¿Cómo centrar texto en un cuadro de esquema?

¿Cómo centrar texto en un cuadro de esquema?

Me gustaría que el texto en los nodos entre las flechas esté centrado en lugar de alineado a la izquierda. Usar \centeringo \begin{center} ... \end{center}alrededor de la minipágina o configurar text align=centerlas opciones de tikzpicture no ayuda. No puedo encontrar más orientación en elesquemaspaquete. (Estoy abierto a soluciones que no involucren este paquete).

\usepackage{tikz,xcolor, fontspec, schemata}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,positioning, decorations.pathreplacing}
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw,-latex',ultra thick]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 5em,auto,block]

    \node (prior-lit) {Prior literature};
    \node [below of=prior-lit] (aims-12) 
            \schema{\SB{Aims 1 \& 2}}{\SB{\textbf{Identify} Risk and protective factors for \\ nonmedical poly- and monosubstance use\\  location, position in social network, age, gender}}
    \node [below of=aims-12, below=0em] (mock-intervention) 
            \schema{\SB{Aim 3}}{\SB{\textbf{Simulate} responses of users with various \\ combinations  of risk and protective factors\\ to interventions on social networking sites}}

    \node [below of=mock-intervention] (real-intervention) {Real intervention};
    \node [below of=real-intervention] (outcomes) {Asses outcomes};

    \path[line] (prior-lit) -- (aims-12);
    \path[line] (aims-12) -- (mock-intervention); 
    \path[line, dashed] (mock-intervention) -- (real-intervention);
    \path[line, dashed] (real-intervention) -- (outcomes);

    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=1em,mirror,raise=4pt},yshift=-10] (5.5,-5) -- (5.5,0) node [right,black,midway,xshift=2em] {\textbf{Current grant}};

    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=1em,mirror,raise=4pt},yshift=-10] (5.5,-8) -- (5.5,-5.1) node [right,black,midway,xshift=2em] {\textbf{Future grants}};



¿Como esto?

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Las flechas están centradas en todo el nodo. Usé un tabularinterior \SB:

\usepackage{tikz,xcolor, fontspec, schemata}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,positioning, decorations.pathreplacing}
         line/.style = {draw,-latex',ultra thick}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 5em,auto,block]

    \node (prior-lit) {Prior literature};
    \node [below of=prior-lit] (aims-12)
     %   \begin{minipage}{\columnwidth}
            \schema{\SB{Aims 1 \& 2}}{\SB{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}\textbf{Identify} Risk and protective factors for \\ nonmedical poly- and monosubstance use\\  location, position in social network, age, gender\end{tabular}}}
     %   \end{minipage}
    \node [below of=aims-12, below=0em] (mock-intervention)
       % \begin{minipage}{\columnwidth}
            \schema{\SB{Aim 3}}{\SB{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}\textbf{Simulate} responses of users with various \\ combinations  of risk and protective factors\\ to interventions on social networking sites\end{tabular}}}
    %    \end{minipage}

    \node [below of=mock-intervention] (real-intervention) {Real intervention};
    \node [below of=real-intervention] (outcomes) {Asses outcomes};

    \path[line] (prior-lit) -- (aims-12);
    \path[line] (aims-12) -- (mock-intervention);
    \path[line, dashed] (mock-intervention) -- (real-intervention);
    \path[line, dashed] (real-intervention) -- (outcomes);

    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=1em,mirror,raise=4pt},yshift=-10] (5.5,-5) -- (5.5,0) node [right,black,midway,xshift=2em] {\textbf{Current grant}};

    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=1em,mirror,raise=4pt},yshift=-10] (5.5,-8) -- (5.5,-5.1) node [right,black,midway,xshift=2em] {\textbf{Future grants}};


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