¿Cómo consigo espacios horizontales a la izquierda y a la derecha de los teoremas? Mi idea inicial era hacer la siguiente mala idea:
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{amsthm}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsthm
\newtheoremstyle{newplain} % name of the style to be used
{} % measure of space to leave above the theorem
{} % measure of space to leave below the theorem
{\addtolength{\leftskip}{2em}\addtolength{\rightskip}{2em}% this is probably bad!!!
\itshape} % commands on body of the theorem
{} % measure of space to indent (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
{\bfseries} % name of head font
{.} % punctuation between head and body
{5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt} % space after theorem head
{} % Manually specify head
The Lemma says
\begin{theorem}[Wigner-Eckart theorem]
The Matrix elements of a tensor operator can be rewritten as
y=(\partial_x y)x+c.
This equation does not does not have the correct formatting that was defined above.
Aquí hay una solución que utiliza eletoolbox
para envolver el changepage
El adjustwidth
entorno alrededor de su theorem
Las partes importantes son:
Obviamente puedes cambiarlo 2cm
como mejor te parezca.
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{amsthm}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsthm
\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] % numbered by the sections number
\begin{theorem}[Wigner-Eckart theorem]
The Matrix elements of a tensor operator $T_{q}^{(1)}$ can be rewritten as