¿Cómo enviar una notificación al usuario en Windows 8.1?

¿Cómo enviar una notificación al usuario en Windows 8.1?

Quiero hacer descansos mientras trabajo con la PC.

¿Cómo enviar una notificación al usuario cada 50 minutos en Windows 8.1?


Pruebe algo como esto:

//Sending a toast notification
public static async void SendNotificationAsync()
        NotificationHubClient hub = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString("<connection string. with full access>", "<hub name>");
        var toast = @"<toast><visual><binding template=""Stop using your PC!""><text id=""1"">50 Minutes are over. Have a break.</text></binding></visual></toast>";
        await hub.SendWindowsNativeNotificationAsync(toast);


//goes somewhere into your initialization part; initializes the timer and sets some variables
private Timer timer;
private int time;

timer = new Timer(){Interval = 1000*60};
timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);


//Timer class which is executed every minute?!
void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //if time (your countdown) is not null it's reduced by one again and again till it's null
          //if the left time is finally null the timer is stopped and the toast notification fired off
          //actually nothing

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