¿Cómo dibujar conjuntos matemáticos "anidados"?

¿Cómo dibujar conjuntos matemáticos "anidados"?

Quiero representar conjuntos matemáticos de números (R,Z,N) usando círculos anidados como este:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Esto se creó muy rápidamente con gimp, pero estoy tratando de hacerlo correctamente en tikz pero tengo algunos problemas principalmente para colocar círculos y etiquetas asociadas. Necesito una solución capaz de escalar. ¿Qué estrategia de ubicación debo utilizar? Lo intenté con

arriba =2

etc. pero no se escala correctamente?


Aquí hay una opción que usa circle \nodes y la positioningbiblioteca para colocar las etiquetas; scale=<factor>,transform shapete da escala:


\tikzset{set/.style={draw,circle,inner sep=0pt,align=center}}


\node[set,fill=blue!20,text width=3cm,label={[below=85pt of rea,text opacity=1]$\mathbb{R}$}] 
  (nat) at (0,-0.4)  (rea) {};
\node[set,fill=red!20,text width=2cm,label={[below=55pt of int]$\mathbb{Z}$}] 
  (int) at (0,-0.2)  {};
\node[set,fill=olive!20,text width=1cm] (nat) at (0,0) {$\mathbb{N}$};

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7,transform shape]
\node[set,fill=blue!20,text width=3cm,label={[below=85pt of rea]$\mathbb{R}$}] 
  (nat) at (0,-0.4)  (rea) {};
\node[set,fill=red!20,text width=2cm,label={[below=55pt of int]$\mathbb{Z}$}] 
  (int) at (0,-0.2)  {};
\node[set,fill=olive!20,text width=1cm] (nat) at (0,0) {$\mathbb{N}$};

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5,transform shape]
\node[set,fill=blue!20,text width=3cm,label={[below=85pt of rea]$\mathbb{R}$}] 
  (nat) at (0,-0.4)  (rea) {};
\node[set,fill=red!20,text width=2cm,label={[below=55pt of int]$\mathbb{Z}$}] 
  (int) at (0,-0.2)  {};
\node[set,fill=olive!20,text width=1cm] (nat) at (0,0) {$\mathbb{N}$};


ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Aquí hay una solución que utiliza bibliotecas positioning, fity .backgrounds

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

El preámbulo:


La \drawnestedsetsmacro:

  % initial position
  % number of sets
  % list of sets
  % reversed list of colors

  % position and draw labels of sets
  \coordinate (circle-0) at (#1);
  \coordinate (set-0) at (#1);
  \foreach \set [count=\c] in \listofnestedsets {
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\cminusone}{\c - 1}
    % label of current set (below previous nested set)
    \node[below=3pt of circle-\cminusone,inner sep=0]
    (set-\c) {$\mathbb{\set}$};
    % current set (fit current label and previous set)
    \node[circle,inner sep=0,fit=(circle-\cminusone)(set-\c)]
    (circle-\c) {};

  % draw and fill sets in reverse order
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
    \foreach \col[count=\c] in \reversedlistofcolors {
      \node[circle,draw,fill=\col,inner sep=0,
      fit=(circle-\invc)(set-\invcplusone)] {};

El documento:



Editar:Aquí hay una variante horizontal con elipses:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Y el código (nota: la \drawnestedsetsmacro es una versión modificada):


  % initial position
  % number of sets
  % list of sets
  % reversed list of colors

  % position and draw labels of sets
  \coordinate (circle-0) at (#1);
  \coordinate (set-0) at (#1);
  \foreach \set [count=\c] in \listofnestedsets {
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\cminusone}{\c - 1}
    % label of current set (below previous nested set)
    \node[right=3pt of circle-\cminusone,inner sep=0]
    (set-\c) {$\mathbb{\set}$};
    % current set (fit current label and previous set)
    \node[ellipse,inner sep=0,fit=(circle-\cminusone)(set-\c)]
    (circle-\c) {};

  % draw and fill sets in reverse order
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
    \foreach \col[count=\c] in \reversedlistofcolors {
      \node[ellipse,draw,fill=\col,inner sep=0,
      fit=(circle-\invc)(set-\invcplusone)] {};




Las respuestas de Gonzalo y Paul son excelentes. Estoy agregando mi versión aquí para variar. Es inferior en muchos sentidos, pero me esforcé en seleccionar los colores:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

% author: Patrick TOCHE, 21 Jan 2024.

\newcommand{\N}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}} }% set of natural numbers
\newcommand{\Z}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}} }% set of integers
\newcommand{\Q}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}} }% set of rational numbers
\newcommand{\R}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}} }% set of real numbers
\newcommand{\C}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}} }% set of complex numbers
\renewcommand{\H}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{H}} }% set of hypercomplex numbers
\newcommand{\T}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{T}} }% set of transcendental numbers

\newcommand{\e}{\mathrm{e}}% exponential number

  % color of set of Natural numbers
  % color of set of Integers
  % color of set of Rational numbers
  % color of set of Real numbers
  % color of set of Complex numbers
  % color of set of Hypercomplex numbers
  % color of set of Transcendental numbers

  % center coordinate of Natural numbers
  \coordinate (oN) at (0.0, 0.0);
  % center coordinate of Integers
  \coordinate (oZ) at (0.5, 0.5);
  % center coordinate of Rational numbers
  \coordinate (oQ) at (1.0, 1.0);
  % center coordinate of Real numbers
  \coordinate (oR) at (1.5, 1.5);
  % center coordinate of Complex numbers
  \coordinate (oC) at (2.0, 2.0);
  % center coordinate of Hypercomplex numbers
  \coordinate (oH) at (2.5, 2.5);
  % center coordinate of Transcendental numbers
  \coordinate (oT) at (0.5, 4.7);

  % set of Natural numbers
  \def\setN{(oN) ellipse (2.5 and 1.0)}
  % set of Integers
  \def\setZ{(oZ) ellipse (3.5 and 2.0)}
  % set of Rational numbers
  \def\setQ{(oQ) ellipse (4.5 and 3.0)}
  % set of Real numbers
  \def\setR{(oR) ellipse (5.5 and 4.0)}
  % set of Complex numbers
  \def\setC{(oC) ellipse (6.5 and 5.0)}
  % set of Hypercomplex numbers
  %\def\setH{(oH) ellipse (7.5 and 6.0)}
  % set of Transcendental numbers
  \def\setT{(oT) ellipse (1.5 and 0.67)}

  % define colors and sets

  % fill sets in reverse order of size

  % add set label for each set
  \node[font=\huge] (N) at (-.2, 0.5) {\N};
  \node[font=\huge] (Z) at (0.8, 2.0) {\Z};
  \node[font=\huge] (Q) at (1.8, 3.5) {\Q};
  \node[font=\huge] (R) at (2.8, 4.9) {\R};
  \node[font=\huge] (C) at (3.8, 6.3) {\C};
  %\node[font=\huge] (H) at (4.8, 7.8) {\H};
  %\node[font=\large] (T) at (0.8, 4.9) {\T};

  % add name label for each set
  \node[font=\large] [below=0ex of N] {Natural};
  \node[font=\large] [below=0ex of Z] {Integer};
  \node[font=\large] [below=0ex of Q] {Rational};
  \node[font=\large] [below=0ex of R] {Real};
  \node[font=\large] [below=0ex of C] {Complex};
  %\node[font=\large] [below=0ex of H] {Hypercomplex};
  %\node[font=\small] [below=-1ex of T] {Transcendental};

  % add number examples for each set
  \node[font=\small] [below right=3.5ex and -1em of N] {$1,2,3,4$};
  \node[font=\small] [below right=3.5ex and 1.5em of Z] {$-4,-3,-2,-1$};
  \node[font=\small] [below right=3.5ex and 2em of Q] {$-\frac{1}{2},\frac{22}{7},\frac{355}{113}$};
  \node[font=\small,align=left] [below right=1.5ex and 1em of R] {$\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3},\varphi$,\\ \quad$\pi,\e,\gamma$};
  \node[font=\small] [below right=3.5ex and 1em of C] {$\sqrt{-1},i,\sqrt{i},\e^{i}$};
  %\node[font=\small] [below right=3.5ex and -1em of H] {Hypercomplex};
  %\node[font=\small] [below=1ex of T] {$\pi,\e,\gamma$};


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