Detectando cambios de carpeta

Detectando cambios de carpeta

¿Existe alguna forma de detectar si un archivo se coloca en una carpeta (cambio de contenido del directorio) (no en un subdirectorio) y ejecutar un script php (sin Cron/Crontab) a través de CLI en Ubuntu 18.04?


Como se indicó en la respuesta anterior, instale inotify-tools:

sudo apt install -y inotify-tools

Ahora puedes usar el comando inotifywait:

inotifywait -m /your/dir -e create -e move |
while read path action file; do
  # your preferred command here

Con inotifywait --helpusted obtiene los eventos que puede monitorear:

    access      file or directory contents were read
    modify      file or directory contents were written
    attrib      file or directory attributes changed
    close_write file or directory closed, after being opened in
                writable mode
    close_nowrite   file or directory closed, after being opened in
                read-only mode
    close       file or directory closed, regardless of read/write mode
    open        file or directory opened
    moved_to    file or directory moved to watched directory
    moved_from  file or directory moved from watched directory
    move        file or directory moved to or from watched directory
    create      file or directory created within watched directory
    delete      file or directory deleted within watched directory
    delete_self file or directory was deleted
    unmount     file system containing file or directory unmounted


Uso inotifyque debería ser parte del inotify-toolspaquete.

Un script que se ejecuta en segundo plano podría verse así


while : 
  inotifywatch -e moved_to -e create /watched/dir && {
    php -f /path/to/script.php

información relacionada