Eliminando `# ` inicial con awk

Eliminando `# ` inicial con awk

Estoy usando la siguiente función bash para capturar líneas entre ## mode: recy ## # End of rec, pero no puedo eliminar el principio #del resultado.

capture ()
 local efile="$1"

 local begorg endorg 
 begorg='^[[:space:]]*## mode: org$'
 endorg='^[[:space:]]*## # End of org$'
 awk -v bego="$begorg" -v endo="$endorg" \
   '$0 ~ bego { flag=1; next } 
    $0 ~ endo { flag=0; } 
    flag { sub(/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*/,""); print }' "$efile"

Esta es la entrada

archivo: prueba.sh

## mode: org
## * Using case statement
## # End of org
case $arg in
   echo "Author"
   ## mode: org
   ## ** Silent Error Reporting Mode (SERM) in getopts
   ## *** Detects warnings without printing built-in messages.
   ## *** Enabled by colon {:} as first character in shortopts.
   ## # End of org

 ## mode: org
 ## HDG: Handling function argument parsing with getopts
 ## Rmk: No call to {shift} is required with getopts
 ## Rmk: No hyphen {-} required when searching option names
 ## + Case patterns do not start with option hyphen {-} because
 ## + getopts strips off the hyphen and makes the value of {arg}
 ## + to be just the option letter.
 ## Rmk: Separating options from non-options with --
 ## + {getopts} stops processing options when the argument is not
 ## + defined as an option in {shortopts}; or if the argument is
 ## + "--", which explicitly terminates the list of options.
 ## Rmk: Using -- as value to an option
 ## + An option value can be -- without it being considered a
 ## + separator between options and non-options.
 ## + Example { edvart-getopts -g "--" }.
 ## Rmk: Explicitly testing for {--}
 ## + There is no need to test for {--} when using {getopts}.
 ## # End of org

Pero estoy obteniendo este resultado.

# * Using case statement

# ** Silent Error Reporting Mode (SERM) in getopts
# *** Detects warnings without printing built-in messages.
# *** Enabled by colon {:} as first character in shortopts.

# HDG: Handling function argument parsing with getopts
# Rmk: No call to {shift} is required with getopts
# Rmk: No hyphen {-} required when searching option names
# + Case patterns do not start with option hyphen {-} because
# + getopts strips off the hyphen and makes the value of {arg}
# + to be just the option letter.
# Rmk: Separating options from non-options with --
# + {getopts} stops processing options when the argument is not
# + defined as an option in {shortopts}; or if the argument is
# + "--", which explicitly terminates the list of options.
# Rmk: Using -- as value to an option
# + An option value can be -- without it being considered a
# + separator between options and non-options.
# + Example { edvart-getopts -g "--" }.
# Rmk: Explicitly testing for {--}
# + There is no need to test for {--} when using {getopts}.
# HDG: Silent Error Reporting Mode (SERM) in getopts
# Rmk: Detects warnings without printing built-in messages.
# Rmk: Enabled by colon {:} as first character in shortopts.

El resultado esperado es

* Using case statement
** Silent Error Reporting Mode (SERM) in getopts
*** Detects warnings without printing built-in messages.
*** Enabled by colon {:} as first character in shortopts.

HDG: Handling function argument parsing with getopts
Rmk: No call to {shift} is required with getopts
Rmk: No hyphen {-} required when searching option names
+ Case patterns do not start with option hyphen {-} because
+ getopts strips off the hyphen and makes the value of {arg}
+ to be just the option letter.
Rmk: Separating options from non-options with --
+ {getopts} stops processing options when the argument is not
+ defined as an option in {shortopts}; or if the argument is
+ "--", which explicitly terminates the list of options.
# Rmk: Using -- as value to an option
+ An option value can be -- without it being considered a
+ separator between options and non-options.
+ Example { edvart-getopts -g "--" }.
Rmk: Explicitly testing for {--}
+ There is no need to test for {--} when using {getopts}.
HDG: Silent Error Reporting Mode (SERM) in getopts
Rmk: Detects warnings without printing built-in messages.
Rmk: Enabled by colon {:} as first character in shortopts.


Obtienes ese resultado porque le estás indicando explícitamente a tu programa que solo elimine uno #, así que eso es lo que está haciendo:


Si cambia eso para usar #+para eliminar uno o más #, funcionará como se esperaba. A continuación, desea una línea vacía entre las secciones, por lo que necesitará una extra print ""cuando encuentre el final. Cambia tu función a esta:

capture ()
 local efile="$1"

 local begorg endorg 
 begorg='^[[:space:]]*## mode: org$'
 endorg='^[[:space:]]*## # End of org$'
 awk -v bego="$begorg" -v endo="$endorg" \
   '$0 ~ bego { flag=1; next } 
    $0 ~ endo { flag=0; print "" } 
    flag { sub(/^[[:space:]]*#+[[:space:]]*/,""); print }' "$efile"

Lo anterior produce:

$ capture file
* Using case statement

** Silent Error Reporting Mode (SERM) in getopts
*** Detects warnings without printing built-in messages.
*** Enabled by colon {:} as first character in shortopts.

HDG: Handling function argument parsing with getopts
Rmk: No call to {shift} is required with getopts
Rmk: No hyphen {-} required when searching option names
+ Case patterns do not start with option hyphen {-} because
+ getopts strips off the hyphen and makes the value of {arg}
+ to be just the option letter.
Rmk: Separating options from non-options with --
+ {getopts} stops processing options when the argument is not
+ defined as an option in {shortopts}; or if the argument is
+ "--", which explicitly terminates the list of options.
Rmk: Using -- as value to an option
+ An option value can be -- without it being considered a
+ separator between options and non-options.
+ Example { edvart-getopts -g "--" }.
Rmk: Explicitly testing for {--}
+ There is no need to test for {--} when using {getopts}.

Tenga en cuenta que esto no mantiene esta línea comentada como lo hizo en el resultado del ejemplo, pero supongo que fue solo un error ya que no parece haber nada especial en esa línea:

# Rmk: Using -- as value to an option


Puedes probar con este comando.

awk '{sub(/^#*/,"",$0);print }' filename

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