Bloques en combinación con espaciado de balas.

Bloques en combinación con espaciado de balas.

He estado intentando crear mi segundo modelo Tikz basado enTikZ: Diagrama de un perceptrón. Logré modificarlo según mis conocimientos y experimentación de principiante, pero la parte que me falta y no puedo entender cómo hacer las balas. Estoy intentando reducir la distancia pero no hay efecto. Lo intenté distance node = 1 empero no tuve éxito por el momento. ¿Existe una posible solución a mi problema? Se proporciona una muestra del resultado. ProducciónSe agradece cualquier sugerencia.

\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing,calc} % braces {}


  minimum height=2em, 
  minimum width=5em,
  minimum size=2em
  text depth=4pt,
  text height=10pt


% Blocks
\node[input, name = input] {};
\node[sum, right = of input, node distance = 1em] (sum) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum, node distance = 6.5em] (stream) {Stream $2$};
\node[sum, right = of stream, node distance = 1em] (filter) {$F_2$};
\node[sum, above = of sum, node distance = 5em] (sum_2) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum_2, node distance = 6.5em] (stream_2) {Stream$1$};
\node[sum, right = of stream_2, node distance = 1em] (filter_2) {$F_1$};

% Bullets
\node[below of = sum, node distance = 3em] (dot) {$\bullet$} -- (dot);
\node[below of = dot, node distance = 1em] (dot_2) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_2);
\node[below of = dot_2, node distance = 1em] (dot_3) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_3);
\node[below of = stream, node distance = 3em] (dot_4) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_4);
\node[below of = dot_4, node distance = 1em] (dot_5) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_5);
\node[below of = dot_5, node distance = 1em] (dot_6) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_6);
\node[below of = filter, node distance = 3em] (dot_7) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_7);
\node[below of = dot_7, node distance = 1em] (dot_8) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_8);
\node[below of = dot_8, node distance = 1em] (dot_9) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_9);

% Blocks
\node[input, name = input_n] {};
\node[sum, below = of dot_3, node distance = 1em] (sum_n) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum_n, node distance = 6.5em] (stream_n) {Stream $n$};
\node[sum, right = of stream_n, node distance = 1em] (filter_n) {$F_n$};

% Sum
\node[sum, right = of filter, node distance = 3em] (total) {$\sum$};

% Oneway delay
\node[block, right of = total, node distance = 7.5em] (delay) {One Way Delay};
\node[block, right of = delay, node distance = 15em] (segments) {$MP_1$ $|$ $Payload_1$ $\dots$ $MP_n$ $|$ $Payload_n$};
\node[output,right = of segments] (output) {};

% Inputs
\node[input,left = of sum_2] (output_2) {};
\node[input,left = of sum_n] (output_n) {};

% Lines Center Block
\draw[->] (input) -- node [name = begging] {$IN_2$} (sum);
\draw[->] (sum) -- node {} (stream);
\draw[->] (stream) -- node {} (filter);
\draw[->] (filter) -- node {} (total);
\draw[->] (total) -- node {} (delay);
\draw[->] (delay) -- node {} (segments);
\draw[->] (segments) -- node {Data} (output);

% Lines Above Center Block
\draw[->] (sum_2) -- node {} (stream_2);
\draw[->] (stream_2) -- node {} (filter_2);
\draw[->] (filter_2) -- node {} (total);

% Lines Below Center Block
\draw[->] (sum_n) -- node {} (stream_n);
\draw[->] (stream_n) -- node {} (filter_n);
\draw[->] (filter_n) -- node {} (total);

% Input Lines
\draw[->] (output_2) -- node {$IN_1$} (sum_2);
\draw[->] (output_n) -- node {$IN_n$} (sum_n);

\end{tikzpicture} }% End of makebox
\caption{New Tikz}
\label{fig:tikz }


Te sugeriría un enfoque diferente que mantendrá un espacio constante entre las capas:

\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing,calc} % braces {}


  minimum height=2em, 
  minimum width=5em,
  minimum size=2em
  text depth=4pt,
  text height=10pt


% Blocks
\node[input, name = input] {};
\node[sum, right = of input, node distance = 1em] (sum) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum, node distance = 6.5em] (stream) {Stream $2$};
\node[sum, right = of stream, node distance = 1em] (filter) {$F_2$};
\node[sum, above = of sum, node distance = 5em] (sum_2) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum_2, node distance = 6.5em] (stream_2) {Stream$1$};
\node[sum, right = of stream_2, node distance = 1em] (filter_2) {$F_1$};

% Blocks
\node[input, name = input_n] {};
\node[sum, below = of sum, node distance = 1em] (sum_n) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum_n, node distance = 6.5em] (stream_n) {Stream $n$};
\node[sum, right = of stream_n, node distance = 1em] (filter_n) {$F_n$};

% Bullets
\foreach \Nodo in {sum,stream,filter}
  \node[rotate=90,font=\footnotesize] (dot) 
    at ( $ (\Nodo)!0.5!(\Nodo_n) $ ) {$\bullet\bullet\bullet$};

% Sum
\node[sum, right = of filter, node distance = 3em] (total) {$\sum$};

% Oneway delay
\node[block, right of = total, node distance = 7.5em] (delay) {One Way Delay};
\node[block, right of = delay, node distance = 15em] (segments) {$MP_1$ $|$ $Payload_1$ $\dots$ $MP_n$ $|$ $Payload_n$};
\node[output,right = of segments] (output) {};

% Inputs
\node[input,left = of sum_2] (output_2) {};
\node[input,left = of sum_n] (output_n) {};

% Lines Center Block
\draw[->] (input) -- node [name = begging] {$IN_2$} (sum);
\draw[->] (sum) -- node {} (stream);
\draw[->] (stream) -- node {} (filter);
\draw[->] (filter) -- node {} (total);
\draw[->] (total) -- node {} (delay);
\draw[->] (delay) -- node {} (segments);
\draw[->] (segments) -- node {Data} (output);

% Lines Above Center Block
\draw[->] (sum_2) -- node {} (stream_2);
\draw[->] (stream_2) -- node {} (filter_2);
\draw[->] (filter_2) -- node {} (total);

% Lines Below Center Block
\draw[->] (sum_n) -- node {} (stream_n);
\draw[->] (stream_n) -- node {} (filter_n);
\draw[->] (filter_n) -- node {} (total);

% Input Lines
\draw[->] (output_2) -- node {$IN_1$} (sum_2);
\draw[->] (output_n) -- node {$IN_n$} (sum_n);

\end{tikzpicture} }% End of makebox
\caption{New Tikz}
\label{fig:tikz }

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

La idea es dibujar primero todos los bloques y luego usar la calcbiblioteca (que ya cargaste) para colocar las viñetas exactamente a medio camino entre la segunda y la tercera capa (esto se puede hacer con un solo bucle):

% Bullets
\foreach \Nodo in {sum,stream,filter}
  \node[rotate=90,font=\footnotesize] (dot) 
    at ( $ (\Nodo)!0.5!(\Nodo_n) $ ) {$\bullet\bullet\bullet$};


Utilice únicamente una talla inferior a 1em. A continuación utilicé 0.7em:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


  • Para el espaciado vertical se debe usar la exdimensión en lugar de em(que se debe usar para la distancia horizontal).


\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing,calc} % braces {}


  minimum height=2em, 
  minimum width=5em,
  minimum size=2em
  text depth=4pt,
  text height=10pt


% Blocks
\node[input, name = input] {};
\node[sum, right = of input, node distance = 1em] (sum) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum, node distance = 6.5em] (stream) {Stream $2$};
\node[sum, right = of stream, node distance = 1em] (filter) {$F_2$};
\node[sum, above = of sum, node distance = 5em] (sum_2) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum_2, node distance = 6.5em] (stream_2) {Stream$1$};
\node[sum, right = of stream_2, node distance = 1em] (filter_2) {$F_1$};

% Bullets
\node[below of = sum, node distance = 3em] (dot) {$\bullet$} -- (dot);
\node[below of = dot, node distance = 0.7em] (dot_2) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_2);
\node[below of = dot_2, node distance = 0.7em] (dot_3) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_3);
\node[below of = stream, node distance = 3em] (dot_4) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_4);
\node[below of = dot_4, node distance = 0.7em] (dot_5) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_5);
\node[below of = dot_5, node distance = 0.7em] (dot_6) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_6);
\node[below of = filter, node distance = 3em] (dot_7) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_7);
\node[below of = dot_7, node distance = 0.7em] (dot_8) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_8);
\node[below of = dot_8, node distance = 0.7em] (dot_9) {$\bullet$} -- (dot_9);

% Blocks
\node[input, name = input_n] {};
\node[sum, below = of dot_3, node distance = 1em] (sum_n) {MP};
\node[block, right of = sum_n, node distance = 6.5em] (stream_n) {Stream $n$};
\node[sum, right = of stream_n, node distance = 1em] (filter_n) {$F_n$};

% Sum
\node[sum, right = of filter, node distance = 3em] (total) {$\sum$};

% Oneway delay
\node[block, right of = total, node distance = 7.5em] (delay) {One Way Delay};
\node[block, right of = delay, node distance = 15em] (segments) {$MP_1$ $|$ $Payload_1$ $\dots$ $MP_n$ $|$ $Payload_n$};
\node[output,right = of segments] (output) {};

% Inputs
\node[input,left = of sum_2] (output_2) {};
\node[input,left = of sum_n] (output_n) {};

% Lines Center Block
\draw[->] (input) -- node [name = begging] {$IN_2$} (sum);
\draw[->] (sum) -- node {} (stream);
\draw[->] (stream) -- node {} (filter);
\draw[->] (filter) -- node {} (total);
\draw[->] (total) -- node {} (delay);
\draw[->] (delay) -- node {} (segments);
\draw[->] (segments) -- node {Data} (output);

% Lines Above Center Block
\draw[->] (sum_2) -- node {} (stream_2);
\draw[->] (stream_2) -- node {} (filter_2);
\draw[->] (filter_2) -- node {} (total);

% Lines Below Center Block
\draw[->] (sum_n) -- node {} (stream_n);
\draw[->] (stream_n) -- node {} (filter_n);
\draw[->] (filter_n) -- node {} (total);

% Input Lines
\draw[->] (output_2) -- node {$IN_1$} (sum_2);
\draw[->] (output_n) -- node {$IN_n$} (sum_n);

\end{tikzpicture} }% End of makebox
\caption{New Tikz}
\label{fig:tikz }

información relacionada