableHier ist ein Code, der auf funktionierenden Kopf- und Fußzeilen basiert . Ich habe auch zwei Pakete hinzugefügt: listingsverbessert die Codeformatierung und cellspacefügt zusätzlichen vertikalen Abstand zwischen den Zeilen ein.


    basicstyle=\small\rmfamily,   % \ttfamily or \sffamily


    \caption{Classificação das \textit{queries} do SSB}\label{tab:ssb_queries} \\
    % \caption{Classificação das \textit{queries} do \gls{ssb}}
    \textit{Query} & Group \\
    \textit{Query} & Group \\
    \multicolumn{2}{@{}E{l}}{Continue ...}\endfoot
SELECT SUM(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_yearmonthnum = 199401
    AND lo_orderdate = d_datekey
    AND lo_discount BETWEEN 4
    AND 6 AND lo_quantity
    BETWEEN 26 AND 35;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_year = 1993
    AND lo_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo_discount
    AND lo_quantity < 25;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_year = 1993
    AND lo_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo_discount
    AND lo_quantity < 25;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_year = 1993
    AND lo_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo_discount
    AND lo_quantity < 25;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_year = 1993
    AND lo_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo_discount
    AND lo_quantity < 25;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_year = 1993
    AND lo_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo_discount
    AND lo_quantity < 25;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_year = 1993
    AND lo_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo_discount
    AND lo_quantity < 25;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d_yearmonthnum = 199401
    AND lo_orderdate = d_datekey
    AND lo_discount BETWEEN 4
    AND 6 AND lo_quantity
    BETWEEN 26 AND 35;
\end{lstlisting} & 1 \\

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

BEARBEITEN. Wenn Sie eine andere vertikale Ausrichtung bevorzugen, ändern Sie einfach den Wert von boxpos. Ich habe beispielsweise mfür die mittlere Ausrichtung Folgendes angenommen:

    % ...
    boxpos=m,  % t for top or b for bottom alignment
    % ...

Ich bin auch davon ausgegangen, dass Sie den Titel auf der letzten Seite unten in Ihrer Tabelle erwarten würden. Sie müssen sowohl als auch in einen Block verschieben, der \captionmit \labelendet \endlastfoot. Unten ist der Ausschnitt:

% ...
    \textit{Query} & Group \\
    \textit{Query} & Group \\
    \multicolumn{2}{@{}E{l}}{Continue ...}\endfoot
    \multicolumn{2}{@{}E{l}}{End.} \\[2ex]
    \caption{Classificação das \textit{queries} do SSB}
% ...

Der Rest des Codes bleibt gleich.

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Hier ist eine longtableLösung, die versucht, der Tabelle ein offeneres „Aussehen“ zu verleihen, indem die Linienzeichnungsmakros des booktabsPakets verwendet werden – insbesondere , \midrule, \addlinespaceund \bottomrule– anstelle von \hline. Außerdem wird auf die vollständige Blocksatzausrichtung verzichtet.

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

\usepackage[a4paper,margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % set page parameters as needed
\providecommand\gls[1]{#1} % ??
% new:


\begin{longtable}{@{} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{14cm} r @{}}

%% headers and footers
\caption{Classificação das \textit{queries} do \gls{ssb}} \\
\textit{Query} & Group \\

\tablename\ \thetable, continued\\[1ex]
\textit{Query} & Group \\

\multicolumn{2}{r@{}}{Continue\dots} \\

%\multicolumn{2}{l}{End} \\

%% body of longtable
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonthnum = 199401 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 4 AND 6 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35;
& 1 \\ 
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_year = 1993 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 1 AND 3 AND lo\_quantity < 25;
& 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_weeknuminyear = 6 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND d\_year = 1994 AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 5 AND 7 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35;
& 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_category = 'MFGR\#12' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand;
& 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand BETWEEN 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND 'MFGR\#2228' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand;
& 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand = 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'EUROPE' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand;
& 1 \\
SELECT c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'ASIA' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
& 1 \\
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE c\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
& 1 \\
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_year >= 1992 AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
& 1 \\
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonth = 'Dec1997' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
& 1 \\
SELECT d\_year, c\_nation, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey  AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey  AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey  AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey  AND c\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND s\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, c\_nation ORDER BY d\_year, c\_nation;
& 1 \\
SELECT d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category ORDER BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category;
& 1 \\
SELECT d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND p\_category = 'MFGR\#14' GROUP BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand;
& 1 \\



Versuchen Sie es mit longtblrdem tabularrayPaket. Die Verwendung von MWE ist viel kürzer und klarer:



caption = {Classificação das \textit{queries} do},% \gls{ssb}
  label = {longtab:?}
                    ]{hline{2,Z} = {solid}, vline{2} = solid,
                      colspec = {X[j] c},
                      rowhead = 1
    & Group \\
%%%% table body
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonthnum = 199401 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 4 AND 6 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35; 
    & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_year = 1993 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 1 AND 3 AND lo\_quantity < 25;
    & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue FROM lineorder, dwdate WHERE d\_weeknuminyear = 6 AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND d\_year = 1994 AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 5 AND 7 AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35;
    & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_category = 'MFGR\#12' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; 
    & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand BETWEEN 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND 'MFGR\#2228' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand;
    & 1 \\
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier WHERE p\_brand = 'MFGR\#2221' AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND s\_region = 'EUROPE' GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand; 
    & 1 \\
SELECT c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'ASIA' AND s\_region = 'ASIA' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
    & 1 \\
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE c\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND d\_year >= 1992 AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
    & 1 \\
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_year >= 1992 AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') AND d\_year <= 1997 GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
    & 1 \\
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year, SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate WHERE d\_yearmonth = 'Dec1997' AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5') AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5') GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
    & 1 \\
SELECT d\_year, c\_nation, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey  AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey  AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey  AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey  AND c\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND s\_region = 'AMERICA'  AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, c\_nation ORDER BY d\_year, c\_nation;
    & 1 \\
SELECT d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_region = 'AMERICA' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2') GROUP BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category ORDER BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category;
    & 1 \\
SELECT d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand, SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND c\_region = 'AMERICA' AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES' AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998) AND p\_category = 'MFGR\#14' GROUP BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand ORDER BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand;
    & 1 \\

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Die Antwort von @Celdor ist sehr interessant, deshalb versuche ich, seinen Ansatz in meiner Antwort umzusetzen. Mir wurde schnell klar, dass dies nicht so einfach ist, da Listen nicht direkt in tabularrayZellen eingefügt werden können, selbst wenn Sie verbdie Option verwenden (es werden nur Kurzbefehle unterstützt \verb).

Mit Hilfe von @Paul GaboritAntwortZu meiner Hilfeanfrage finden Sie unten eine mögliche Lösung für Ihr Problem:



SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d\_yearmonthnum = 199401
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 4
    AND 6
    AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35;
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue F
    ROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d\_year = 1993
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 1
    AND 3
    AND lo\_quantity < 25;
SELECT SUM(lo\_extendedprice*lo\_discount) AS revenue
    FROM lineorder, dwdate
WHERE d\_weeknuminyear = 6
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND d\_year = 1994
    AND lo\_discount BETWEEN 5
    AND 7
    AND lo\_quantity BETWEEN 26 AND 35;
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand
    FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier
WHERE p\_category = 'MFGR\#12'
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND s\_region = 'AMERICA'
    GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand
    ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand;
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand
    FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier
WHERE p\_brand BETWEEN 'MFGR\#2221'
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND 'MFGR\#2228' AND s\_region = 'ASIA'
    GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand
    ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand;
SELECT SUM(lo\_revenue), d\_year, p\_brand
    FROM lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier
WHERE p\_brand = 'MFGR\#2221'
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND s\_region = 'EUROPE'
    GROUP BY d\_year, p\_brand
    ORDER BY d\_year, p\_brand;
SELECT c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year,
    SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue
    FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate
WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND c\_region = 'ASIA'
    AND s\_region = 'ASIA'
    AND d\_year >= 1992
    AND d\_year <= 1997
    GROUP BY c\_nation, s\_nation, d\_year
    ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year,
    SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue
    FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate
    AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES'
    AND d\_year >= 1992
    AND d\_year <= 1997
    GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year
    ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year,
    SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue
    FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate
WHERE d\_year >= 1992
    AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5')
    AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5')
    AND d\_year <= 1997
    GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year
    ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
SELECT c\_city, s\_city, d\_year,
    SUM(lo\_revenue) AS revenue
    FROM customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate
WHERE d\_yearmonth = 'Dec1997'
    AND lo\_custkey = c\_custkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND (c\_city='UNITED KI1' OR c\_city='UNITED KI5')
    AND (s\_city='UNITED KI1' OR s\_city='UNITED KI5')
    GROUP BY c\_city, s\_city, d\_year
    ORDER BY d\_year asc, revenue DESC;
SELECT d\_year, c\_nation,
    SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit
    FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder
WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND c\_region = 'AMERICA'
    AND s\_region = 'AMERICA'
    AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2')
    GROUP BY d\_year, c\_nation
    ORDER BY d\_year, c\_nation;
SELECT d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category,
    SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit
    FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder
WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND c\_region = 'AMERICA'
    AND s\_region = 'AMERICA'
    AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998)
    AND (p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#1' OR p\_mfgr = 'MFGR\#2')
    GROUP BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category
    ORDER BY d\_year, s\_nation, p\_category;
SELECT d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand,
    SUM(lo\_revenue - lo\_supplycost) AS profit
    FROM dwdate, customer, supplier, part, lineorder
WHERE lo\_custkey = c\_custkey
    AND lo\_suppkey = s\_suppkey
    AND lo\_partkey = p\_partkey
    AND lo\_orderdate = d\_datekey
    AND c\_region = 'AMERICA'
    AND s\_nation = 'UNITED STATES'
    AND (d\_year = 1997 OR d\_year = 1998)
    AND p\_category = 'MFGR\#14'
    GROUP BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand
    ORDER BY d\_year, s\_city, p\_brand;

caption = {Classificação das \textit{queries} do},% \gls{ssb}
  label = {longtab:?}
                    ]{hline{2,Z} = {solid}, 
                      colspec = {X[j,m] | c},
                      row{1} = {font=\itshape}, 
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-1.tex}  & 1 \\
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  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-3.tex}  & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-4.tex}  & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-5.tex}  & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-6.tex}  & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-7.tex}  & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-8.tex}  & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-9.tex}  & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-10.tex} & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-11.tex} & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-12.tex} & 1 \\
  \lstinputlisting{\jobname-sql-13.tex} & 1 \\

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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