Media Temple VE is over memory (happens quickly after restart)

Media Temple VE is over memory (happens quickly after restart)

I checked top and everything looks okay (but I'm kind of a noob, so ya).

I ran a $ free -m and it says 338/924 is free which doesn't seem so bad. However, MT reporting says mem was at 190% so I restarted the server and now it's already saying mem is at 110%.

Either way, how do I find the culprit?


Running top is a quick & easy way to find out what is using the most memory. (ve) Server's are development servers that are highly customizable & are only recommended to those with strong server administrations skills and command line knowledge. I found your account & see that a tech has responded to your support request with some more in depth info about your memory usage. If you have any more questions, feel free to respond to the support request & we'll get back to you ASAP!

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