Reduzieren des Abstands zwischen Zeilenumbrüchen \\ in einer Tabelle

Reduzieren des Abstands zwischen Zeilenumbrüchen \\ in einer Tabelle

Wie kann ich den Abstand zwischen den Zeilen verringern, der \\in der folgenden Tabelle entsteht?

\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering 
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{5pt}} p{\linewidth}}
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
\textbf{\footnotesize Monetary Policy} \\
\scriptsize 1) Monetary Authority  Loans Through the Asset Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility  AMLF  and Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility  MMLF   Asset  Level Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 2) Rest of the World  Other U S  Reserve Assets  Other Claims  Liability  Transactions Lag 0 \\ \scriptsize 3) Monetary Authority  Depository Institution Loans N E C  to Other Financial Business  Commercial Paper Funding Facility LLC   Asset  Transactions Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 4) Rest of the World  Other U S  Reserve Assets  Other Claims  Liability  Revaluation Lag 0 \\
\textbf{\footnotesize Public Sector} \\
\scriptsize 1) Rest of the World  U S  Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions and Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF  Liability  Revaluation Lag 0 \\ \scriptsize 2) Government Sponsored Enterprises  Equity Capital of Farm Credit System  Transactions Lag 3 \\ \scriptsize 3) Government Sponsored Enterprises  Equity Capital of Farm Credit System  Transactions Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 4) Rest of the World  U S  Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions and Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF  Liability  Revaluation Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 5) Government Sponsored Enterprises  Corporate Equities Held by Freddie Mac  Asset  Level Lag 0 \\ \scriptsize 6) Rest of the World  U S  Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions and Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF  Liability  Revaluation Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 7) General Government  Other Accounts Payable Including SDR Allocations  Liability  IMA   Revaluation Lag 4 \\\scriptsize  8) State and Local Governments  Foreign Bonds  Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 2 \\ 
\textbf{\footnotesize Labor Market} \\
\scriptsize 1) Employment Level   Agriculture and Related Industries  Wage and Salary Workers Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 2) State and Local Government Employee Defined Benefit Retirement Funds  Total Time and Savings Deposits  Asset  Transactions Lag 0 \\ \scriptsize 3) State and Local Government Employee Defined Benefit Retirement Funds  Total Time and Savings Deposits  Asset  Transactions Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 4) Unemployment Rate   Nonagriculture  Private Wage and Salary Workers Lag 3 \\ \scriptsize 5) Pension Funds  Security Repurchase Agreements Issued by the Rest of the World  Asset  FWTW   Revaluation Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 6) Pension Funds  Corporate Equities  Asset  Transactions Lag 2 \\ \scriptsize 7) Domestic Financial Sectors  Insurance  Pension and Standardized Guarantee Schemes  Asset  IMA   Revaluation Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 8) Private Pension Funds  Security Repurchase Agreements  Asset  Transactions Lag 3 \\ \scriptsize  9) Private Pension Funds  Security Repurchase Agreements  Asset  Transactions Lag 2 \\ 
\textbf{\footnotesize Recession} \\
\scriptsize 1) NBER based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Period following the Peak through the Trough Lag 2 \\ \scriptsize 2) NBER based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak through the Period preceding the Trough Lag 3 \\ \scriptsize 3) OECD based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak through the Trough Lag 2 \\ \scriptsize 4) OECD based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak through the Trough 1 Lag 2 \\ 
\textbf{\footnotesize Housing and Mortgages} \\
\scriptsize 1) Households and Nonprofit Organizations  Commercial and Multifamily Residential Mortgages  Asset  Transactions Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 2) Households and Nonprofit Organizations  Commercial and Multifamily Residential Mortgages  Asset  Transactions Lag 2 \\ \scriptsize 3) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by RTC  Asset  Level Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 4) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages  Asset  Transactions Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 5) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by Public Housing Administration  PHA   Asset  Transactions Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 6) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by RTC  Asset  Level Lag 3 \\ 
\textbf{\footnotesize Private Sector} \\
\scriptsize 1) Rest of the World  Corporate Bonds Issued by Netherlands Antillean Financial Subsidiaries of U S  Corporations  Asset  Revaluation Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 2)  Security Brokers and Dealers  Payables to Customer and Rest of the World Noncustomers  Free Credit  Margin Deposits  and Other Payables   Liability  Transactions Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 3) Total Consumer Credit Owned by Depository Institutions  Flow Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 4) Domestic Financial Sectors  Net Saving Including Foreign Earnings Retained Abroad and CCAdj Less Net Capital Transfers Paid  Other Than for Financial Stabilization Program   Transactions Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 5) Rest of the World  Debt Securities and Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Issued by Financial Corporations  Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 6) Holding Companies  Security Repurchase Agreements Issued by the Rest of the World  Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 0 \\ \scriptsize 7) Private Depository Institutions  Total Time and Savings Deposits  Liability  Transactions Lag 1 \\ \scriptsize 8) Rest of the World  Corporate Bonds Issued by Netherlands Antillean Financial Subsidiaries of U S  Corporations  Asset  Transactions Lag 0 \\  \scriptsize 9)  Nonprofit Organizations  Municipal Securities  Sum of Holders   Liability  FWTW   Transactions Lag 4 \\ \scriptsize 10) Domestic Financial Sectors  Net Saving Including Foreign Earnings Retained Abroad and CCAdj Less Net Capital Transfers Paid  Other Than for Financial Stabilization Program   Transactions Lag 2 \\ \scriptsize 11) Other Financial Corporations and Insurance Companies and Pension Funds  Net Claims on Nonfinancial Businesses and Households and Nonprofit Organizations  Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 4 \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
\caption{ } 


Sie möchten nicht tabulardamit beginnen und Sie möchten nicht skalieren.





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\theader{Monetary Policy}

1) Monetary Authority Loans Through the Asset Backed Commercial
   Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility AMLF and
   Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility MMLF Asset Level Lag~1

2) Rest of the World Other US Reserve Assets Other Claims Liability
   Transactions Lag~0

3) Monetary Authority Depository Institution Loans NEC to Other Financial
   Business Commercial Paper Funding Facility LLC Asset Transactions Lag~1

4) Rest of the World Other US Reserve Assets Other Claims Liability
   Revaluation Lag~0

\theader{Public Sector}

1) Rest of the World US Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions
   and Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF
   Liability Revaluation Lag~0

2) Government Sponsored Enterprises Equity Capital of Farm Credit System
   Transactions Lag~3

3) Government Sponsored Enterprises Equity Capital of Farm Credit System
   Transactions Lag~4

4) Rest of the World US Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions
   and Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF
   Liability Revaluation Lag~1

5) Government Sponsored Enterprises Corporate Equities Held by Freddie
   Mac Asset Level Lag~0

6) Rest of the World US Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions
   and Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF
   Liability Revaluation Lag~4

7) General Government Other Accounts Payable Including SDR Allocations
   Liability IMA Revaluation Lag~4

8) State and Local Governments Foreign Bonds Asset FWTW Transactions Lag~2

\theader{Labor Market}

1) Employment Level Agriculture and Related Industries Wage and Salary
   Workers Lag~1

2) State and Local Government Employee Defined Benefit Retirement Funds
   Total Time and Savings Deposits Asset Transactions Lag~0

3) State and Local Government Employee Defined Benefit Retirement Funds
   Total Time and Savings Deposits Asset Transactions Lag~1

4) Unemployment Rate Nonagriculture Private Wage and Salary Workers

5) Pension Funds Security Repurchase Agreements Issued by the Rest of the
   World Asset FWTW Revaluation Lag~4

6) Pension Funds Corporate Equities Asset Transactions Lag~2

7) Domestic Financial Sectors Insurance Pension and Standardized Guarantee
   Schemes Asset IMA Revaluation Lag~4

8) Private Pension Funds Security Repurchase Agreements Asset Transactions

9) Private Pension Funds Security Repurchase Agreements Asset Transactions


1) NBER based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Period
   following the Peak through the Trough Lag~2

2) NBER based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak
   through the Period preceding the Trough Lag~3

3) OECD based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak
   through the Trough Lag~2 \\ 4) OECD based Recession Indicators for
   the United States from the Peak through the Trough 1 Lag~2

\theader{Housing and Mortgages}

1) Households and Nonprofit Organizations Commercial and Multifamily
   Residential Mortgages Asset Transactions Lag~1

2) Households and Nonprofit Organizations Commercial and Multifamily
   Residential Mortgages Asset Transactions Lag~2

3) Federal Government One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by
   RTC Asset Level Lag~1

4) Federal Government One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Asset
   Transactions Lag~4

5) Federal Government One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by
   Public Housing Administration PHA Asset Transactions Lag~4

6) Federal Government One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by
   RTC Asset Level Lag~3

\theader{Private Sector}

1) Rest of the World Corporate Bonds Issued by Netherlands Antillean
   Financial Subsidiaries of US Corporations Asset Revaluation Lag~4

2) Security Brokers and Dealers Payables to Customer and Rest of the
   World Noncustomers Free Credit Margin Deposits and Other Payables
   Liability Transactions Lag~4

3) Total Consumer Credit Owned by Depository Institutions Flow Lag~1

4) Domestic Financial Sectors Net Saving Including Foreign Earnings
   Retained Abroad and CCAdj Less Net Capital Transfers Paid Other
   Than for Financial Stabilization Program Transactions Lag~1

5) Rest of the World Debt Securities and Negotiable Certificates of
   Deposit Issued by Financial Corporations Asset FWTW Transactions

6) Holding Companies Security Repurchase Agreements Issued by the
   Rest of the World Asset FWTW Transactions Lag~0

7) Private Depository Institutions Total Time and Savings Deposits
   Liability Transactions Lag~1

8) Rest of the World Corporate Bonds Issued by Netherlands Antillean
   Financial Subsidiaries of US Corporations Asset Transactions Lag~0

9) Nonprofit Organizations Municipal Securities Sum of Holders
   Liability FWTW Transactions Lag~4

10) Domestic Financial Sectors Net Saving Including Foreign Earnings
    Retained Abroad and CCAdj Less Net Capital Transfers Paid Other
    Than for Financial Stabilization Program Transactions Lag~2

11) Other Financial Corporations and Insurance Companies and Pension
    Funds Net Claims on Nonfinancial Businesses and Households and
    Nonprofit Organizations Asset FWTW Transactions Lag~4

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