Fügen Sie dem Inhaltsverzeichnis einen Abschnitt der Tabelle hinzu

Fügen Sie dem Inhaltsverzeichnis einen Abschnitt der Tabelle hinzu

Ich verwende eine lange Tabelle „longtblr“, die sich über 5 Seiten erstreckt. Die Tabelle befindet sich unter \section. Die Tabelle hat mehrere Themen mit vielen Parametern: das heißt 10 Zeilen zu ITEM_a und 30 Zeilen zu ITEM_b, .... Vom Inhaltsverzeichnis aus kann ich nur zum Anfang der Tabelle gelangen. Und wenn das gewünschte Thema beispielsweise am Ende der Tabelle steht, muss ich 5 Seiten nach unten scrollen.

Wie kann ich der Tabelle Links oder Unterabschnitte hinzufügen, die im Inhaltsverzeichnis unter dem Hauptabschnitt angezeigt werden?

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

\title{Sections and Chapters}
\author{Gubert Farnsworth}
\date{ }




\begin{longtable}[c]{| c | c |}
\caption{Long table caption.\label{long}}\\
 \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{Begin of Table}\\
 Something & something else\\

 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Continuation of Table \ref{long}}\\
 Something & something else\\


 \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{End of Table}\\

 ITEM\_a         & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
ITEM\_b             & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
ITEM\_c           & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
ITEM\_d           & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
ITEM\_e           & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\

\section{Second Section}



Es ist ziemlich unklar, warum Sie das ITEM_…im Inhaltsverzeichnis und nicht im Tabellenverzeichnis haben möchten, aber Sie sind der Boss …

Wie üblich können Sie \addcontentslineEinträge zum Inhaltsverzeichnis hinzufügen. In Ihrem Fall wäre es am sinnvollsten, die subsectionEbene zu verwenden, also verwenden Sie



Ich würde auch vorschlagen, zum Generieren der Elemente einen Befehl zu verwenden:


\title{Sections and Chapters}
\author{Gubert Farnsworth}
\date{ }

  \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{ITEM\_#1}% ToC entry
  ITEM\_#1% item





\begin{longtable}[c]{| c | c |}
\caption{Long table caption.\label{long}}\\
 \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{Begin of Table}\\
 Something & something else\\

 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Continuation of Table \ref{long}}\\
 Something & something else\\


 \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{End of Table}\\

 \ITEM{a}         & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
\ITEM{b}             & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
\ITEM{c}           & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
\ITEM{d}           & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
\ITEM{e}           & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\
                 & like this\\

\section{Second Section}


Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Nur eine Meinung: Solche Tabellen mit vielen vertikalen und horizontalen Linien sind nicht nur hässlich, sondern auch typografisch fragwürdig. Für Tabellen mit zwei Spalten und einer Art (nummerierter) Elemente wird oft eine Aufzählungsliste mitPaketenumitemist die bessere Lösung.

verwandte Informationen