Estoy considerando usar TikZ para representar patrones de tono en una frase u oración (entonación).
Ya lo tengo para producir algunos resultados útiles, como en el MWE adjunto (aunque en 1.1 las líneas de base no parecen subir de nivel).
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, oneside]{article}
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text, Scale=MatchLowercase}
\setmainfont{Charis SIL}
\section{Marking intonation using TikZ}
\subsection{Setting words on different levels}
\cline{1-1} \noalign{\smallskip}
\tikz[x=1mm,y=1mm,baseline=12] \draw (0,10) node {\underline{Where}} (10,2) node {are} (20,2) node {you} (30,6) node {\underline{go}} (40,0) node{ing?}; & \textit{neutral/default - stress represented by underlining}\\
\cline{1-1} \noalign{\smallskip}
\tikz[x=1mm,y=1mm,baseline=12] \draw (0,0) node {Where} (10,10) node {\underline{are}} (20,5) node {you} (30,2) node {go} (40,0) node{ing?}; & \textit{ e.g. in response to ``I'm not going to the shops after all.''}\\
Why do ``are'' and ``you'' in the first example appear on slightly
different levels, even though they are both set to 1mm on the y axis?
Likewise for ``where'' and ``ing'' in the second example.
I'm not sure I'm using ``baseline'' properly here!
\subsection{As above, but boxed}
\node[draw] at (0,1) {\underline{Where}};
\node[draw] at (1,0.1) {are};
\node[draw] at (2,0.1) {you};
\node[draw] at (3,0.6) {\underline{go}};
\node[draw] at (4,0) {ing?};
Still have to figure out the difference between ``\textbackslash draw node'' and ``\textbackslash node[draw]''!
\subsection{Graphical contour}
\tikz[x=1mm,y=1mm,rounded corners=2mm] \draw[very thick, gray](0,10)--(10,2)--(20,2){[red]--(30,6)--(40,0)}; \\
Where are you~~~going?
\tikz[x=1mm,y=1mm,rounded corners=2mm] \draw[very thick, gray](0,10)--(12,2)--(23,2){[red]--(26,6)--(35,0)}; \\
Where are you going?
This is preferable to setting the individual words on different levels, but
requires trial and error in (i) matching the length of the whole contour to
the utterance, and (ii) spreading the parts of the contour to match the words
of the utterance, either by spacing the words (first example) or adjusting the
contour points (second example).
Sin embargo, mi consulta principal es si alguien tiene un método para solucionar el problema en 1.3. Esto implica prueba y error para ajustar el contorno a las palabras, y me preguntaba si hay alguna manera de anclar de alguna manera determinadas coordenadas de contorno a sílabas particulares. Sé que las líneas se pueden unir a los nodos, pero no he podido encontrar una manera de hacer que las líneas "floten" sobre los nodos. ¿Alguna sugerencia para permitir que una línea de texto se marque con puntos de anclaje a medida que se escribe, y luego se dibuje el contorno entre estos?
Siguiendo con la respuesta de Matthew Leingang, aquí está el mismo enfoque vinculado con un poco de azúcar sintáctico. Se mete con \catcode
cosas, por lo que hay que tener cuidado.
% When not followed by the optional argument
% the contour mark is set at the previous height.
\global\advance\contourmarkcount by1\relax%
\tikz[remember picture, overlay, y=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/contour scale}]
\path [yshift=\contourraise, shift={(0,\markshift)}]
coordinate (\contourmarkprefix-\tmpmark);%
intonation contour/.style={%
execute at begin node={%
append after command={%
\draw [contour] (\contourmarkprefix-1)
\foreach \y in {2,...,\the\contourmarkcount}{ -- (\contourmarkprefix-\y) };
% How far above the base line of the text,
raise contour/.code=\pgfmathsetlength\contourraise{#1},
% The `scale' for the values in the contour height specification
contour scale/.initial=3pt,
% The prefix for the contour marks.
contour mark prefix/.code=\xdef\contourmarkprefix{#1},
contour mark prefix=intonation contour,
rounded corners=1ex,
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
\node [intonation contour, raise contour=0.5cm]
{|[10]Where |[3]are |[3]you |[5]go|[2]ing|[0]?};
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
\node [intonation contour, raise contour=0.5cm, contour mark prefix=my contour]
{|[2]I |am |[7]fina|lly |[4]go|ing |[2]home|[0].};
\path [draw=red, ->] ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-2) -- ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-3)
node [midway, left] {\tiny rising};
\path [draw=red, ->] ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-4) -- ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-5)
node [midway, right] {\tiny falling};
Y solo por diversión, aquí hay una versión que no usa, remember picture
por lo que no necesita dos compilaciones. Además, no se puede perder el tiempo con los códigos de categoría. Desafortunadamente, es un poco más complicado y las cartas no están tipografiadas de manera ideal, ya que están todas en cajas separadas.
EDITARSe ha implementado un poco más de versatilidad, pero como resultado es un poco más complejo.
% How far above the base line of the text,
raise contour/.code=\pgfmathsetlength\contourraise{#1},
% The `scale' for the values in the contour height specification
contour scale/.initial=3pt,
% The prefix for the contour marks.
contour mark prefix/.code=\xdef\contourmarkprefix{#1},
contour mark prefix=contour,
% The style for the contour path
rounded corners=1ex,
% The style for the token nodes
contour token/.style={
anchor=base west,
inner sep=0pt,
text depth=0.6ex, % controls underline depth
contour underline/.style={
% The character to insert a mark (use with care)
contour mark character/.store in=\contourmarkchar,
contour mark character=|
\coordinate (token-0);
% Must check for a spaces
\advance\contourtokenunderlinestate by1\relax
\advance\contourmarkcount by1\relax%
% Code for inserting mark
\coordinate (\contourmarkprefix-\the\contourmarkcount)
at ([yshift=\contourraise, y=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/contour scale},
shift={(0,\currentcontourheight)}]token-\the\currenttokennumber.base east);
\def\customspace{{\hbox to 1ex{\hfill}}}
\advance\currenttokennumber by1%
% Code for typesetting token
\node [contour token/.try] at (token-\the\lasttokennumber.base east) (token-\the\currenttokennumber) {\@token};
% Manage underline state
\coordinate (underline start) at (token-\the\currenttokennumber.south west);
\coordinate (underline end) at (token-\the\currenttokennumber.south west);
\draw (underline start) -- (underline end);
% Code for drawing contour
\draw [contour] (\contourmarkprefix-1)
\foreach \y in {2,...,\the\contourmarkcount}{ -- (\contourmarkprefix-\y) };
\contour[raise contour=0.5cm]
{|[10]Where |[3]are |[3]_you_ |[5]go|[2]ing|[0]?}
raise contour=0.5cm,
contour mark prefix=my contour,
rounded corners=1mm,
line cap=round,
contour mark character=*]
{*[2]I *am *[7]_{fi}na*lly_ *[4]go*ing *[2]home*[0].};
\path [draw=red, ->] ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-2) -- ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-3)
node [midway, left] {\tiny rising};
\path [draw=red, ->] ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-4) -- ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-5)
node [midway, right] {\tiny falling};
\path (0,-0.25);
EDITAR:versión mejorada que, con suerte, cubra todos los casos de uso indicados anteriormente.
tight fit/.style={
inner sep=0pt,
outer sep=0pt,
% How far above the reference anchor of the text,
contour raise/.code=\pgfmathsetlength\contourraise{#1},
contour reference anchor/.store in=\contourreferenceanchor,
contour reference anchor=base east,
% The `scale' for the values in the contour height specification
contour scale/.store in=\contourscale,
contour scale=3pt,
% The prefix for the contour marks.
contour mark prefix/.store in=\contourmarkprefix,
contour mark prefix=contour,
% The style for the contour path
rounded corners=1ex,
% The style for the token nodes
every contour token/.style={
anchor=base west,
inner sep=0pt,
contour underline/.style={
% The character to insert a mark (use with care)
contour mark character/.store in=\contourmarkchar,
contour mark character=|,
% Want to change the code for contour marks? Use this key.
contour mark code/.store in=\contourmarkcode,
% Want to change the code for tokens? Use this key.
contour token code/.store in=\contourtokencode,
% Want to change the code for drawing the contour? Use this key.
contour code/.store in=\contourcode,
% Default stuff
contour mark code={%
\coordinate (\contourmarkprefix-\the\contourmarkcount)
at ([yshift=\contourraise, y=\contourscale,
contour token code={%
\node [every contour token/.try] at
(token-\the\lasttokennumber.base east)
(token-\the\currenttokennumber) {\token};
contour code={
\draw [contour] (\contourmarkprefix-1)
\foreach \y in {2,...,\the\contourmarkcount}{ --
(\contourmarkprefix-\y) };
% Don't draw the contour.
tokens only/.style={
contour code={}
% Only draw the contour (but the space is still used for the tokens)
contour only/.style={
every contour token/.append style={
execute at begin node={\setbox\contourbox=\hbox\bgroup},
execute at end node=\egroup\phantom{\box\contourbox}%
% Make tokens follow the contour marks.
tokens follow contour/.style={
tokens only,
contour token code={%
\node [every contour token/.try, y=\contourscale] at
(token-\the\lasttokennumber.base east |-
(token-\the\currenttokennumber) {\token};
% What style to use when drawing underline
% The underline is drawn along the south side of a node which
% takes this style.
underline token/.style={
inner ysep=1pt
% When grouping tokens (e.g., for putting box around)
% this style is applied to a node that is fitted around the group
token group/.style={
inner xsep=1pt,
inner ysep=2pt,
rounded corners=2pt
% Draw boxes around tokens groups.
box tokens/.style={
token group/.append style={
% Change the width of the spaces.
space token width/.code=\pgfmathsetlength\contourspacetokenwidth{#1},
space token width=0.125cm
\coordinate (token-0);
% Must check for a spaces
\advance\contourtokenunderlinestate by1\relax
\advance\contourmarkcount by1\relax%
% Code for inserting mark
\def\contourspacetoken{{\hbox to \contourspacetokenwidth{\hfill}}}
\node [tight fit, fit={(tokengroup)}, token group/.try] {};
\advance\currenttokennumber by1%
% Code for typesetting token
% Manage underline state
\node [tight fit, fit={(tokengroup) (underline)}]
\node [tight fit, fit={(tokengroup)}, token group/.try] {};
\node [tight fit,
(tokengroup) {};
\node [tight fit,
\node [tight fit, fit={(token-\the\currenttokennumber)}]
(underline) {};
\node [tight fit,fit={(token-\the\currenttokennumber) (underline)}]
(underline) {};
\node [tight fit, fit={(underline)}, underline token/.try]
(underline) {};
\draw [underline/.try]
(underline.south west) -- (underline.south east);
\node [tight fit, fit={(tokengroup) (underline)}]
(tokengroup) {};%
\node [tight fit, fit={(tokengroup)}, token group/.try] {};
% Code for drawing contour
\contour[tokens follow contour]
{|[10]_Where_ |[3]are you |[6]_go_|[1]ing?|[0]}
\contour[tokens follow contour, box tokens, space token width=0.2cm]
{|[10]_Where_ |[3]are you |[6]_go_ |[1]ing?|[0]}
\contour[contour raise=0.5cm]
{|[10]_Where_ |[3]are you |[6]_go_|[1]ing?|[0]}
\contour[contour raise=0.5cm]
{|[10]Where |[3]are |[3]_you_ |[5]go|[2]ing?|[0]}
\contour[contour raise=0.5cm, contour only, contour/.append style={dashed}]
{|[0]Where |[2]are |[8]you |[2]go|[2]ing?|[1]}
\contour[tokens follow contour,
contour mark character=*]
{*[2]I *am *[7]_{fi}na*lly_ *[4]go*ing *[2]_home_*[0]};
contour raise=0.5cm,
contour mark prefix=my contour,
rounded corners=1mm,
line cap=round,
contour mark character=*]
{*[2]I *am *[7]_{fi}na*lly_ *[4]go*ing *[2]home*[0].};
\path [draw=red, ->] ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-2) -- ([yshift=0.25cm]my
node [midway, left] {\tiny rising};
\path [draw=red, ->] ([yshift=0.25cm]my contour-4) -- ([yshift=0.25cm]my
node [midway, right] {\tiny falling};
yo usaría el famoso\tikzmark
macro y combinarlo con coordenadas de intersección. Aquí está el código:
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture,baseline] \node [anchor=base] (#1) {};}%
\tikzstyle{intonation}=[rounded corners=2mm,yshift=1.5ex]
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
\node{\tikzmark{w}Where \tikzmark{a}are \tikzmark{y}you \tikzmark{g}go\tikzmark{i}ing\tikzmark{q}?};
\draw[intonation] (w |- 0,1) -- (a |- 0,0.2) -- (y |- 0,0.2) -- (g |- 0,0.6) -- (q |- 0,0);
La \tikzmark
macro guarda las coordenadas del punto del documento en el que se llama. Entonces, el texto del nodo \tikzmark{w}Where \tikzmark{a}are...
guarda coordenadas llamadas w
, a
, etc., en varios puntos de la oración.
Si A
y B
son nodos o coordenadas de TikZ, entonces (A |- B)
es la intersección de una línea vertical que pasa por A
y una línea horizontal que pasa por B
. Así (w |- 0,1)
tiene como suXcoordinar el punto de la línea base izquierda delwendónde, yycoordenada 1. Puedes cambiar estoycoordine como desee para los otros nombres de coordenadas.
Aquí está el resultado:
Es posible que pueda diseñar una macro que especifique/marque el texto y defina ely-valores en el mismo argumento. Pero esta es una posible implementación.
No estoy seguro de haber puesto las coordenadas en los lugares correctos (y reutilizadas \zzb
en dos puntos) pero algo como
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, oneside]{article}
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text, Scale=MatchLowercase}
\setmainfont{Charis SIL}
\savecoordinate\zza{Where }
\savecoordinate\zzb{Where are you}
\savecoordinate\zzc{Where are you going?}
\tikz[x=1pt,y=1mm,rounded corners=2mm] \draw[very thick, gray](0,10)--(\zza,2)--(\zzb,2)--(\zzb,6)--(\zzc,0); \\
\mbox{Where are you going?}
El problema no lo es baseline
. Un entorno tikzpicture define un cuadro (un cuadro de tex). Esta caja tiene profundidad y altura. De forma predeterminada, la profundidad es nula y la altura es la altura del cuadro. Esto se debe a que el punto inferior izquierdo define la línea de base. En el siguiente código, escribí baseline=(current bounding box.east)
porque no quiero usar una tabla. Creo que es muy fácil colocar objetos con tikz. El texto \textit{neutral/default - stress represented by underlining}
está alineado con el centro del cuadro.
Observación: Necesito colocar el texto \mbox
porque hay un \overful box
texto con el siguiente.
El problema consonytúse evita con every node/.style={anchor=base}
. Es un problema de caja y profundidad. El cuadro con la letra y
tiene una gran profundidad. Con anchor=base
todos los nodos tenemos la misma línea base.
Última observación: para obtener el mismo resultado que con tabular, utilicé show background bottom
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.east),every node/.style={anchor=base},show background top,show background bottom]
\path (0,1) node {\underline{Where}} (1,.2) node {are} (2,.2) node {you} (3,.6) node {\underline{go}} (4,0) node{ing?};
\mbox{\textit{neutral/default - stress represented by underlining}}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.east),every node/.style={anchor=base},show background bottom]
\draw (0,0) node {Where} (1,1) node {\underline{are}} (2,.5) node {you} (3,.2) node {go} (4,0) node{ing?};
\mbox{\textit{e.g. in response to ``I'm not going to the shops after all.''}}%
Cuando agrega un nodo en una ruta, este nodo no es exactamente parte de la ruta. Es un objeto adjunto a la ruta, pero algunas opciones de la ruta no se utilizan para el nodo.
\draw node ...,
significa \path[draw] node ... ;
que decides dibujar el camino pero la draw
opción del camino no es la draw
opción del nodo. Si desea dibujar la ruta y el nodo, debe escribir\path[draw] node[draw] ... ;
Código completo y resultado.
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, oneside]{article}
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text, Scale=MatchLowercase}
\setmainfont{Charis SIL}
\section{Marking intonation using TikZ}
\subsection{Setting words on different levels}
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.east),every node/.style={anchor=base},show background top,show background bottom]
\path (0,1) node {\underline{Where}} (1,.2) node {are} (2,.2) node {you} (3,.6) node {\underline{go}} (4,0) node{ing?};
\mbox{\textit{neutral/default - stress represented by underlining}}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.east),every node/.style={anchor=base},show background bottom]
\draw (0,0) node {Where} (1,1) node {\underline{are}} (2,.5) node {you} (3,.2) node {go} (4,0) node{ing?};
\mbox{\textit{e.g. in response to ``I'm not going to the shops after all.''}}%
\subsection{Final attempt}
\node[anchor=base west,inner sep=0pt] (a) at (\xa,#2) {#1};
\path (a.west);\pgfgetlastxy{\xa}{\ya}
\path (a.base east) -- ++(1 ex,0) coordinate (a);
\path (a);
\def\multiwords#1 #2\@nil{%
\path (0,0) coordinate (a);
\next#1 \@nil %
\MarkWords{Where/1 are/.2 you/.2 go/.6 ing?/0}
\path[draw,red] (0,0) plot[smooth] coordinates{\tmp};