IIRF - Umleitung des gesamten Datenverkehrs auf das HTTP-Äquivalent

IIRF - Umleitung des gesamten Datenverkehrs auf das HTTP-Äquivalent

Ich benutzeIIRFund ich habe einige Probleme damit, den gesamten Datenverkehr auf die sichere Version meiner Websites umzuleiten.

Also ... ich habe eine Website mit etwa 20 Apps in virtuellen Verzeichnissen in IIS6. Die Website benötigt 80 und 443 Datenverkehr. Ich möchte IIRF verwenden, um den gesamten Port 80-Datenverkehr umzuleiten. EG;

Zum sicheren Äquivalent (https).

Hier ist meine bisherige Konfiguration;

# Iirf.ini
# ini file for IIRF

RewriteLogLevel 1
RewriteLog D:\Websites\Apptemetry\IirfLogs
RewriteEngine ON
StatusInquiry ON
IterationLimit 5
RewriteLogLevel 3

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$
RedirectRule ^http(.*)$ https$1

Kann mir jemand die richtige Konfiguration empfehlen, um den gesamten Datenverkehr umzuleiten?

BEARBEITEN: Ich habe TestDriver mit einigen meiner URLs verwendet. Beim Verarbeiten einer der URLs tritt ein Fehler auf.

Trying to read config at 'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - -------------------------------------------------------
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - Ionic ISAPI Rewriting Filter (IIRF) x86 RELEASE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - IIRF was built on: May 30 2010 13:26:57
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetLogFile: app:'None'  new log:'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\IirfLogs.72072.log'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: actual log file 'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\IirfLogs.72072.log'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: ini file: 'D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: ini file timestamp: 2010/12/22 09:27:32 GMT Standard Time
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: cfg(0x009D59D8)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: LogLevel = 5
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: pass 2
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(8): RewriteEngine will be enabled.
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(9): StatusInquiry ON (--) (--)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(9): IIRF Status Inquiry is enabled at path '/iirfStatus' for local reque
sts only.
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(10): IterationLimit 5
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(12): RewriteCond   %{HTTPS}  off '(null)'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(13): RewriteCond   %{SERVER_PORT}  ^80$ '(null)'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: D:\Websites\Apptemetry\Iirf.ini(14): RedirectRule (rule 1)  '^(.*)$'  'https://att15web99/$1'   (null)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReadVdirConfig: Done reading INI for vdir(?), found 1 rules (0 errors, 0 warnings) on 16 lines
done reading new config
Processing URLs...(D:\Websites\Apptemetry\SampleUrls.txt)

Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - DoRewrites: Url: 'http://att15web99'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: depth=0
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'SCRIPT_NAME'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: no RewriteBase
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: pattern: ^(.*)$  subject: http://att15web99
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: 2 match
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: evaluating condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: cond 0x009D7090
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: alloc 7 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: vName(HTTPS) value()
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: in='%{HTTPS}' out=''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: ts1 ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: alloc 8 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: t() op(|) p(off)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: match result: -1 (No match)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Cond t(%{HTTPS}) op(|) p(off) => FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Child is non NULL (parent= 0x009D7090) (child= 0x009D72F0)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Current condition evaluates to FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Logical AND, ergo no need to evaluate Child condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalConditionList: rule 1, FALSE, Rule does not apply
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: returning 0

NO REWRITE 'http://att15web99' ==> --
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - DoRewrites: Url: 'http://att15web99/cmdb/'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: depth=0
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'SCRIPT_NAME'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: no RewriteBase
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: pattern: ^(.*)$  subject: http://att15web99/cmdb/
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: 2 match
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: Rule 1: evaluating condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: cond 0x009D7090
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: alloc 7 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: getting 'HTTPS'
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: 128 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GetServerVariable: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: vName(HTTPS) value()
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - ReplaceServerVariables: in='%{HTTPS}' out=''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: ts1 ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: alloc 8 bytes
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - GenerateReplacementString: result ''
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: t() op(|) p(off)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: match result: -1 (No match)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Cond t(%{HTTPS}) op(|) p(off) => FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Child is non NULL (parent= 0x009D7090) (child= 0x009D72F0)
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Current condition evaluates to FALSE
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalCondition: Logical AND, ergo no need to evaluate Child condition
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvalConditionList: rule 1, FALSE, Rule does not apply
Wed Dec 22 10:45:11 - 70920 - EvaluateRules: returning 0

NO REWRITE 'http://att15web99/cmdb/' ==> --
ERROR expected(ãé|@ùê|♫ãé|@ùê|╝¯↕)
        actual(NO REWRITE)

1 Errors in 1 Total Trials


Ändern Sie einfach eine Zeile

RedirectRule ^(.*)$ https://myserver/$1

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