Fehler \centering mit \multicolumn

Fehler \centering mit \multicolumn


\caption[Structural properties of $5$ networks charging of the $5$ biological
functions and the global network]{\textbf{Structural properties of $5$ networks
charging of the $5$ biological functions and the global network}.
\textbf{Notes}: CCs is short for Connected Components, Clus.Coef. means
Clustering Coefficient}
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}p{0.75cm}}{\textbf{Network}} &
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}p{0.75cm}}{\textbf{Nb. CCs}} &
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}p{1.0cm}}{\textbf{Nb. Nodes}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}p{1.50cm}}{\textbf{Nb. Clusters}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}p{1.25cm}}{\textbf{Density}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}p{1.25cm}}{\textbf{Avg. Deg.}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}p{1.25cm}}{\textbf{Avg. Clus. Coef.}} \\
MNHPC   & 1 & 92 & 92 & 0.036 & 3 & 0.218 \\
Vss     & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.194 \\
Vac\_s  & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.205 \\
Vac\_f  & 1 & 92 & 92 & 0.036 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vac\_g  & 1 & 83 & 83 & 0.039 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vgl\_out    & 1 & 92 & 92 & 0.036 & 2 & 0.214 \\

Vss     & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.194 \\
Vac\_s  & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.205 \\
Vac\_f  & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vac\_g  & 41& 3  & 3  & 0.667 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vgl\_out    & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.036 & 2 & 0.214 \\

Vss     & 10& 70 & 70 & 0.048 & 2 & 0.194 \\
Vac\_s  & 8 & 74 & 74 & 0.044 & 2 & 0.205 \\
Vac\_f  & 5 & 81 & 81 & 0.040 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vac\_g  & 5 & 81 & 81 & 0.040 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vgl\_out    & 5 & 82 & 82 & 0.038 & 2 & 0.214 \\



Ich kann den Latex-Code nicht debuggen. Wissen Sie, wo das Problem liegt?

! Argument of \@firstoftwo has an extra }.
l.15 ...{>{\centering}p{0.75cm}}{\textbf{Network}}


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\caption{Structural properties of 5 networks charging of the 5 biological functions and the global network}
\thead{Network} & {\thead{Nb.\\ CCs}} & {\thead{Nb.\\ Nodes}} & {\thead{Nb.\\ Clusters}} & \thead{Density} &\thead{Avg.\\ Deg.}& \thead{Avg.\\ Clus.\\ Coef.}
MNHPC & 1 & 92 & 92 & 0.036 & 3 & 0.218 \\
Vss & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.194 \\
Vac\_s & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.205 \\
Vac\_f & 1 & 92 & 92 & 0.036 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vac\_g & 1 & 83 & 83 & 0.039 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vgl\_out & 1 & 92 & 92 & 0.036 & 2 & 0.214 \\
Vss & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.194 \\
Vac\_s & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 2 & 0.205 \\
Vac\_f & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.037 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vac\_g & 41& 3 & 3 & 0.667 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vgl\_out & 2 & 90 & 90 & 0.036 & 2 & 0.214 \\
Vss & 10& 70 & 70 & 0.048 & 2 & 0.194 \\
Vac\_s & 8 & 74 & 74 & 0.044 & 2 & 0.205 \\
Vac\_f & 5 & 81 & 81 & 0.040 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vac\_g & 5 & 81 & 81 & 0.040 & 3 & 0.215 \\
Vgl\_out & 5 & 82 & 82 & 0.038 & 2 & 0.214 \\
\item[$ \!\! $]\textbf{Notes}: CCs is short for Connected Components, Clus.Coef. means
Clustering Coefficient


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