Este script VBA que tengo recorre todas las hojas pero no veo el resultado en todas las hojas. ¿Cuál sería el motivo?
Sub A()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Dim ct As String
ct = ws.Range("H4").Text
If InStr(1, ct, "CELL") Then
For Each B In ws.Range("B7:B49").Cells
If IsNumeric(B) And B <> "" Then
Cells(B.Row, 9) = Trim(Cells(B.Row + 1, 8)) & Trim(Cells(B.Row + 2, 8))
Cells(B.Row + 1, 8) = ""
Cells(B.Row + 2, 8) = ""
If B.Row > 50 Then Exit For
End If
Next B
For Each C In ws.Range("C1:C50").Cells
If Cells(C.Row, C.Column - 1) = "" Then
Cells(C.Row, C.Column) = ""
End If
Next C
For Each D In ws.Range("D1:D50").Cells
Cells(D.Row, D.Column) = ""
Next D
For Each E In ws.Range("E1:E50").Cells
Cells(E.Row, E.Column) = ""
Next E
For Each F In ws.Range("F1:F50").Cells
Cells(F.Row, F.Column) = ""
Next F
For Each G In ws.Range("G1:G50").Cells
Cells(G.Row, G.Column) = ""
Next G
For Each D In ws.Range("D1:D50").Cells
Cells(D.Row, D.Column) = Cells(D.Row, D.Column + 4)
Cells(D.Row, D.Column + 4) = ""
Next D
For Each E In ws.Range("E1:E50").Cells
Cells(E.Row, E.Column) = Cells(E.Row, E.Column + 4)
Cells(E.Row, E.Column + 4) = ""
Next E
End If
Dim cat As String
cat = ws.Range("I4").Text
If InStr(1, cat, "CELL") Then
For Each B In ws.Range("B7:B49").Cells
If IsNumeric(B) And B <> "" Then
Cells(B.Row, 10) = Trim(Cells(B.Row + 1, 9)) & Trim(Cells(B.Row + 2, 9))
Cells(B.Row + 1, 9) = ""
Cells(B.Row + 2, 9) = ""
If B.Row > 50 Then Exit For
End If
Next B
For Each C In ws.Range("C1:C50").Cells
If Cells(C.Row, C.Column - 1) = "" Then
Cells(C.Row, C.Column) = ""
End If
Next C
For Each D In ws.Range("D1:D50").Cells
Cells(D.Row, D.Column) = ""
Next D
For Each E In ws.Range("E1:E50").Cells
Cells(E.Row, E.Column) = ""
Next E
For Each F In ws.Range("F1:F50").Cells
Cells(F.Row, F.Column) = ""
Next F
For Each G In ws.Range("G1:G50").Cells
Cells(G.Row, G.Column) = ""
Next G
For Each M In ws.Range("H1:H50").Cells
Cells(M.Row, M.Column) = ""
Next M
For Each D In ws.Range("D1:D50").Cells
Cells(D.Row, D.Column) = Cells(D.Row, D.Column + 5)
Cells(D.Row, D.Column + 5) = ""
Next D
For Each E In ws.Range("E1:E50").Cells
Cells(E.Row, E.Column) = Cells(E.Row, E.Column + 5)
Cells(E.Row, E.Column + 5) = ""
Next E
End If
Dim cate As String
cate = ws.Range("J4").Text
If InStr(1, cate, "CELL") Then
For Each B In ws.Range("B7:B49").Cells
If IsNumeric(B) And B <> "" Then
Cells(B.Row, 11) = Trim(Cells(B.Row + 1, 10)) & Trim(Cells(B.Row + 2, 10))
Cells(B.Row + 1, 10) = ""
Cells(B.Row + 2, 10) = ""
If B.Row > 50 Then Exit For
End If
Next B
For Each C In ws.Range("C1:C50").Cells
If Cells(C.Row, C.Column - 1) = "" Then
Cells(C.Row, C.Column) = ""
End If
Next C
For Each D In ws.Range("D1:D50").Cells
Cells(D.Row, D.Column) = ""
Next D
For Each E In ws.Range("E1:E50").Cells
Cells(E.Row, E.Column) = ""
Next E
For Each F In ws.Range("F1:F50").Cells
Cells(F.Row, F.Column) = ""
Next F
For Each G In ws.Range("G1:G50").Cells
Cells(G.Row, G.Column) = ""
Next G
For Each M In ws.Range("H1:H50").Cells
Cells(M.Row, M.Column) = ""
Next M
For Each I In ws.Range("I1:I50").Cells
Cells(I.Row, I.Column) = ""
Next I
For Each J In ws.Range("J1:J50").Cells
Cells(J.Row, J.Column) = ""
Next J
For Each D In ws.Range("D1:D50").Cells
Cells(D.Row, D.Column) = Cells(D.Row, D.Column + 6)
Cells(D.Row, D.Column + 6) = ""
Next D
For Each E In ws.Range("E1:E50").Cells
Cells(E.Row, E.Column) = Cells(E.Row, E.Column + 6)
Cells(E.Row, E.Column + 6) = ""
Next E
End If
Next ws
End Sub
¿Cuál podría ser la razón por la que recorre las hojas de trabajo y aún así no produce el resultado en el [ages?
Obtiene contenido de las distintas hojas de trabajo, pero no cambia el contenido de las distintas hojas de trabajo.
En su secuencia de comandos, hace referencia a ws para la hoja de trabajo, pero luego usa Celdas (...) para configurar su contenido. Deberías agregar ws. delante de él, por lo que su código se muestra como ws.cells(..., ...) = ""