¿Cómo aprovisiono un teléfono duro para getonsip?

¿Cómo aprovisiono un teléfono duro para getonsip?

Al aprovisionar unCisco SPA 942teléfono duro, marca Linksys, ¿cómo termino la configuración?sorber(osorbete)?

SIP Address: [email protected]
Username: foo
Domain: getonsip.com
SIP Password: GHdjlRBfjdklHWD
Auth Username: getonsip_foo
Outbound Proxy: sip.onsip.com

En la SIPpestaña:

SIP Parameters

SIP Server Name:  getonsip.com
SIP User Agent Name: foo
SIP Reg User Agent Name: getonsip_foo

En la EXT 1pestaña hay:

SIP settings

SIP Port:   
SIP Proxy-Require:

También en la Ext 1pestaña hay:

Proxy and Registration

Use Outbound Proxy: 
Outbound Proxy:     
Use OB Proxy In Dialog:

Pero no estoy muy seguro de dónde Auth Usernamevan la contraseña y la contraseña de onsip. Cabe destacar que se utilizan getonsip.comen la dirección SIP y sip.onsip.comen el proxy.


La mejor opción: comuníquese con el soporte de onsip.com.

El nombre de usuario de autenticación se utiliza SÓLO si desea utilizar otro nombre (oculto) para la autenticación. Como no sabes nada sobre eso, déjalo en blanco o ponle el valor del nombre de usuario (ambas opciones funcionarán igual).

La contraseña se debe ingresar en un campo secreto.


Esto es lo que tengo hasta ahora:

Line Enable:  yes

Share Line Appearance 
Share Ext: private
Shared User ID:
Subscription Expires: 3600  

NAT Settings 
NAT Mapping Enable: no
NAT Keep Alive Enable: yes
NAT Keep Alive Msg: $NOTIFY
NAT Keep Alive Dest: $PROXY

 Network Settings 
SIP TOS/DiffServ Value: 0x68
SIP CoS Value: 3
RTP TOS/DiffServ Value: 0xb8
RTP CoS Value: 6
Network Jitter Level: high
Jitter Buffer Adjustment: up and down

SIP Settings 
SIP Transport:UDP
SIP Port: 5060
SIP 100REL Enable:no
EXT SIP Port: 
Auth Resync-Reboot:
SIP Proxy-Require: sip.linphone.org
SIP Remote-Party-ID:no
Referor Bye Delay: 0
Refer-To Target Contact:no
Referee Bye Delay: 0
SIP Debug Option:none
Refer Target Bye Delay:0 
Sticky 183:no
Auth INVITE:no
Ntfy Refer On 1xx-To-Inv:yes
Use Anonymous With RPID:yes
Set G729 annexb:none

Call Feature Settings 
Blind Attn-Xfer Enable: yes
MOH Server: [email protected]
Message Waiting:
Auth Page:no
Default Ring:1
Auth Page Realm: 
Conference Bridge URL:
Auth Page Password: 
Mailbox ID:
Voice Mail Server: 
State Agent:
CFWD Notify Serv:no
CFWD Notifier:  

Proxy and Registration 
Proxy: <custom_domain>.onsip.com
Use Outbound Proxy: yes
Outbound Proxy: sip.onsip.com
Use OB Proxy In Dialog: yes
Register: yes
Make Call Without Reg: no
Register Expires:3600
Ans Call Without Reg:yes
Use DNS SRV:no
DNS SRV Auto Prefix:no
Proxy Fallback Intvl:3600
Proxy Redundancy Method: normal

Subscriber Information 
Display Name: <first_name>
User ID: <sip_id>
Password: ***********************
Use Auth ID:yes
Auth ID: <custom_domain>
Mini Certificate: 
SRTP Private Key:  

Audio Configuration
 Preferred Codec:  G711u
Use Pref Codec Only: no
Second Preferred Codec: unspecified
Third Preferred Codec: unspecified
G729a Enable: yes
G723 Enable: yes
G726-16 Enable: yes
G726-24 Enable: yes
G726-32 Enable:G726-40 Enable: yes
Release Unused Codec:yes
DTMF Process AVT: yes

Silence Supp Enable:no

DTMF Tx Method: auto

Dial Plan 
Dial Plan:  (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
Caller ID Map: 
Enable IP Dialing: yes
Emergency Number:

lo cual creo que es correcto. No he resuelto todos los problemas, pero esto parece correcto. Variables:

custom_domain:   this is where you have sip_id@custom_domain.onsip.com
first_name:      I think this is just for display...?
sip_id:          for sip_id@custom_domain.onsip.com


lo probételnyxy configurar Asterisk para llamadas salientes, funciona de maravilla. Por alguna razón, la herramienta de aprovisionamiento que utiliza onsip simplemente no funciona.

Todo lo que realmente hice fue establecer que el teléfono funciona físicamente y que no hay problemas con la red. Hay una multitud de configuraciones en el teléfono, no esperes jugar con ellas.

Marcando desde el CLI a través de Asterisk:

mordor*CLI> channel originate SIP/thufir extension 18889809750@outgoing
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called thufir
    -- SIP/thufir-0000003a is ringing
    -- SIP/thufir-0000003a answered
    -- Executing [18889809750@outgoing:1] NoOp("SIP/thufir-0000003a", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [18889809750@outgoing:2] Log("SIP/thufir-0000003a", "NOTICE, Dialing out from "" <> to 8889809750 through SIP/TELNYX") in new stack
[Jul  3 01:11:07] NOTICE[5698][C-0000002a]: Ext. 18889809750:2 @ outgoing:  Dialing out from "" <> to 8889809750 through SIP/TELNYX
    -- Executing [18889809750@outgoing:3] Dial("SIP/thufir-0000003a", "SIP/TELNYX/8889809750,60") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/TELNYX/8889809750
       > 0x7f25a0053600 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
    -- SIP/TELNYX-0000003b is ringing
    -- SIP/TELNYX-0000003b answered SIP/thufir-0000003a
    -- Channel SIP/thufir-0000003a joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d5b17c07-f8df-4754-bc7f-447b26b71234>
    -- Channel SIP/TELNYX-0000003b joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d5b17c07-f8df-4754-bc7f-447b26b71234>
       > Bridge d5b17c07-f8df-4754-bc7f-447b26b71234: switching from simple_bridge technology to native_rtp
       > 0x7f2590009e80 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
    -- Channel SIP/thufir-0000003a left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <d5b17c07-f8df-4754-bc7f-447b26b71234>
    -- Channel SIP/TELNYX-0000003b left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <d5b17c07-f8df-4754-bc7f-447b26b71234>
  == Spawn extension (outgoing, 18889809750, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/thufir-0000003a'

Marcando desde el teléfono fijo:

  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [18888980975@myphones:1] NoOp("SIP/thufir-0000003c", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [18888980975@myphones:2] Log("SIP/thufir-0000003c", "NOTICE, Dialing out from "thufir" <thufir> to 8888980975 through SIP/TELNYX") in new stack
[Jul  3 01:11:41] NOTICE[5702][C-0000002b]: Ext. 18888980975:2 @ myphones:  Dialing out from "thufir" <thufir> to 8888980975 through SIP/TELNYX
    -- Executing [18888980975@myphones:3] Dial("SIP/thufir-0000003c", "SIP/TELNYX/8888980975,60") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/TELNYX/8888980975
    -- SIP/TELNYX-0000003d is ringing
    -- SIP/TELNYX-0000003d is making progress passing it to SIP/thufir-0000003c
    -- SIP/TELNYX-0000003d answered SIP/thufir-0000003c
    -- Channel SIP/thufir-0000003c joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <b113ae45-d191-4b8a-99fa-6f1aeba4a8dc>
    -- Channel SIP/TELNYX-0000003d joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <b113ae45-d191-4b8a-99fa-6f1aeba4a8dc>
       > Bridge b113ae45-d191-4b8a-99fa-6f1aeba4a8dc: switching from simple_bridge technology to native_rtp
       > 0x7f25d000cbe0 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
       > 0x7f25fc0055f0 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
    -- Channel SIP/thufir-0000003c left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <b113ae45-d191-4b8a-99fa-6f1aeba4a8dc>
    -- Channel SIP/TELNYX-0000003d left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <b113ae45-d191-4b8a-99fa-6f1aeba4a8dc>
  == Spawn extension (myphones, 18888980975, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/thufir-0000003c'
mordor*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username             Host                                    Dyn Forcerport Comedia    ACL Port     Status      Description                      
TELNYX/TELNYX                                  Yes        Yes            5060     OK (105 ms)                                  
demo_alice                (Unspecified)                            D  Yes        Yes            0        UNKNOWN                                      
demo_bob                  (Unspecified)                            D  Yes        Yes            0        UNKNOWN                                      
hawat/hawat               (Unspecified)                            D  Yes        Yes            0        UNKNOWN                                      
thufir/thufir                                 D  Yes        Yes            5062     OK (9 ms)                                    
5 sip peers [Monitored: 2 online, 3 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]
mordor*CLI> dialplan show 
__func_periodic_hook_context__  ael-builtin-h-bubble            ael-default                     ael-demo                        
ael-dundi-e164                  ael-dundi-e164-canonical        ael-dundi-e164-customers        ael-dundi-e164-local            
ael-dundi-e164-lookup           ael-dundi-e164-switch           ael-dundi-e164-via-pstn         ael-iaxprovider                 
ael-iaxtel700                   ael-international               ael-local                       ael-longdistance                
ael-std-exten-ael               ael-trunkint                    ael-trunkld                     ael-trunklocal                  
ael-trunktollfree               chanvar                         default                         demo                            
globals                         local                           outgoing                        parkedcalls                     
public                          myphones                        
mordor*CLI> dialplan show globals

    -- 5 variable(s)
mordor*CLI> dialplan show myphones
[ Context 'myphones' created by 'pbx_config' ]
  '1000' =>         1. Dial(SIP/1000)                             [pbx_config]
                    2. Hangup()                                   [pbx_config]
  '1001' =>         1. Dial(SIP/1001)                             [pbx_config]
                    2. Hangup()                                   [pbx_config]
  '201' =>          1. Answer()                                   [pbx_config]
                    2. Playback(tt-monty-knights)                 [pbx_config]
                    3. Hangup()                                   [pbx_config]
  '202' =>          1. Answer()                                   [pbx_config]
                    2. Playback(welcome)                          [pbx_config]
                    3. Playback(demo-echotest)                    [pbx_config]
                    4. Echo()                                     [pbx_config]
                    5. Playback(demo-echodone)                    [pbx_config]
                    6. Playback(vm-goodbye)                       [pbx_config]
                    7. Hangup()                                   [pbx_config]
  '4000' =>         1. Playback(tt-monkeys)                       [pbx_config]
  '5000' =>         1. Playback(tt-monkeysintro)                  [pbx_config]
  '555' =>          1. Playback(hello-world)                      [pbx_config]
                    2. Playback(echo-test)                        [pbx_config]
                    3. Echo()                                     [pbx_config]
                    4. Playback(demo-echodone)                    [pbx_config]
  '6001' =>         1. Dial(SIP/demo_alice,20)                    [pbx_config]
  '6002' =>         1. Dial(SIP/demo_bob,20)                      [pbx_config]
  '6003' =>         1. Dial(SIP/thufir,20)                        [pbx_config]
  '6004' =>         1. Dial(SIP/hawat,20)                         [pbx_config]
  Include =>        'outgoing'                                    [pbx_config]

-= 11 extensions (24 priorities) in 1 context. =-
mordor*CLI> dialplan show outgoing
[ Context 'outgoing' created by 'pbx_config' ]
  '_1NXXNXXXXXX' => 1. NoOp()                                     [pbx_config]
                    2. Log(NOTICE, Dialing out from ${CALLERID(all)} to ${EXTEN:1} through ${TOLL}) [pbx_config]
                    3. Dial(${TOLL}/${EXTEN:1},60)                [pbx_config]
                    4. Playtones(congestion)                      [pbx_config]
                    5. Hangup()                                   [pbx_config]

-= 1 extension (5 priorities) in 1 context. =-

información relacionada