Dos interruptores sin conexión a Internet.

Dos interruptores sin conexión a Internet.

I recently got another switch and connected it in living room to be able to hard wire in more devices. When I connect the second switch I lost internet on all devices. Both switches are connected to wall panels which are connected back into the router via a network panel in a closet.

This is my current network setup:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Before having this setup, the Steam Link was hardwired into the wall port and the PS4 and Smart TV were connected via wi-fi coming from a second router that was connected to the office switch. The router that gets the fiber connection has its wi-fi mode turned off and just serves to provide the fiber to the other rooms.

All of the ports on both switches light up green like they are receiving traffic but I'm getting no internet access. As soon as I unplug the switch in the living room internet access returns. Any ideas as to what could be causing the problem?


Since the switches are unmanaged, VLAN problems or other configuration issues can be ruled out. A link issue (MDI-X to MDI-X without crossover) also seems unlikely - at least the GS108 supports Auto MDI-X and the link LEDs turn on

This leaves two major possibilites:

  1. the switch is faulty - test it offline just between two devices using alternating ports
  2. there's a loop on the switch, causing a broadcast storm, and interrupting the network

Edit: With the switch confirmed working and a loop being ruled out you need to make a more thorough survey of the connections. Usually, the activity LEDs should only indicate very low traffic levels. If you see a sudden increase when connecting one of the devices then something is wrong with that device.

Otra posibilidad es una colisión de configuración entre uno de los dispositivos y el enrutador. Intente conectar el interruptor que de otro modo estaría vacío y luego conecte los dispositivos uno por uno, verificando la conectividad a Internet cada vez y esperando unos minutos hasta que surjan problemas.

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