Instalación del módulo Python sip 4.19.1 en Windows 7

Instalación del módulo Python sip 4.19.1 en Windows 7

Tengo un problema al instalar SIP 4.19.1.

Lo que he hecho hasta ahora: - installed Anaconda (for Python 3.6) with compiled SIP 4.18, - pip install sip "Successfully installed sip-4.19.1" - and nothing, still 4.18 exists only (sip -V).

Lo mismo cuando descargué Python 3.6: - no sip installed, - pip install sip, - still no sip. - downloaded manually SIP: * cmd > cd sip_dir > python, * make (here's going into insane loop cd sipgen > make and again) * so installed VC, * nmake (here comes an error with headers but I've fixed it) * nmake install > error

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