apache bin rpm from source

apache bin rpm from source

I have apache source(1.3.x) and I have configured and installed it. Now I need to build a binary rpm with the compiled version that I have so that it can be installed in multiple other machines. The OS and environment I will be installing these will be constant. I understand I need to build a spec file but I am not sure how and what I need to know to build it.

I am just thinking if make install command can be used in some way to get my spec file, or the list of files I need to install, and modifications I need to do to some confs.

The apache 2.0.46, seem to have a spec file along, but for 1.3.x I do not see one.

oh yeha, I do not have the option to move to 2.2.x now, so I have to work with 1.3.x for some time.


When make install is done, CheckInstall will create a Slackware, RPM or Debian compatible package

  • you can look in the archives of an old RedHat (if I remember correctly 4) release which had apache 1.3.x and take the spec file as a start point

  • you can take the spec file of the 2.2.x version and adapt it

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